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Skinny in her Black Dress

11241124 views33 comments11 fav

black hair/ (damp) around her ears Keys on the table Drinking coffee from a glass

Hashtagstory No. 1

868868 views33 comments11 fav

#whateverhappenedto #beforesex #whateverhappenedto #duringsex #whateverhappenedto #aftersex #nevertrust[written in August 2009]

london walking (empty streets)

854854 views33 comments11 fav

st. paul is steeped in fog. mist and rain make the north side a grainy faded photograph, almost timeless.

Things of Beauty

10081008 views33 comments33 favs

The cover features Lincoln as a woman. Lincoln as a woman is not a thing of beauty.

Men's Hair circa 2000

948948 views33 comments11 fav

When Beez and I were visiting D.C., Beez saw MDW after many years and said, almost so that MDW could hear him if he wished, “His hair looks like Beethoven’s.”

Where is Home?

867867 views33 comments33 favs

We are both 53 and this is the first time I’ve gotten past a third date with anyone from Match. Seth is different. I’m not sure why. My therapist said, “Well, maybe you’ll be good for each other. You both have to accept that you are recovering, or in reco

The Collector Of Twilights

504504 views33 comments33 favs

I like to collect twilights. I fold them carefully and put them in my wallet. They fit neatly between the dollar bills that have a weird tendency to curl. This bugs me. I don't know why they do that. Something to do with the design of the wallet. But the twilights fit…

Waiting for "Barney" (Mordecai Richler's version)

14611461 views33 comments22 favs

But there’s a special place in my heart for Richler’s tour de force of a novel, his grand finale, Barney’s Version. It has everything — humour, a whiff of mystery, poignancy, a suggested reading list for a literary illiterate like yours truly, the Falstaf

Charlie Brown’s Diary: Excerpts

24982498 views33 comments55 favs

Snoopy flies in today. His goggles scratched, one ear torn and bleeding, but his eyes aglow.

What's that on your glasses?

10351035 views33 comments33 favs

The shit just doesn't want to come off.

Homeless Haiku

660660 views33 comments33 favs

All I want is a

Bar at East Capitol Road

959959 views33 comments44 favs

My friend, drunk, spoke to me / outside a bar where we hung out; / and his eyes were red from tiredness,

My Mother Was a Bluebird - song

829829 views33 comments33 favs

My mother was a bluebird Who flew from tree to tree My father was a pilot Who flew right over me Her soul is still living There upon my tree My dad’s evaporated Right in front of me My brother’s soul has wandered Far away I see I


16051605 views33 comments22 favs

Since Patty got the lumpectomy, she won’t sleep with anyone but Cal, because he was the one who went with her to the hospital and wasn’t surprised when he saw the scar.

The Ache of Logic

979979 views33 comments11 fav

There is a the reason for the theft of people and the melting of gold

A Sudden Keen Nostalgia

916916 views33 comments22 favs

Junior year, word got around that Eric had lost his virginity to his sophomore girlfriend. She rode him on the back seat of his car. Eric wasn't keen to discuss it - he seemed to feel a certain blushing shame. It was almost as if he was raped.Eric was a scientist, first and…


11441144 views33 comments22 favs


Atoms of Sleep

284284 views33 comments22 favs

From the compass of the self the unifying leap,gravitate gently, atoms that sleep,to where mystery reclines and solution must rise,but only for a fraction a lifetime implies.No sphere sympathetic to station or throne.All peripatetic. No flesh. No bone.Nothing to…

Now We're Getting Somewhere

779779 views33 comments33 favs

Woman bites into pearl, finds baby oyster. Woman bites baby oyster, finds baby pearl. Woman blows on baby pearl, it begins to grow. Woman gets excited. Now we’re getting somewhere, she says.

The Martyr

972972 views33 comments11 fav

She sees her mother the Sunday after Zoe discovered her seven-week-old creation, like a chewed gingerbread man with red icing, in the toilet bowl beneath her.

Block Island Sound

11731173 views33 comments22 favs

So I’ll wait for her to clear all burden from her head and feel the ocean move us. Stand up, walk over to me and kiss me as we glided through open water.

Confiding in the Airsick Bag

14181418 views33 comments22 favs

In row nine, there was a lady on the window seat. Seeing the potential of space between us, I asked, “Mind if I take this one?” “Not at all” she said as if she hadn't a friend in the world, apart from the poor bastard now sitting in seat 9D.

A Little Piece of Humanity

12251225 views33 comments22 favs

It wasn't meant to happen like this— the shutter, the feeling of breathlessness when he touched her shoulder, even after he had pointed out all of the things she had done incorrectly throughout the day. They had been married for five years in February, and as…

A Record Setting Year

864864 views33 comments22 favs

it felt fucking awesome at that moment, in that way only little things can feel huge and life affirming


981981 views33 comments33 favs

Nephew Joe, my old brother's son, came to fix our pipes. Strapping, strapless, hairless, tanned, he clinked with gold. He came out to us over the pipes... drip drip...I just wanted them fixed pronto. He took precious time. He cried...drip drip...I wanted him to stop. My…

the way you make me feel

840840 views33 comments33 favs

out in space/ platonic forms/ dazzle with/ voluptuous grace

The Philosophy of Charlie Parker

24612461 views33 comments11 fav

If the sky is charcoal, it's laundry day. If it's cornflower blue, it's football in the empty square behind the school. If it's white like duck feathers, Hinckle Finckle will visit. If it's burnished gold, it's oscar wieners for dinner (we love oscar…

Fuck with death....again.

19281928 views33 comments11 fav

The grenadier moans in his sleep. He’s making love with a dead brown woman. A small, bone thin woman with heavy milk full breast. A dead child’s milk.


16371637 views33 comments22 favs

We are the generation who tattoo our stories on our bodies, who pierce what appears impenetrable; we fly our scars like pennants.

The Duck Economy

948948 views33 comments33 favs

It's early spring and rains leave miniature ponds not deep but attractive to a Drake and Mallard pair moving into the neighborhood settling quacking down. Not sensing transience in their comfortable puddle they get on swimmingly bottom…