Most discussed stories


13741374 views2020 comments1212 favs

burnt-up leaves rustle and fall

Stop-time Animation of the Cosmos

11861186 views2020 comments1111 favs

Reality for us must be broken so we can fix the one small insect of it we can capture and pin, wriggling.

Slanting Rain

19511951 views2020 comments1111 favs

...falling into that breathing abyss, and she can feel her heart pounding against it. A falling and falling that’s never ending. Frightening. How hard the thump will be if ever she lands. The darkness continues to breathe all around her.

Swimming Pool

17501750 views2020 comments1717 favs

My glasses fog up every time I go to collect her from the pool. I'll never get used to glasses. When my sight got suddenly worse the day she was born, I didn't tell anyone. As she turned from baby to child, my love for her grew, and my world got smaller,

Black Squirrel Poem

22112211 views2020 comments1313 favs

disorderly black squirrels / inhabit upper Michigan

On The Death of A Friend

17451745 views2020 comments1313 favs

I heard today about your friend

How Religion Got Its Start

14041404 views2020 comments1414 favs

In the bearded sun, I see a golden goat.

How To Rescue A Drowning Man

31003100 views2020 comments1111 favs

Maybe you should consider a few more things before embarking upon actual rescue, like: Is the victim hot? Not stove hot, idiot. Beauty hot. Will this be a triumph to save this person (like perhaps they are some Nobel laureate), or are you risking you

My Coyote

895895 views2020 comments1212 favs

I say her- it might be him-/ but from a distance I supply the details I prefer.

The Atlantic

12841284 views2020 comments88 favs

Phoebe-Lou Adams wrote this of them


14831483 views2020 comments1111 favs

...he thought often of the rollicking waves, of being pulled under, of being weightless and senseless...

Driving Years

989989 views2020 comments1111 favs

There was a form to it, not reproduction. I wanted to write Moby Dick without a man in it. [I wanted to write Moby Dick with only a woman in it.] But I didn't do it. It's like a seven-year diary, and it did happen. I might write it as memory then.


13681368 views2020 comments55 favs

He tells me that only a few things had happened in his life but some of them he had felt deeply.

Auto Imperative

15591559 views2020 comments1212 favs

I drove to you in April / and you loved me all through Illinois

Central Washington State On Five Dollars A Day

16241624 views2020 comments1515 favs

The tailfins of our ’57 Plymouth Fury dip and rock from the stress: Three boys—say no more?—jumping into the car. And Dad, loading suitcases into the trunk, working them around the steel cooler heavy with Cokes, root beers, ice. He slams the trunk lid dow

Off the record

19131913 views2020 comments88 favs

Writers, hopeful ones, hopeless ones, poets and petty penmen, worked as bartenders, librarians, substitute teachers, anything.


13871387 views2020 comments1818 favs

where I'm from

The Galleries

12961296 views2020 comments1111 favs

We invent our beauties// as we find them and engineer/ our horrors


18911891 views2020 comments1414 favs

The ethnographer turns on a recorder. The story began before but that is lost, like it never happened.

My Son Thinks He's French

19271927 views2020 comments99 favs

My son thinks he's French.His accent was cute at first, but it's starting to get on my nerves. If he asks for another glass of Beaujolais I'm gonna go to jail for child abuse.Yesterday, I walked upstairs to make him turn his new Jacques Brel album down and I swear it…

I Remember Kitty D.

13021302 views2020 comments1111 favs

When the car arrived, Kitty bounded out, lipstick-stained cigarette dangling, silver hair tightly teased. We could not escape her hug, smelling of peppermint and Aqua-Net and Jean Nate.

Still Life in a Bowl

15201520 views2020 comments1313 favs

I sprinkle seaweed over the water and all twelve rise to feed. Two of them went down the hole but knew to come up. A toilet has mouths and caverns, not a bad place at all for fish.

Mercury Unbound - 4

14681468 views2020 comments88 favs

The music, Antonín Dvořák's 'New World Symphony,' the second movement, 'Largo,' immediately alters my mood.


14131413 views2020 comments99 favs

Leaves dance their way down,unfazed by this September heat. Bus stop routines set already-summer ended years ago.A chipmunk scampers undera parked truck while once againthe young man does his morning…

Four Thousand Dollars from Baghdad

15731573 views2020 comments33 favs

“This is the most dangerous road in the world and you want to drive down it. You crazy,” he said.


14921492 views2020 comments1313 favs

A tiny story, 55 words, just enough to fit on a . . .

Zoo Story

20032003 views2020 comments1515 favs

I tell my friend, the animal lover, not to get too near the panther's cage. "Why not?" she asks. "You'll see," I say.

Slight of Hand

10981098 views2020 comments1212 favs

Our ironies don’t make us happy

The Mirror Tires of Looking at Itself

13881388 views1919 comments1414 favs

Sure, to a teacher, life is a paper / but what would life be to a druggist?

Gas Making You Sick?

42084208 views1919 comments1212 favs

It was a sore molar that was giving me trouble, on the bottom right. The dentist, about whose adulterous affairs everybody in the neighborhood knew and whispered about, ts-ts-ts'ed me and murmured "decay" before pulling out the drill.