Most discussed stories

Inelegant Corpse

16411641 views88 comments88 favs

I lay naked on the floor, feet toward the door, so that when my wife entered she would immediately see that leggy thoroughfare, ending at deflated buttocks and chicken-skinned scrotum, and in her repulsion repel me from her life. How wrong I was.

Where is Vincent Price when you need him?

239239 views88 comments77 favs


The Hunter

14301430 views88 comments66 favs

When the boy held the rifle’s sights on a living creature, his breath stilled and his heartbeat swimming in his ears, his father seemed close.

Child's Play Brings Back Memories of Busted Heads for Greying Protestor

16031603 views88 comments33 favs

"My boy Jake fell in with a bad crowd when he went to college," Coffelt says, shaking his head. "A bunch of accounting majors."

Real Love, Real

11871187 views88 comments77 favs

For the first time in her life She felt she understood The smell of a man. The smell of white tulips, The taste of a persimmon In her mouth. She remembered how married she felt To him, in that moment. How close To the earth, and ancien

a pity

15541554 views88 comments66 favs

The one that I love - doesn't love me.


594594 views88 comments33 favs

The space heater whirred in the lonesome room, the giant, square window bathing the room with moonlight, and Lawrence sat on the naked particle board and ruminated upon the vast importance and significance that this very room would lend his mega-empire of a business which…

The Merry Go Round

704704 views88 comments55 favs

I felt that love could not be paid for or else could never be paid for enough.

MIG Arrangement

650650 views88 comments55 favs

I do not think it good that you, any of you, know what I mean when I say “MIG arrangement.”


14171417 views88 comments00 favs

What can I say about my brother, Stroman. We are twins and we hate each other. He is an honest, brave man with scruples. He is full of bullshit. He thinks I am morally twisted. He probably has a point there, but I don’t see what that has got to do with

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 22

10211021 views88 comments55 favs

Elaine and Francesco exited the taxi in front of Elaine Aster Gallery.

My Back (Facebook) Pages*

10381038 views88 comments55 favs

It's all over now, Baby Blue...

How To Train Mules

13601360 views88 comments66 favs

“Mules don’t like to dive, Esther.” “I said maybe, Hugh. Maybe.”


10711071 views88 comments44 favs

A man bows his head and crosses his chest before crossing the street and the rain keeps falling on his bare blue shirt and on top of his head The taxis will not stop The light’s still red as the man waits for the sign of the hands

On being offered a seat on the Bart train

11711171 views88 comments55 favs

Remember when I entered a room and turned heads is my youthful charm a sputtering fire in the hearth

Duration and Frequency

900900 views88 comments88 favs

for spirits and demons have no life/ but what imagination gives

On an Iceberg of Words

982982 views88 comments66 favs

She cut me adrift On an iceberg of words And words melt As you know Looks like we may have Gone out on the limb A little too far without A toe-hold on Reality Doesn’t it? But I saw the headlines: Cows Bound for Slaughterhouse Make

The Turkey and the Tall Tree

592592 views88 comments55 favs

The bench was set by the waterMarbleAnd dedicated to a man etched his name,the year he was born,and the year he died. She had been suffering from a dark narcolepsythat reflected off the cloudsa lightening bolt energylike a screwturn screw and wrench.Door…

Somewhere in the deep grasses...

282282 views88 comments55 favs



13741374 views88 comments11 fav

She is thinking about her baby, the one she loved for exactly one month before she lost her forever. Now, all the love for her baby is coiled in the pit of her stomach and it has fangs and venom, and it is leaking into her blood, her bones.

Prowl Car

797797 views88 comments66 favs

Mischief / has marked the bone marauders for doom.

Hand Grenades, or The Child in Your Eyes is Exploding the Known Universe

10691069 views88 comments77 favs

There is a war, but is it not In my heart? There is a war, but You are not the reason. There is a War, but we're all doing what we can. There is a war, but it is not just Your fight. There is a war, but I Wished you still walked…

Tuna Salad In Cat Heaven

614614 views88 comments55 favs

I ate a tuna salad sandwich for lunch.

Here I Am

13961396 views88 comments66 favs

Here I am in the city where we walked side by side, you had driven a great distance and lost your way somewhere where exits left the highway from both directions and unpredictably.

The Instrument

10391039 views88 comments22 favs

She wore no bra. As she jammed the truck into park and pushed against the heavy door, he saw the points of her nipples against her dress. Ice filled his belly, the most beautiful pink-colored ice.


11471147 views88 comments77 favs

I supposed reluctantly that Princeton is soft as Macalester College is soft. A person could die just for having attended U.W.-Madison or Yale.

When the Ocean Was Ours

12491249 views88 comments66 favs

The Ocean used to be ours. When the stars were still fire and they were the only light burning though the dim, hazy nights, the ocean was ours. Before the smog, and the lights that were carried by the men who rose from the sea, the ocean was ours. We…


10731073 views88 comments77 favs

I made you a playlist

a chat between Li Bai and Du Fu

11131113 views88 comments77 favs

graves left or graves lost, into silence death sinks:/it's leaving the living that leaves us such pain.

Theory of the Firmament

533533 views88 comments55 favs

I admit that, on Twitter, I have been trying to annoy Glenn Greenwald so much that he blocks me.