1080 3 3
I’m reading an article about honeybees as I wait for the results of my blood work at the doctor’s office.
727 2 1
658 10 11
"What's it like?"
Like everything else. We all do it, so how bad could it be?
1031 2 1
Apocalyptica 1. the portent holds you while you try for solace in the bath anticipating the opened mouth the one that cannot close after and there is a knotting inside of joints and threads poised so delicately in the waiting …
1722 12 7
It was only when blood began to drip onto the page that he realized he'd been hit.
811 2 1
1004 4 2
III. Through wheelwind crypts of mystery, through…
1349 19 13
1262 4 1
What I need to secure from you now are two swears on this copy of Camp Bylaws for the Hearty and True that you won’t let my misinformed intrusion dampen your beginnings.
947 9 8
After you lost sight in your left eye, mom made me go on the road with you that last summer to help you see.
1413 0 0
Vito stood before the mirror combing his dark, freshly-cut hair. He trimmed his thick mustache, then buttoned his black vest. He liked its tight fit against his muscular torso. He had difficulty fastening the top button of his white shirt, the collar tigh
1127 1 1
No, I’m not at the junior high bus stop. I’m at the dining room table with my parents.
970 0 0
"Asaka-sama, we have been beset by the foulest of demons and nothing we do will rid us of it." The prostrated villager quivered from head to foot on the tatami floor. "Please, we are unworthy but would beg for your help!"Ietsugu's heart raced at the statement, though he…
2035 6 1
Listen, I don’t want to get all teary and here I am getting all teary, but it’s not what you think. What it is is that I think about that very first time, when she comes out of the bathroom completely naked and she looks like heaven’s very best neig
5830 1 2
Madeleines, which he hadn’t touched in twelve years, had a place in all this, were accessories in his daughter’s violation.
740 5 4
No one is going to find us. And even if they did it's just a play someone wrote with you in mind as the lead. No one is going to find us. I could have told you this but I didn't want to spoil your newfound fun. No one is going to find us. The funny…
1503 4 2
“Honey, remember when we used to take you out to pick apples.” A sweet trickle of sound shattered the force field of silence that divided the front and the back seats of the dark blue Honda CR-V. Juliana’s only response was to change her focus from the w
1308 9 2
Dear Sir/ Madam I wish to apply for the position you advertised in the Daily Sun. Although my expertise is in self-obliteration and self-worth (or lack of), and my work mainly in disappointment, I do have much experience in failure, which this letter will…
1449 19 8
He stared at the mirror, his hair looked chewed up–severed by a miniature lawnmower.
873 5 1
Gary wrote in beautiful brevity of this most fabled story told with strings.
Of it's breathtaking majesty and boundless power.
1030 10 9
The thumb, incarnate, knows/
the moment of the misplaced hammer blow;/
the tongue, incarnate, the cool invigoration/
of water drawn from the dark well.
1022 3 3
Well, hello
hunger: what a sweet surprise.
863 20 10
1589 20 11
...he thought often of the rollicking waves, of being pulled under, of being weightless and senseless...
1972 1 1
Let's be honest. Ugly people have an uphill battle in this culture. From the time they slide out of their ugly mothers they stand at the plate with two strikes.
743 20 10
A sardonic moon/
surveys our plight and cackles.
1696 28 22
I felt/
no need to show what I had made/
to anybody else.
1154 2 2
There is a roofer straddling part of our house, pushing shingles off of our roof with the edge of a shovel. …. I've thought seriously, at times, about becoming a nurse. Seeing your mother in a hospital bed, hooked up to a tube, more than one, too…
1165 10 8
In a dream, he’s covered in masticated bits of paint and canvas and metal shavings and it keeps raining down until he’s buried and he wakes up with a yell.
1835 26 17
I would see her at the gym in the mornings.