Stories tagged sex

Food Porn

204204 views77 comments66 favs

Panini stood around the pan like an audience at Madam Butterfly, applauding but jalapeno with envy...

sex scene

6969 views1818 comments44 favs

Naked and shivering from need, not cold, she had bent over Cameron’s lean body. Almost hairless, his skin, alabaster on a dewy morning, glistened beneath her as she lowered herself onto his hardness.

12:00 Somewhere

930930 views22 comments00 favs

"Time really flies.” “I thought that was only when you were having fun,” he said. “Don’t be an asshole.”

Red Hot Hyperbole

12091209 views77 comments77 favs

She came from the land of rumpled sheets. She was the very definition of sex. She was the breeze through the wind chimes of his heart. One might say that she actually invented the orgasm. All mirages are this way. Perfect until they disappear. They

Myra's Middle Name

10711071 views11 comment11 fav

Maybe our whole generation is going to hell, but I’m not getting any younger or better looking. Life’s too short for the missionary position.

Untitled Haiku from Japanese Game Show by JANEY SMITH

10071007 views11 comment11 fav

It's a haiku. It's its own snippet.

Minerva Gets Pierced by Love

25862586 views1111 comments66 favs

Minerva one night had a change of plans, for Mr. Wright knocked on her door in the form of a potbellied perv with a Vaseline mustache.

Chip's Bar

10441044 views00 comments00 favs

Bill texted me at 3:44, invited me to join him at Chip's, where he was having a drink. Chip's Bar is a great dive, and I accepted without hesitation. Ten minutes later I was on a crowded bus filled mostly with fat people, and twenty minutes after that I was…

Sex on Other People's Lawns

17841784 views77 comments22 favs

Miss Dolan was different in the way she wore her short, curly hair, and in the way she swung her long, well toned arms as she walked so flawlessly across the classroom.

Sociopathic Medicine

14811481 views11 comment11 fav

True love may last forever, but the most I've ever gotten out of a lab assistant is two years, five months, three weeks, twelve days, and fifteen hours. And he was the exception.

In Her Dreams

4040 views66 comments33 favs

In her dreams a man and a woman walk hand in hand, hibiscus or bougainvillea somewhere in the vicinity, like teenagers at the first mystery of reacting to one another's presence. How breathtaking the other one is, like the sea, like the salt wind, like the…


126126 views22 comments00 favs

The day he was servedwith divorce papersin the drivewayhe came to our roomand looking perplexedsaid, "Does this meanwe can't have sex tonight?"Things changedbut all things consideredthings haven't changed much.

Lick My Blahniks, she said

156156 views22 comments00 favs

“While you’re down on your knees, dog-boy, lick my shoes..."

Shining Against Each Other

980980 views44 comments00 favs

They keep shining against each other


1414 views00 comments00 favs

You like to watch me, unseen,in the showermy head heavy with griefleaning against the cold tiles,my bulging bellyoverhanging with untold secrets,my Botticelli flankaching from a neglected spine.the clear waterrunning down my legsdiffused with the urineof failed…