2864 3 2
“Where do you want your mustache?” Melanie asked. “You can have it on the side, you know, or, if you prefer, across your labia, in which case it will also look like a cross?”
1531 4 2
The proud, burly tree / Rests on the now crashed TV / Thanks a lot, nature
2499 10 4
Stroman first saw the moons when he took Lisa’s blouse off. He did not call them moons when he first saw them; they were merely identical crescent-shaped crimson discolorations at the tops of each of her breasts.
2573 1 0
Purchance to dream purchase ants to dream running Catalan sidewalk schoolyard fumble days berlin wall came tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down the mexico wall come tumbling down fuck you, Gorby. Head to radio, broadcast Hitler kill the generation di
166 9 6
I love your free spirit he says.
99 1 0
Pride, and fear of my own clumsiness were my enemy. I was paralyzed, and I misread the import it had for you. I believed everything we said, and took for granted that I could surprise you one day, and sweep you off your feet.
2148 8 3
They should have shot me when I turned 80, a bullet right between my sunken eyes.
40 10 2
Still blurry from the blow, he made out Blaine accelerating the high speed drill into a frenzied buzz.
876 7 6
I got out of your car and walked up the brick path to my apartment complex. In the doorway, I turned and waved to you. You honked the horn, a quick beep beep, like a teasing wink, like a promise, and then you drove away.
1199 4 0
Gyan Ban Thoughts - This post is about aspiring models.Scores of these dreams get killed everyday under the arc lights. Exploitation is rampant and millions of cases go unreported.This story is of one such incident.
158 10 5
He wanted to go out and wake her, invite her back, but decided the daylight was feeding him milk-thin hope, a nourishment for fools.
1117 1 0
Mid-Dawn//Mid-Dusk -- Wait for me.
967 0 0
The girl who was me stands in a sandbox with upraised arms, honey hair tied with olive yarn in two ponytails. She says nothing, but wants me to pick her up.
938 0 0
I woke up around 6 pm today. As always, mum would wake me up. I have this special bond with my bed and parting with her during my most vulnerable is anathema to my nature. Thrice mum would pull my feet and thrice I would groan hoping she would go…
1096 0 0
My father said that he had been ready for that journey for many days past and that he had asked often for the spirits to come and take him. He prayed to the god of the heavens and to the earth mother. He prayed for the three of us, and he prayed for the s