by Ryan Mazer
The Tree
The proud, burly tree
Rests on the now crashed TV
Thanks a lot, nature
Bees dance in the air
Merrily they dart about
I'm stung eighteen times
Bees and the Tree
I tend to my stings
With aloe from the felled tree
But it doesn't work
The stings are swollen
Causing pain TV can't ease
As a tree's on it
All over I bleed
30 Rock should be on now
I wish I were dead
Nature's Lesson
Life is meaningless
The universe is empty
Do not go outside
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This series of haiku was previously published at Yankee Pot Roast. I promise it will be the last piece I post for a while.
Fine set of haiku you have here, especially the last one, especially the last one!
All over I bleed
30 Rock should be on now
I wish I were dead
This killed me. I really like 30 Rock (this season not so much) so I was digging it and then to see "I wish I were dead"...well, shit, you had me there.
I also really liked the "As a tree's on it."
As Ann points out, the last one is magnificent.
I agree. Nature's Lesson is quiet good. I enjoyed these a lot.
A haiku in response to you your haikus:
Counting on fingers,
Five, seven, five in due time
Nature is a whore.