Stories tagged fiction

After Bukowski

20752075 views2828 comments2121 favs

The night she left she claimed she fucked Bukowski.

Destiny Knocking - 2

10181018 views33 comments11 fav

. . . why did it take so long?


190190 views88 comments55 favs

What was happening to me? If my guy friends saw me, I'd never bowl again, never play in a softball league in this town again and no gym in the tri-county area would have me aside from the frou-frou ones downtown. I'd be a disgrace.

Well Water

159159 views33 comments33 favs

He imagined what it would be like to crawl into one of the widening cracks.


8181 views66 comments33 favs

The vision fades, and love cannot see, then goes the touch; love cannot feel. Love loses its hearing and love hides. It's a weakening, a dissolution back into the source. Love dissolves into hope, and hope is a dangerous, reckless thing.

The Cougar

23602360 views1818 comments1616 favs

How freeing to writhe under someone with more muscles than fat, who could keep it up longer than minute, who afterwards stroked my hair and if he noticed the fine silver strands by my ears didn’t mention them. I forget his name...

A Tale of Two Writers

11341134 views11 comment11 fav

A famous author and an inspired writer meet at a coffee shop, both looking for inspiration. The patrons there don’t know if this meeting is by accident or design, but they are in awe of Fame.


14571457 views66 comments44 favs

I find my mother’s pink Pyrex mixing bowl at the antique store on Fairview Avenue. It’s in the hands of a fat woman in a blue down parka, and she’s holding it upside down, squinting at the sticker on the bottom.

Sweet Dreams

15711571 views1818 comments1313 favs

But tonight the circus is dark. She is free to go to her lover, to embrace, to float in the night sky.

Shoot first

282282 views1212 comments99 favs

So I shot him. Right in the bollocks, though I doubt he felt it. I’m always open to being wrong, though.

Truffle Socks

10831083 views00 comments11 fav

Imagine instead the skater's lean feat, the toes which, honestly, may represent 25% of the entire length. The superb way she slips them into the boots. They smell like truffles.

"A Death by the Sea" (excerpt)

11431143 views11 comment11 fav

Then a flicker caught my eye. To the left of the balcony, where the residential high-rise abutted a commercial building to its right, a shape--half-dark, half-lit--stood on a limestone ledge.

Berthier Door

14561456 views44 comments33 favs

On Day 1122 at 4:14 AM the door which has remained since installation firmly glued to the masonry behind opens and a man emerges blinking shielding his eyes against fine stinging snow.

Oliver Pratt

14301430 views66 comments55 favs

We lingered there in that room for a few moments, stuck in the awkward goo of rejection and regret. At some point, I’m not sure when, I left, found a bathroom down the hall and washed my ear.


11521152 views44 comments22 favs

He picked up a pack of cigarettes and shook it. He flipped the lid to confirm there were none left.