Stories tagged fiction

Dumb-dumb Bird

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Dumb-dumb bird sat down disrupt and abrupt. Dumb-dumb bird didn't understand I need space and there wasn't any space here for her squawking and turquoise bubble coat. Dumb-dumb bird got mad when I had to school her with several elbow jabs. She should know but soon found out…

Energy Eater, from King David

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“When I was in Vietnam, lying in that horseshoe-shaped rice paddy after I’d been hit, I was waiting to die. I was fully expecting to die, Mr. Steadman."

The Near-Death Experience of a Litter-Box Archaeologist

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Oh, oh, I crack myself up. I must have walked thirteen miles today. I think best when I’m walking; and I had a lot of thinking to get through. I still do.

The Epidemic of Weariness

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“Life cannot continue at a breakneck pace, because it is breaking too many necks,” the Health Czar told the President.

Double-Decker Ballerina

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No one knew how the Sorrel Sisters did it, twisted their arms together like taut, white ropes. But it was the highlight of their strong-woman show.

The Nurse

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The nurse left work at five o' clock. As was the case near every day. Some days perhaps the nurse would stay till five-thirty or six, but certainly no later. If the old man needed help after that, he'd a button beside his bed and the service could have

Agitated Birds

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I stood frozen in our sub- par apartment complex pool. Two bees buzzed around me, it was the perfect metaphor for the current state of my life. I named the bees, “writing career, and job.” In 6 days I was turning 29 and I was still unpublished. Yesterday I…


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My mom threw my suitcase out the front door. It split over and my black bra lay spider-like on the sidewalk for all the neighborhood to see. And they were there, Steve the Sleaze on his bike in his wife-beater tee shirt and filthy cargo pants. Nancy Thomp

Queen Isabella Eats a Pineapple and Misses the Jews

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It was Christopher who got her thinking about the Jews again. He had left the same day they did, and so all were connected in her mind, as if together somehow. She read his letters half-wondering if he would mention them, wanting to know if the Jews were

Bottle, man

3333 views44 comments00 favs

“Hey man,” this shadow shimmied up beside Brett heaving ether breath. Brett saw but he didn’t see him in the way you see movement in the corner of your vision, an annoyance, an eyelash in the eye. He didn’t want to turn to engage this man, he didn

Mercy's Daughter, Chapter 1 : Elizabeth

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Bad luck runs in families, Mother always said. And with misfortune, comes malice.


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"Isn't it time to remove the nails, and put Jesus to rest once and for all," Mary asks.

Dakar 1989

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Everyone runs to the plane but me. I get the last seat (middle of 5), crush men’s bags on my way. I’m white & female. They glare.


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The man that had been in the driver's seat approached. "What the fuck are you doing here?" he said.

The Names of Things

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She's having trouble remembering the names of things.