J.S. Graustein

Location California USA
Website http://jsgraustein.blogspot.com/

About Me

I write when my children are at school. And when they're doing homework. And playing Nintendo. And when I should be sleeping. I also manage the publications of Folded Word. My husband supports my addiction to the written word with grace, understanding, room, and board. He asks for very little in return.

In a previous life, I earned an M.S. in Ecology from Northern Illinois University in DeKalb then taught at College of Notre Dame in Belmont CA. I also worked in veterinary clinics & academic offices, watered houseplants (retail), packaged floral arrangements, and waitressed. Sometimes I filled two or more of these roles simultaneously.

Thankfully I have found my niche: in the spare room at my desk with a steaming cup of tea, wi-fi, and plenty of pencils. I'm never coming out.

Why do you write?

Creativity fueled by: flannel shirts, Moleskine paper, the smell of ink and typewriter ribbons, tea, photography, travel, damp woods, and cuddling my plush frog.

Why do I write? Why do you write?

J.S. Graustein's Wall

Darryl Price – Sep 09, 2009

Love that smile!

Ben White – Sep 06, 2009

Indeed—looks like the place to be!

Mel Bosworth – Sep 06, 2009

welcome to the fictionaut fort, jessi.

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