Stories tagged fiction

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 2

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The next day was my faculty trial, and things grew real intense around the campus of that little college. A large crowd of students began to gather around the base of the building that housed the administrative offices, where my hearing was being held. Th

Flight 253

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The aisle seat had cost me $1284.91, and a cute Dutch girl in her mid-twenties sat between me and an older guy who had a whistling snot and the window seat.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 3

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We woke up at a rest stop on a knoll overlooking the Platte River, somewhere in Nebraska. Allison and I were under a blanket on our mattress when Greg and Steve peered in the door. “Psst! Janov, you awake yet? The sun’s been up for like a whole hou

Swan Song

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He ignored his scalded scrotum and listened intently. The music was beautiful beyond all physical pleasure or pain. The end of the piece gave him a deeper understanding of the expression 'la petite mort'. While he was still recovering, the next track b

A mostly true story about a swine flu shot, with references to 3 ABC television shows and 1 Will Smith movie

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Yellow tape marks a walkway that was previously unknown. Caution, caution. Lounge turned waiting room for a ballroom turned infirmary. An entrance, an exit, caution, caution. The line is of amusement park ride length. But no roller coaster at the end, only an antidote…

A New Tattoo

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She’s waving, Hey, I’m home! Like nothing’s happened. Like weeks haven’t passed since she left.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 6

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When I got word from Mary Jo, she warned me that Mitchell Parkman was out looking for me with a butcher knife. I knew immediately what I had to do. I packed up my things and sold the Pepsi van and moved up to a room on Regent Street in Berkeley, all the w


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I fell in love with a beautiful criminal at a bus stop in the hood on a summery Friday afternoon in December.


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Nine p.m., both are fresh home from work. Both are tired. In eighteen days they marry. The apartment’s a mess. They’re out of stamps, have bills to mail.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 7

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When I got word from Mary Jo, she warned me that Mitchell Parkman was out looking for me with a butcher knife. I knew immediately what I had to do. I packed up my things and sold the Pepsi van and moved up to a room on Regent Street in Berkeley, all the w

The Flat Monkey

310310 views44 comments22 favs

Not with words I think, rather, the following story was in a way breathed upon me. I do recall it being a hot summer night and feeling exhausted and under Caitlin's gaze. She was speaking to me, yes, but if I gave reply it had to be of the most perfunctor

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 7

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On my way home that first night, I stopped off at a liquor store on San Pablo Avenue and bought a semi-expensive ($2.98) bottle of zinfandel, a real luxury for us. But I figured I would have a paycheck coming and wanted to celebrate my getting a real job

The Game

360360 views44 comments22 favs

She would turn her back to me and giggling commence with "green light" at which point I would begin tearing my clothes off...

What the Father Said

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At night, instead of sleep, there were new and secret pleasures. Half-awake lessons in dexterity, in the limber material of human life.

The Great San Francisco Poetry Wars, 9

8282 views33 comments00 favs

Warren Jeffries left this girlfriend of his named Karen, who was also a poet, and overnight she announced she’d gone back to being a lesbian, she’d so had it with MEN! She did a reading of her new series of Sappho poems at Cody’s Bookstore, and it w