Stories tagged fiction


248248 views66 comments22 favs

Where is the redhead with belligerent curls, slit nostrils and gray eyes? She only showed up once—dead at a waypoint robbery in the Orion Belt. And that is why you can never forgive Mason Lee.


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We gathered in the church basement to hear what the good ladies of the WCTU had to say about liquor.

The Perils of Open Hand

12211221 views22 comments22 favs

There are worse things than getting your ass kicked by a 12 year old Puerto Rican kid. This was exactly my thinking as he stood over me, his pre-pubescent screams sounding like a baby Bruce Lee, preparing to finish me off.

If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another

1818 views22 comments00 favs

My friend says there's some kind of bug that bites its mate's head off after they have sex. I ask him which one gets decapitated, the male or the female. The male, he says. I tell him that figures. He nods. I ask him how he is…

For Rent: 116 Writers Block Avenue

17641764 views2020 comments88 favs

There's a special block in the city, nestled between Mutant Town and Trump Towers.

Grand Fury

14611461 views66 comments11 fav

At some point, Spiro thinks, everyone must look like a sniper.


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Lise started making up words when she lost her voice.

Hemera Rises

11191119 views33 comments22 favs

The woods. They say don’t wander too far into the woods, where those ghosts can’t hear you and the moonlight won’t trace you a path. In the black crowd of trees there’s something waiting. Don’t go to the where the siren is singing...

What Happened When the Power Went Out

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When the power went out, Doug clung to Emily like a lifeboat. He was being tossed on a sea of pillows and blankets in their bed — the bright lights of the city outside their window were gone. For years they had complained of the brightness beyond the gl

A mostly true story about the Coca-Cola Museum

14931493 views22 comments11 fav

At work I recommended someone go to the Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta. I told you about recommending it to someone. “I always wanted to go back there,” I said. “You did? You never told me,” you said.

Before the blast

276276 views22 comments00 favs

“Songs are a lot like stories,” he’d recently told me.

Crooks and Liars

975975 views00 comments00 favs

"Crooks and liars I say! What does a man have to do to get himself heard around here? How much does he have to spend on a lobster dinner Mrs. Callahan? Or how many drinks do I have to pay for Mr. Sanger?"

Driving directions

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Black Creek Road runs straight enough, with the Black Creek itself winding its irregular way alongside in fits and starts before diving down to join the river below.

Adult Summer Sex Camp

30053005 views77 comments22 favs

Could I believe at one time it was between this and baseball fantasy camp?

Picnic & Other Stories

2929 views66 comments44 favs

My mom didn't like my girl friend. Too young, too flashy, she said. She didn't say anything about her big tits.