Stories tagged fiction

The Get-Up

13161316 views1212 comments44 favs

There was a children’s lit theme running through the party. Aside from Annemarie’s costume, there was a Harry Potter, a Pinocchio, and a Grinch.


12711271 views22 comments11 fav

She saw no sense in waiting. Waiting was a weakness.

The Gherkin

430430 views1919 comments1111 favs

Concerning the procedure, he used the surgical we. "We will remove the excess and the fat cells," he said, "will never bother us again."

Two of a Kind

17251725 views44 comments22 favs

What was it about women that made them know these kinds of things about one another, about people, the way they came together, the future? Crater thought back to Dresden, the exchange student from Holland. She knew things like that.

Hundred Dollar Hit

14561456 views66 comments11 fav

"My god," Toni said, bending over and tapping her head gently against the counter in fake anguish. "His ass in those jeans. Jesus. I should be young and lucky like you." Toni tapped her cigarette ash into the coin tray.

How To Make It In America

13521352 views1010 comments11 fav

The punchable faces in Manhattan multiply like cancer...

Begonia {part two}

11451145 views22 comments00 favs

perhaps because they were holding hands and sharing tears; perhaps because the moon shone so brightly; perhaps for no reason at all; but both the Coriander and Isabella felt a surge of hope so strongly that both smiled a genuine smile.

Cinnamon Doughnuts and a Neenish Tart

11991199 views22 comments33 favs

Mr Robertson chuckled gently as he caught the aroma of freshly cooked cinnamon doughnuts and watched the oil leave its fingerprints.

Harry, Giselle and Joyce

17121712 views22 comments11 fav

Harry Reed does not want to die in this room, in front of Giselle, who has been his wife for exactly six months, who has slept beside him for twelve months.

The Strange Edge: Have I Stumbled Upon a New Idear? (Blog)

15361536 views66 comments00 favs

Slipstream features strange events in a typical world whereas New Weird features typical events in a strange world.

Can I Take My Gun Up To Heaven?

12961296 views00 comments00 favs

I thought of Ruth burrowed deep in the nest of her closet and quickly jumped into the footlocker. I nearly stopped breathing as he entered his bunker.

Arturo + Lourdes, 2005 and 4ever

14621462 views44 comments22 favs

Here’s the story as compiled from the scantest of clues: The writing on the back of a stall door in the restroom of a twenty-four hour restaurant under the Gowanus Expressway.


4545 views66 comments11 fav

He had just broken up with her and felt free, yet horny.


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I knew this guy who thought getting HIV would be good for his career.


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Earlier, after settling into the guest room, Savina's mother had unpacked the ice packs matter-of-factly, tsking at the ones that had melted completely. As if carting a carcass from Newark to Los Angeles should have been trouble-free, nothing that couldn'