Rape me. At least, I think that's what you said. Or was it your clothes? Yes, that was it.
So where was I? On the curb, the stingy, gritty curb of existence, hard on the ass, as usual on the rim of it all, the ledge of success, well to tell the truth far from the ledge but about to fall off, floating on the circumference of meaning, riding a c
There were the first months, when it didn't happen at all for Jerry. He felt some shyness and embarrassment, but in Dot's mind the joy was too great and this meant good things.
Lydia let the grease cool in her frying pan. She drank three cups of coffee and had to lie down.
The gun is heavy. The tiny women hold it in both hands.
I respect mom, she survived cancer and all while she was pregnant with me, but something about getting through all that crap made her heart tough, like an over-cooked piece of beef, and no one likes meat you have to chew forever.
So I walk behind Sandra’s desk and I put my radioactive tum-tum right up to her beaded dreadlocks and I tell her about the nuclear energy that is flowing through her right now. She laughs and screams at me the way I am sure her daughter does when someone
Oh what fun they had riding that bike! What adventures! They went everywhere, in town and out.
Love is the universal language, he said. That was probably his excuse for never learning English.
She’s there...
I don’t think I’ve ever seen my father this naked. Ever.
We aren't designed for darkness. Something deep inside of us, something much older and deeper than us is telling us to move away, get to warm, because if we don’t, come winter we will die.
Something shattering or the idea of something shattering.
I tell my friend, the animal lover, not to get too near the panther's cage. "Why not?" she asks. "You'll see," I say.
Everybody was out on the deck and you could feel the deck swaying a little with the weight of all the people. There was loud music inside but it was too hot and nobody was dancing and they were all out on the deck. Lisa was out there and either she would not…