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Lunch, daily.

991991 views11 comment00 favs

She’s not settling. She can learn to like this.

Out(side) of my mind

833833 views11 comment00 favs

I leave you because you violently told me to, I still love you because I told you I always would.

Bedtime Stories

11021102 views11 comment00 favs

Even before I tap on the door I know I am being watched with one eye. My footsteps have surely given me away. A swift tug on it reveals her to me—half of her, that is, and I slink past the threshold, to her. From her eyes I see that she has…

Mickey and Harriet

10021002 views11 comment00 favs

Ellie's got two parrots. She owns the house down the block to the left where the golf club owner fixes her grounds and garage because he can't stop working on his vacation. …


12971297 views11 comment00 favs

I laughed maniacally in my head at the thought, but I kept picking at it all the same, the bunnies had plans for us.


12561256 views11 comment00 favs

Was it hope or despair that drove her to walk out the door of the place she had called home for the past twenty years? Did she feel sorrow or relief to leave behind a husband and five children?

A mostly true story about the TI-83

15411541 views11 comment00 favs

And the only time the TI-83 sees the light of day is when I'm rectifying my debit card purchases at such places as Kmart, Office Depot, Walmart, and Office Max, to make sure everything comes out even and good and perfect, a skill never learned in Trysics,

Sad News

14231423 views00 comments00 favs

They got out wearing their crisp brown Army jackets and khaki pants; she saw the cross on the lapel of the officer's shirt and just knew. These men brought sad news from faraway places.


11461146 views11 comment00 favs

  The parrots woke Eddie up. That and Rocker snoring in the twin bed. A thousand parrots flying over the motel? They squawked, God how they…


977977 views22 comments00 favs

When I was nine years old, I fell through the rotting boards that covered my grandmother's cesspool and nearly drowned.


10461046 views11 comment00 favs

Beyond the parrots and the palms, she can see an airplane resting in the canyon below, belly up, wings like outstretched arms, the occupants inside presumably rotting in their seats.

The Martians Are Coming

12181218 views11 comment00 favs

"I read a cute animal story yesterday," I tell them. "And I was filled with rage. I can't live like this. There must be no more bears, or hamster-bears, or manatees, being hopeless and depressed. There must be no more cute animal stories—ever."

New Year's Resolution

836836 views22 comments00 favs

“Hey, come on and sit down,” Jake motioned to her. It was three in the morning and after way too many gins the last thing Melisa wanted to do on New Year’s Eve was to chat with her ex-boyfriend. In fact if she had known he was goin

Old, Broken Toys

912912 views11 comment00 favs

A boy sits in a room filled with old, broken toys. A mother is in the next room reading Cosmopolitan, dreaming of a life that should have been hers. There is the zoo and an unnecessary stroller on a very humid day, beads of sweat dripping slowly down a face. A trip to the…


935935 views11 comment00 favs

They say nothing, but instead watch the birds and people hovering. Every day is an echo of the one before, and the weight of waiting has begun to show itself in the stature of the tiny man and his little old wife. …


12521252 views11 comment00 favs

What else, H, is there to say about heartbreak? What else could it be but our hands, cupped as if holding water against our chests, then broken into halves. Or the picture of this one, pretending to load a gun. Or this one, soaked in smoke—asking for

Tragic Love

781781 views22 comments00 favs

So lie there like a sodden Brussel Sprout. Leave your paramour to thrash about in vain.

True Lu

13541354 views11 comment00 favs

Lu peeked at his cards again. They were still jacks, and they still looked mighty nice.

Passing Time

15741574 views22 comments00 favs

A surreal conversation in a library hints at something else.


17741774 views11 comment00 favs

Mark looked at the barrel. Will had filled it to within inches of the top, and that meant the water was cold enough to take away breath, cold enough to make lips turn blue. Even if it had sat all day in the sun, the bottom would be cold, but now, after

The Color of Faith

13991399 views11 comment00 favs

My best friend Khaled’s idea was, he’d set up a pool tournament. Nine-ball. Each church would send a player, and whichever church won, he’d join. Any church that wouldn’t shoot pool, he wouldn’t want to join.

The Crescent Caretaker

16111611 views22 comments11 fav

Enter Tipitina’s – the rotation hole where electric, shoeless uncles allocate their copper goulashes to catch white dripwater.

Animal Shadows

13141314 views22 comments00 favs

One day when they were sitting on the curb together at 4th Street and Mendocino Avenue in Santa Rosa and Joe was calling out to passers by in a singsong voice, “Spare change for cigs,” she had persuaded them that they should try to join the circus.

Between Our Words

11471147 views11 comment11 fav

There are problems we lovingly fashion . . .


10961096 views22 comments00 favs

The rocket shone in the distance. Cape Canaveral had never looked so pretty.

This Life

764764 views22 comments00 favs

Me and the wife are tucked away in our little house.

The Lies You Tell Yourself

857857 views22 comments00 favs

I am skinniest in the morning. My belly forgets the previous day’s sins, and I wake up looking taut like a model. Then it starts.


10301030 views22 comments00 favs

I drove all night, but there weren’t nothing Roy Orbison about it. I’d been driving and around lunchtime I just thought I might stop by Shona’s place.

Every Time a Bell Rings

11871187 views11 comment00 favs

I could feel the old house skulking in the shadows. In the basement I used to play in the dark, shine a flashlight on the angular black widows creeping in the corners, feed them ants and silverfish and flies with the wings pulled off so the web wouldn’

Crane Man

16051605 views11 comment00 favs

Inside my high-rise studio apartment there are only three locations where Crane Man can't see me. The bathroom is one—although he watches me go in and he watches me come out. Crane Man does a lot of watching. Sometimes it seems he spends more time looking…