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Why won't you lie?

10601060 views00 comments11 fav

And out on that lake that day you yelled “desperation please!” And I heard “desperate pleas?” I wondered about first impressions.

Father Must (from The New Yorker)

11871187 views00 comments00 favs

It might not seem easy to breathe any love into a name like Father. It’s a stiff word—it’s not soft, like, say, Papa—but sometimes you have to breathe love into names you don’t choose.

You Were On Top of Us Freely

521521 views11 comment11 fav

You turned to the beautiful youth because we were light, because we were so full of life that our skin alone could not seem to contain us. We were burning on all sides for the world. Shade, shadow — nothing. Nothing the moon. You lifted the cloth and peer


857857 views11 comment11 fav

Fish don't walk.

Refugio Beach

967967 views11 comment11 fav

We can’t see anything except for glimpses of the other’s eyes, hands, mouths when we move.

The Blistering Continent

852852 views11 comment11 fav

Marvin and first had met four years ago on an iron train peeling through the seething Asian night on rails between Bangkok and Chiang Mai city...

Loretta McKinley

812812 views22 comments00 favs

After Loretta McKinley had sat for just such a time on a rock near the tribe, hallucinating and coming as close to death and God as she ever had, she walked into the camp and asked to speak with the elders.

A Sight Worth Keeping in View

10871087 views11 comment11 fav

. . . I wanted to put Tiffany out of her misery and mine and shove her in front of the next large vehicle hurtling down the drive-through lane . . . .

July Night At Greenlake

10441044 views11 comment11 fav

In the vaultwhere no one had daredsince your first stillborn screamsI swept out your deadThe gnawing thingsboneless and dustyand stinking of churchesYou came to me thenand I took youthere in the shadowsunder the tree on the grassnear the reeds by the lakeI dived in your…

Four: Of Moths, Poets, and Streambanks

937937 views11 comment11 fav

“And what kind of man would prefer all these dusty old books to my physical form? Who would memorize archaic incantations, when he could be whispering in my ear? Why search for the ancient splendors of metaphor, when one could be searching for the ...

de gustibus non disputandum

831831 views33 comments00 favs

those darn kids

Split second

995995 views11 comment11 fav

When people talk about the end moments when one's life flashes before his or her eyes, they often refer to time as slowing down. I can attest to this phenomenon during my final moments, before the collision: the song playing on the radio, the squeal of tires and flash of…

Now I'm not a virgin anymore

787787 views33 comments00 favs

On my second trip home from the University of Illinois down state in Urbana, it was during our break between semesters, I remember it was a particularly freezing cold and miserable January (1963.) I had a date with Lynda.

Hackney Bar Number 7

655655 views11 comment11 fav

Down the concrete stairs I slinked, past some fur coat wearing tosser and his braying equine girlthing, and pushed my way into the eardrum puncturing furnace of the place.

Fugue No. 3

773773 views33 comments00 favs

The falcon cannot hear the falconer. The rain comes down in sheets.

Ode to a Shopping Mall

760760 views11 comment11 fav

In 1609 Ben Jonson was hired to write a work in celebration of the opening of a new shopping mall.

In The Arms of Veronica

848848 views22 comments00 favs

Her smile was a cliff I stood on, trying to wrangle some kind of hope from the whites of her teeth. I heard the sound of the buzzer from the door on my ward. She stood there, a sickly ash tree, each limb flailing about like she was drowning in my sea of a

How Would Jesus Drive?

982982 views22 comments00 favs

Contemporary persecution of Christians takes on milder forms of torture like having to explain away something Pat Robertson said, or constantly having to hear about Fred Phelps picketing funerals because he happens to hate homosexuals.

Squirrels Just Wanna Have Fun

580580 views11 comment11 fav

“Emma,” I said, “will you quit staring? What about the meatpacker’s hope for his daughter?” I asked. “Have you even thought about that?” “Once you get off the moon, maybe,” she said “Honestly, after so much lamb and schwarma I could go for a

Winter-Love in a Dark Corner

809809 views11 comment11 fav

. . . making a little winter-love, in a dark corner.

Digging Pablo

885885 views11 comment11 fav

They’re exhuming Pablo Neruda To put his old bones to the test Determine if he was murdered At the Capitalists’ request.

Blue Crabs

923923 views22 comments00 favs

The perfect murder, and it’s not even murder.


963963 views11 comment11 fav

It matters little who thought of it first, what mattered was the schism. Or, to be more accurate, those on the opposite sides of the schism. And, of course, you are a part of this, dear reader. You are of one side or the other.

I'm So Glad

768768 views44 comments00 favs

The boy had decided he needed to sell his music equipment—the p.a. system, his amp, his compact organ. His band had broken up and wasn’t going to get back together. He was leaving town at the end of the summer, to where exactly he didn’t know yet.

A Rough Dance

10241024 views33 comments00 favs

A young woman is seated center stage. She is pretty, dressed in a short nightgown. She sits nervously, her body tense and expectant.

The Nutty Professor

24412441 views11 comment00 favs

- Do you get out much, Professor? - How so? You mean to lectures? - No, I mean, you know, say, a walk in the park, or, take in a movie, or, maybe take a chick out to dinner, show her a good time, get a few drink

The Genius

959959 views11 comment00 favs

"The Genius has since abandoned all hope of seeing full remission of the Great Descending Haze in his lifetime."

The Cool Aunt

17261726 views11 comment11 fav

You never forget your first mouthful of monkey stew.

The Birth of Girma Dali

13011301 views11 comment11 fav

Amid the swerve and pulse of hungry bodies Girma Dali picks his spot, a tissue-wide patch of net where's he going to strike. A green-jerseyed defender closes in on him his brute momentum unleashed like a kamikaze pilot swooping into enemy orbit, his lunging body makes…

Hive mentality

908908 views11 comment11 fav

My anger over yesterday's argument with you slipped from memory when I felt the first of the two hundred bee stings, each tiny jab another burst of brilliant pain, and each little attack another reminder to watch where I'm walking.