Plasma screen TV
Underwear (brief style) piled on kitchen chair
Unopened mail from funeral parlour
Water in the sink coloured orange with grease
Desktop computer (flying toasters screen saver)
Cigarette butts floating counter-clockwise in the toilet bowl
One plate
One knife
One fork
Khaki Dockers
And Blue polo shirt
Hanging from a ceiling fan.
Michaelangelo's David
Baby jaguar,
licking cream from an ashtray.
Queen sized waterbed
Unpublished manuscript
Three bamboo shoots (in square glass vases) with smooth pebbles.
Black Widow spider
Sangria, with orange slices, in punch bowl
Alligator shoes
Yesterday's newspaper (sports section)
Silk boxers,
the good china,
Human bones.
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107 words
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This is what happens when poetry happens.
As I read this, I was trying to understand what you're doing here and I'm still not sure. I think you have a great concept in the before and the after. I also love the title but the execution of this is piece is not yet as successful as it could be. I was particularly unsure about the After because (and this is just for me), I don't get it. Are you trying to be poetic? Funny? Surreal? It's one thing to create ambiguity but I felt a lot of confusion.
This is a piece that could also benefit from formatting and playing with form to really move things forward. Still, very interesting. It has certainly made me think.
i like this
i give a seal of approval to this poem
i give seal's face of approval to this poem
(seal's face of approval is him smiling widely, unconcerned about his skin condition, enjoying himself, believing, and optimistic.)