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Natchez Shrapnel

984984 views44 comments11 fav

I was like a bullet shot from a university tower

Three-toed Sloth Love

904904 views22 comments22 favs

Couldn’t we just do a quick ie

I Ask You, Erin it fair?

11231123 views22 comments22 favs

In the privacy of a booth?

Breaking News

12251225 views33 comments11 fav

On the news they said that there was a baby born in a stable. There are rumours that he may be the son of God but initial reports are unconfirmed.

The Reunion

735735 views22 comments22 favs

A small flame of gossip began at one end of the table and began to spread like a wildfire at the first mention of Diane Morgan’s name. “That little red-faced slut stole my boyfriend from me,” I overheard Maryann Blakely saying. “I could have been Prom Que

What Isn't Mine Suffices

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Leaves fall. Snow falls. Both fall beyond my notice

Imagination Factory

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I sit in a small office amongst a huge pile of letters picking out individuals and arranging them on a big square made of something like paraffin

raging bull guy

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I’d made that shot a thou­sand men­tal times, and when it counted, I missed. It hap­pens.

leyh (they say)

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and then he began to sing, along with the ghostly villagers

Sand Atop A Trickling Potentially

804804 views55 comments11 fav

Sand atop a trickling potentially,where roundabout rides hideunbegun business, the trickling of sand at any moment.


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But now she was no longer the little girl.

the note read

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Orchids, and irises. Tulips, and a sunflower too.

Old Haunts

948948 views11 comment22 favs

“Why do you write filth?” they howl

Tales from the Golden Age

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Fucking buffalo, the curse of the writer.

1. The Knife (or, Ignorance is Bliss)

871871 views22 comments22 favs

He showed me the knife, said it was his best friend. This knife is older than you, he said. Here, run your finger along its blade. Like this. He showed me how to do it.

Excelsior - A Poem in 9 Parts (post 3 of 5)

10441044 views44 comments11 fav

IV. From Hoover Dam The intent of passive presence wreathes an endless ring, Invisible, beyond all thoughts and change to sickness. This hour beats sibylline as vacancy, breathing Through mouths that do not taste their nothingness. I do not know where you are;…

The Last Last Ride

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You’d stay on this small roller coaster ride all summer long if you could and if I were a rich man, I would let you. Is it fun riding around in circles? You’re only nine; of course it’s fun.

Convenience Store

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I’m casing the place; my boyfriend Jimmy is about to bust in and rob the store.

Sometimes, Death

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He was surrounded by bats and stalactites and skeletons greeted him and dead celebrities moaned and neon signs -- props from defunct game shows -- were hung up as far as the eye can see.


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Things had started to fall apart. And not only things — things that were meant to keep other things together. Three zippers in two months had fallen apart. I needed to connect.

Citronella Socks

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a cat named email..

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 3

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Then Vladimir asked Ellen if she wanted to try out the dungeon. And she looked at me, and smiled. “Well, yes.” “What?” I said. “No, Ellen, no! Do not let him lock you in here, whatever you do.” “Do not worry. Do not worry. I am Janovsky, no? I hav

Mind Altering

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She felt like she was turning into someone else, someone who appeared normal. She would be inundated with everyone else's ideas, morphing into an insipid lemming, smiling and bantering about mindless things. She wouldn't even care she had changed...

In the Month of Halloween

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Did you ever have a morning when you just did not want to wake up? Sleep can be marvelous, but dreams not so much. If you believe, here is a tale. "She was awakened by the mushing of her pillow around where her head lay squarely on it. It was not violent,

Moving Out

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Lying in the blissful glow of young television. Idly sleeping, eyes open and ears closed.

12 Dreams

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That dog again; enduring love.

Ain't Comin' Back

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He told of the wilting heat, the fulgent landscape, the people....

Fuck Yeah America

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After sportscasters announced the assassination and while the reverberations of the words were still fading people were already shouting

Word Fish

11701170 views44 comments22 favs

Looking with his ears, Hearing with his eyes, Not really mute, he simply didn't know how to speak.One word, then another string together,a crack spreads across an ice covered lake. Now there is an open channel, and his thoughts roil the…


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