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When You Don't Believe

13351335 views1010 comments11 fav

I told you that I have homicidal urges that alternate with ones of the suicidal kind. You flicked an imaginary speck of dust from your fat, fleshy forefinger with your ultra-flexible, wimpy thumb.

Trial Separation

10671067 views44 comments33 favs

"You're no good at sex, no good at drugs and, god knows, no good at rock and roll."


10351035 views66 comments22 favs

not the sky

Like Jeremy Irons

14131413 views33 comments22 favs

Usually, you shop around carefully before condescending to see a new doctor, but this time you go to the first gynecologist who would have you, who has time available. Usually, you refuse to see a male doctor (you hate having male doctors!) but this time,

The Flute Player

12421242 views33 comments22 favs

The man who plays his flute every day under the archway near Powell station is not very good. He never plays a real tune, just a series of random notes. There is no rhythm or melody either. In fact, it's not even a flute he…

The Coward

10441044 views66 comments22 favs

George was the biggest coward alive. But he was too afraid to admit it. But that therein was his cowardice. He couldn't face the truth. He couldn't face his weakness. It made him uncomfortable, the thought that he might need to change.

Myself Today

11361136 views22 comments22 favs

Suddenly I'm not feeling it anymore. / Poetry has become insufficient. / I can't do it like I used to.

Suicide - The Failsafe

12061206 views55 comments22 favs

Yesterday morning I sank to the depths of hell and barely crawled out in time. There is no answer except possibly death that will find me relief from his distant presence. I am free but yet I am not and I slowly sink into a hollow world where nothing hurt

In Quietude

509509 views44 comments22 favs

For Algernon Afloat, on tidal difference's separated songs Let nothing spare her mention, still belongs That sterile tone mismissioned to my ear What love's illusion balanced most when throngs Of hummingbirds advanced, methinks, to hear…

Joint Custody – The Second Coming

925925 views22 comments33 favs

A little boy sits at the table. He hears a knock at the door.“Mo-om!” the boy calls out. “Door!”His mother comes from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her clothing.“Jesus!” she says. “Would it kill you to answer the…

Assiduity Twenty

10921092 views77 comments33 favs

I experience a presence when walking through the forest . . .

Oil Spill Haiku

219219 views77 comments22 favs

a pelican's feather as long as my forearm now a bloodless shaft

My Resolutions for YOU In 2014

939939 views33 comments22 favs

Every year I make New Year's resolutions and every year I break them. So this year, I'm trying something different -- resolutions for other people. Hey world -- here are the changes I'd like to see YOU make in 2014(1) Cell phone owners: No more blathering on your cell in…


12901290 views44 comments22 favs

A father's soft neglect has repercussions.

A Scriptwriter's Story

856856 views33 comments22 favs

He paid the price for being a dick when he tried to write. The Muse did not care for violent behavior.

With a Danish

12871287 views44 comments22 favs

It wasn't hidden, exactly, but kept in a place where she wouldn't be expected to look: a photograph of Roger, naked and supine, looking at the camera without surprise.

Momma's Prayers

942942 views33 comments33 favs

One night, I wake and Daddy’s in the bathroom with a hanger in his mouth.

The Finger of Love

721721 views33 comments33 favs

Wasn’t that you Giving me the finger Or was it just A dead ringer For the finger of love? Finger of love Finger of love Did you find someone’s dog do On your doorstep last night Something didn’t smell right In the middle of the night

"No lights shine out tonight high hung in heaven"

775775 views44 comments22 favs

(From Postcards fom a Railway Station (final poem)) No lights shine out tonight high hung in heaven: And the constellations like a dead man fall. No sight of polar eyes, whose sons are seven, And I stand unthinking and beyond it all I own it all a…

The Green-Eyed Shwemyethna

24352435 views88 comments22 favs

Moon-girl spins around & around drunk on her outrageous momentum as if she could make the world rotate on its own fables.

the last thing

13591359 views33 comments33 favs

salmon maple syrup horseradish smoke detector the list read, scrawled in purple marker on the refrigerator door.

It Is Not Gravity Which Pulls Us Down

20382038 views66 comments11 fav

It Is Not Gravity Which Pulls Us Down Only these tired neglected gods still wander the floor of the universe, sifting joylessly through the detritus that lies there: the fragments of fallen planets grown so heavy with sadness they had lost the will to spin…

A Little Piece of Humanity

12111211 views33 comments22 favs

It wasn't meant to happen like this— the shutter, the feeling of breathlessness when he touched her shoulder, even after he had pointed out all of the things she had done incorrectly throughout the day. They had been married for five years in February, and as…

pickup truck

19041904 views66 comments22 favs

The first time we fucked my face was squashed between a seatbelt buckle and the right-side door.

Instructions for Opening a Document Found in a Black Cabinet

10141014 views77 comments22 favs

When the black cloth falls on you all food tastes like airline food. Every song sounds like Barry Manilow. Every poem sounds like Rod McKuen. It’s all just noise to you now.

Serial Killer

14711471 views22 comments33 favs

Once Mom finally came to terms with the fact that my brother was gay, she became convinced he was a serial killer. “He has all the signs,” she told me as she trimmed my hair. “Signs?” I asked, watching her in the…

this isn't what i was trying to write, you ass

10871087 views33 comments22 favs

sometimes it's hard/ to leave the house in the morning/ when bed is so comfortable/ and you're so far away.

Happy New Year's

10461046 views77 comments22 favs

Start white flour diet.


10171017 views44 comments22 favs

Lorelei was bombarded constantly with it. She began to hate the city...

Love Lost

12611261 views55 comments33 favs

She came to my house late that last night and shucked off her things and we slow-danced to Cruisin' as beaded rainwater slid off her black hair to the floor. She smiled an almost quizzical smile as she drank me there with her eyes, as if I was some…