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12471247 views55 comments33 favs

It's a pretty strange feeling when you think you're about to bite into some ice cream and instead it's gazpacho.

The Bear (April Fool's Day Challenge)

14191419 views66 comments22 favs

Poor Daniel gets the ultimate trick played on him by nature when he encounters a bear for this April Fool's Day Challenge story.

Storm and Shelter

11481148 views66 comments22 favs

Sometimes one person's shelter is another person's storm.

Event Particle

10601060 views55 comments33 favs

She is a manifold of temporal flows.

A Scalar Boson a Day

12211221 views44 comments33 favs

. . . the empiricism of the mechanical had wound tight into her, lessons her few calendars could never impart without aid from sundials, hourglasses, clocks.


839839 views55 comments33 favs

Small wonders, her worthless,priceless treasures fortify the wallswhile hoarded trinkets protect her like armor against memoriesof a desperate past.

Elk Hunters

892892 views33 comments33 favs

"Damn! All I've got is a hundred dollar bill."


17011701 views44 comments22 favs

Pion's long fingers fly from black to white, white to black, without missing even a measure. The nocturne starts soft.


11741174 views66 comments22 favs

You master their secrets. Mirror adjusters... Air conditioning knobs... Fuel door releases... Changing their satellites to Mojo Nixon. But you never really know them.

The Cold Bank Ravens

993993 views33 comments22 favs

In punch drunk waiting rooms... On election routes

bucket of keys

971971 views33 comments33 favs

I imaged him at his mother's house, eating chicken and tabouli with her at her round marble table, leaning back and laughing, then reading my “love you” and excusing himself to cry in the bathroom.


11681168 views77 comments22 favs

I must have been six years old at that time, but the events of…


928928 views33 comments33 favs

Ymir used to be a big nothing;Now he's everything.His hair is the grass, the trees, the reedsHis scalp is the desertHis skull is the empty vault of spaceHis brain is telecommunicationsHis skin is a reality made of matter and miragesHis forehead is the Ten CommandmentsHis…

End of an Astronomer

759759 views33 comments22 favs

The Town, Part 1

997997 views33 comments22 favs

Waiting for the light to turn, his mind wandered, wondering how it was that bridges of this sort collected stories. Old thru truss bridges with grated deckings, or any older bridge for that matter. The stories seemed to have died out since the concrete

Godot Finally Shows!

13981398 views55 comments22 favs

Vladimir and Estragon stood hunched at the corner of Ellis and Taylor in San Francisco's Tenderloin district. Bedraggled and spent, they looked dully around them at pretty much nothing. They could have been thirty, or maybe…

Those Brain Motility Blues

12081208 views44 comments33 favs

Philosophy: a muscular exercise of throat, jaw, tongue, and brain.

Miniature Golf

11751175 views44 comments22 favs

Sadness as foreshadowing

Five Stories From a Funeral

729729 views44 comments22 favs

1. Premonition “He had a premonition,” Agnes, the widow, said. “He said he was going to die.” “Ma,” Gregg said, “he always said he was going to die. He was the Fred Sanford of Central Ave.” “But this time it came…


12021202 views1212 comments11 fav

He extended his bent arm to its full length with a crack, straightened his hunched body and tried, and failed, to close his lips over his frightening grimace. Stone lips are not pliable.

In Small Packages

12641264 views22 comments11 fav

Linus had it right with the security blanket he held like a beloved pet swan. Geneva had it all wrong with a pastel-colored music box, painted with impressionist-styled daisies and tied up in gold-ribbed pink bow. But it had come from her grandmother. Her

The girl laughing in the dictionary.

10261026 views44 comments33 favs

Trigger Warning.

There Goes A Green Torino

889889 views33 comments33 favs

I will be heresitting on this pavementon this blockin this neighborhoodwith my legs crossedwith a dogwith another dog with his bonein front of my housein front of the mammothsunflowersdrinking a glass of waterreading a booklistening to Discobecause I'm weird that…

February 1964

13121312 views22 comments33 favs

New York, New York The winter drizzle left the streets shiny like in movies and this night Manhattan looked like it should look, vibrant, clean and sparkling. It was…

Someday, Somewhere, waiting for me.

12171217 views55 comments33 favs

Out in the open air, the sun's rays washing over the dead, open fields, Nick lay, his back against the wall of the train platform, eyes facing the sky, hands outstretched to the…

55 Words #1

19641964 views33 comments33 favs

I would roll my eyes, give one word replies or a smiley face.

The Budweiser Sign and the Ghosts of Saturday Night

10761076 views77 comments22 favs

It waited and witnessed the seasons complete a grouping and form a year. Then it watched them do it again. Winter, spring, summer, fall. It watched from the inside of course. But it could see. Big sliding glass doors and long and wide windows stayed the course also, way…

Noche de las Ranas

13441344 views33 comments33 favs

He pushed aside the netting and trained the flashlight on the dripping courtyard. Rivers ran off the wide pinanona leaves, surged through fissures in the crumbling wall.


13231323 views99 comments22 favs

I won't fail at this like trying to fix a leaking sink without mud grease or washers tinier than Cheerios.

Personal Hell - I'm Not Scared, Just Disappointed

10911091 views33 comments33 favs

Satan is a wide-eyed Pollyanna mime who communicates with a ventriloquist dummy that corrects my grammar, speaks in internet acronyms, tells me that I’d be a lot prettier if I just smiled more and lost fifteen pounds, and nags me about how all my problems