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Off Day

14191419 views77 comments33 favs

The world is having an off day. The sun is now lavender in color, soft on the eyes, and we stare at the new sun all day without ill effect.

Wild Origin

11431143 views55 comments33 favs

Seeking your will, instead we found, somehow, a clutch of our own documents; folded under a rubber band gone to rot, muddy strands nestled in the creases.

Just Another Hero

15441544 views44 comments44 favs

Alma Tucker settled into middle age with the comfort that escapes most women. Her festival queen days gone. Along with her wispy waist and cherry blond hair, replaced by broader curves and graying tresses. She was content with the way age had changed her

Donkey Kong

11221122 views33 comments11 fav

Don’t get me wrong. Maria Shriver is hot, but her angled face makes me think a knife thrower is out to get me.

Nature Poem

15541554 views44 comments44 favs

Blueberries are like testicles: you have to hold them gently, from underneath.

The Trash of Spring

687687 views88 comments33 favs

Winter offers pitting salty sand clouds

A Drowning

14041404 views55 comments33 favs

Her time was spent in its usual way, breakfast, pills, organizing and cleaning. It was just hours behind today; hence the late swim. She was proud she did it, that she went outside. She swam, moved herself in the pool, chilly as it was. The pump made a wa

Five Being Ten at the New Afterlife Dance Theatre

14031403 views22 comments44 favs

We got our holes in our hearts bundled onto soft wrapping cloth just like the gentleman on TV said; with smiles we set out towards our matching end of the same old stories. That's just the way…

Salem the Dead

12701270 views44 comments44 favs

My father's cousin is Salem the Dead. Famed, an infant Lazarus of Libya, he was brought lifeless from the womb, yet awoke to the chill of a mortuary slab.

Praying in bed

12461246 views44 comments33 favs

When I was a kid, I was terrified of dying in a bombing, which is strange, really, because I lived in Long Island, which has relatively few bombings to speak of.

My Totally Awesome Funeral

22762276 views77 comments33 favs

Construct my eulogy with dialogue snippets culled from old Brat Pack movies and deliver them with a straight face.

Warm Day, Virus City

548548 views44 comments33 favs

From inside the baking hot car we watched our father, nervous in his face mask and gloves, step through the wooden gate into grandma's front garden. She was waiting for him, thin and lonely behind the frilled lace curtain. She held the iPad in her left hand, and she…

End of the Cloud

10751075 views55 comments33 favs

Somewhere between the bleating of sheep And the laying of eggs Comes the licking of frosting And the eating of the cake We’re not young enough To know everything anymore And you may think there’s no rush But I know this There’s a limit t

Easy to Show

14491449 views66 comments33 favs

“3.9 million dollars,” she whispered to the window.

The Photo of the Bulletproof Man

14271427 views55 comments33 favs

He was corporate then, young, his wife gorgeous, the collar flipped up on his twill overcoat, a lit cigarette in one hand, the other around his wife’s waist. They stood outside. It looked chilly. She wore a hat. He looked bulletproof.

The Things That Danny Said

14001400 views66 comments33 favs

Danny said that you like him now. He smiled like it was the best news that he could give me, but his eyes dared me. …

Read My Lips, or Simply Refer to the Subtitles

11371137 views55 comments33 favs

A friend has been shopping an opera around without success. It's about Arthur Inman, a hypochondriac who hired people to talk to and, in some cases, have sex with him.

Edward Ogle the Ninth

10631063 views44 comments33 favs

Vanilla bean trampoline

The Human Bible

850850 views55 comments44 favs

Fat, religious, full of himself,


18611861 views99 comments33 favs

The year I lick so much windowpane off stamps I have to use Elmer's glue to back the twenty-center for a postcard cash request to my mother, that I am alive note at the end of term, is the year of all the "wine" parties. "Wine" is what we put down

Application for Position as Failure

13081308 views99 comments22 favs

Dear Sir/ Madam I wish to apply for the position you advertised in the Daily Sun. Although my expertise is in self-obliteration and self-worth (or lack of), and my work mainly in disappointment, I do have much experience in failure, which this letter will…

Milky Way of Impossibility

10601060 views66 comments33 favs

Can we meet in the desert, I will stand with a cactus flower clenched between my teeth and balance en pointe. I will tame snakes and find your serpent tongue with my eyes closed. I will usher in the clouds, when it grows hot, and, should you becom

~with every breath~

11921192 views11 comment22 favs

she goes jogging with the feet of an angel the sound of crunching leaves like wrapping paper torn open to reveal an expensive doll and the light in her mother's eyes.

~the brilliant machine~

15101510 views44 comments22 favs

when the sun goes down alone vice is forgotten in the night wind your lover's voice on the phone held fast in the balance of gravity and momentum overcoming inanimate objects and the unknown

The Show Must Go On

11551155 views55 comments44 favs

I had the idea for a pageant for my obedience school at spring graduation

Song Against Unwarranted Cheer

10591059 views77 comments22 favs

If I should stumble into cheerfulness/ remind me of all the business models

Red and Lavendar Silk

11701170 views55 comments44 favs

Swatches of Chinese silk in vivid red and lavender fly through the air. My granddaughter in her mid-thirties reaches for the cloth. I see in her mirror a shape forming; a slim, gray haired woman with a spring in her step. I pause to admire my reflection and pass over the…

After all

988988 views55 comments33 favs

The questions piled up so high I thought I'd neverget through the door.The ease of alcohol, the incline of submission. Guttural sounds and spittle.Wipe down the morning afterwith a shower.Redress in last night's clothes.There's coffee if you want it.Sincerity too -no,…

The Prettiest Lie

17481748 views66 comments33 favs

Your life is going to change—how many times was that prediction offered in one form or another during my wife’s pregnancy? Mothers often said it with a bliss-touched smile; fathers with a smirk that was both sardonic and conspiratorial, and a distinct


10651065 views44 comments44 favs

“What. Is. That?” Sid asked, staring at the shaggy ball of fur sitting in the living room. Its tongue hung out of its mouth and its tail beat against the carpet.“This is Ranger,” his mom said. “I don't know what breed he is, but he's a sweetie…