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My Shasta Daisy

16351635 views00 comments00 favs

I lay on grass warmed by the sun Somehow the breeze finds Its way between my toes I gaze at your beauty Standing alone in between Blades of green grass Is Shasta My Daisy I watch you dance As the wind teases and blows I watch you stand tall …

This, About The Man I Met Out Here In Nearly Nowhere

15221522 views33 comments22 favs

Out here in nearly nowhere I met this man. About him I know something something, and no one can tell me otherwise.

The Spirit Upwelling

17351735 views11 comment11 fav

Too late, I feel a bite under my left heel, but before I can look, I blunder into Robert and Paul rolling across the bedroom floor. They knock me over like a bowling pin, and I grab Robert’s hands and try to pull them from around his father’s neck.

The Statue of a Writer

20812081 views44 comments11 fav

As I sat down finally, finally to write, some brooding heretical hour of the night, with my ballpoint in hand, poised to blot page, Time gathered momentum, although I did not age...


13951395 views00 comments00 favs

It's Christmas!

Motherly Advice

11501150 views22 comments00 favs

Her mother told her once: "Don't be no whore, Fe-fe."

On A Trans-Atlantic Flight

23702370 views55 comments33 favs

I used to think I could see God in the clouds. Not in an indefinite expanse of clear blue, calm and crisp and quiet, desperate in its infinity, but somewhere up there, among the water vapor masses between us and eternal sky. Not in gray and grumpy nimbostratus, nor fine…

Wild Dreams Of Reality, 3

20772077 views22 comments11 fav

The following day, I was so nervous that I decided to have a drink to keep a lid on my nerves. It wasn't even noon yet. They say that's when you know it's getting bad, and that drinking has become a problem. But I hadn't gone out with anyone in over fi

His Name Was Do Re Mi

21432143 views55 comments22 favs

I unzip him out of skin. Find what is dark and black inside. Mistake jutting spine for zipper grooves.

Slices of Matisse

19361936 views00 comments00 favs

still the water's insurrection continues, transforming the room into a silent crucible whose pure liquid melts our voices and surges above our heads.

The Tortoise in the Hair

16881688 views33 comments33 favs

Pete told me, honest to God, that the first night he had that tortoise back home with him, he woke up the next morning bald. The damn thing had eaten off all his hair. So then Pete figured he'd strike up a deal with Clarence Magee, the barber.

Guess Who Was At The Party?

28082808 views1818 comments77 favs

She didn’t look a thing like his girlfriend. This alone should have been a sign that she was just a fling, a diversion from what he had known for the past five years. She began to think of his girlfriend as guess who. Guess who was at the opening, peopl

I Am Wearing Stolen Socks

13161316 views11 comment00 favs

I am wearing stolen socks. Not because I haven't any of my own, and not because they are an exact fit. Only because they soothe my emptiness inside.


24272427 views66 comments11 fav

He is my daughter's son and his father's worst enemy.

Space, Blank, Uninterrupted

12951295 views77 comments11 fav

Space, blank, uninterrupted, but then a fissure, a crack, a corridor, and down it you're walking.

Dr. Nishad

18201820 views1414 comments66 favs

Sometimes she imagined the piles of Dr. Nishad's medical waste at the end of productive day at the hospital. Stacks and heaps of connective tissue, lung matter, gristle and bone, cancerous clumps of tongue and stomach and ropes of bad muscles like wrung,


24652465 views66 comments11 fav

At the center of the world our bodies float over each other near to everything, at the center of being Not like arrows pointing in three directions but like our own bodies pulsing in and out Laughter can cure nearly anything it is sa

Hitler's Angel (A Meta Christmas Carol)

18381838 views77 comments33 favs

Christmas is here and there's work to do.


25132513 views1313 comments88 favs

... honestly, the dishes were just tired. Too few in number and washed too often, they dreamed of an escape -- any escape, really -- from the endless cycle of hot water and being racked together to dry ...

Miss Winter Solstice

12821282 views00 comments00 favs

The palm trees bent upon her passing stride From fishnet stockings running up her hide;

The Impulse of Breathing

22192219 views88 comments11 fav

She listens to the rhythm of the tide, each surge and surrender like the death of an old life and the resurrection of something new.

Doctor, My Eyes

984984 views33 comments00 favs was just my heart stnging through my eyes...

My Recycled Soul

16011601 views11 comment00 favs

Forever Implies To my recycled soul That it is achievable If only I stretch myself Towards it


13381338 views22 comments00 favs

You were at a saloon on Water Street. Witnesses say. You were taken out of the place and put on a sloop against your will. Witnesses don’t say.

Old Flame

21082108 views22 comments33 favs

The receiving line stretched into the lobby of the funeral home, which was decorated with faded Waverly wallpaper, dirty lemon yellow carpeting, and the kind of ornate white furniture I used to want in my bedroom when I was a little girl. The people in th

Singularities And the Circle Of Convergence

11591159 views55 comments11 fav

There was a knock at the front door of Apartment Number 9. Ace Quana tried to beat his wiener dog, Little Ace to the door, but he could not. For while Little Ace had stubby legs like wet…

Coffee Shop

16851685 views2525 comments66 favs

He inhaled all these sensory impulses like they were so much illuminated, fluorescent pollen which jostled for space with the strong aroma of coffee in his nostrils.


29632963 views2323 comments99 favs

The man is wiry and jumpy. There is a tattoo on his upper arm of Charles Manson. He jumps and jumps. He looks like a man on a pogo stick. He will not stop jumping.

Blanket of Ivory

993993 views44 comments00 favs

Diane couldn’t shake her compunction. Though eight and a half months had passed, nothing felt right anymore. Their conversation played out in her dreams, and stilled her during everyday errands.


11211121 views55 comments11 fav

He was choking on the fumes.