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Noche de las Ranas

13431343 views33 comments33 favs

He pushed aside the netting and trained the flashlight on the dripping courtyard. Rivers ran off the wide pinanona leaves, surged through fissures in the crumbling wall.

The Beethoven Delusion

991991 views00 comments00 favs

"It is my argument that a pious fraud has been perpetrated so as to subject mankind to the most humiliating of intellectual enslavements."

Rev. Jasper Pickery and Three Manifestations of the Devil

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I shall simply give you an account of the Devil's own attempts to thwart my godly work and the three forms in which he came unto me.

Non-Stop Service

12491249 views55 comments00 favs

Please direct your attention to the flight attendants as they demonstrate the safety features of this aircraft.

The Shopkeeper

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“There goes that slut Kerri Stanton,” the immense woman behind the counter chuckled to her patron. “Who the hell does she think she is?”

Harley Davidson Fanny Pack

15681568 views33 comments00 favs

Harley Davidson fanny pack

Brian's Bride

11551155 views44 comments00 favs

I had a dream. "And it was a long dream, as dreams go. . ."

The Messenger, Chapter 1

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It's hard to say who was the first to point a finger towards the sky. Maybe it was the cherubic overall-clad toddler perched on the shoulders of his father's worn brown leather jacket. Maybe it was one of the teenaged girls, their long straight hair whipp

5” X 6” In A Sturdy Frame

16871687 views11 comment11 fav

The first morning we met—I remember the rain, soft the way I like it—was a series she later attributed as a fourteen-frame sunrise.


10951095 views22 comments11 fav

In his tiny fist he held the world In his other his mothers hand

The Spaceman and the Venusian Vampire Vixens

14971497 views22 comments11 fav

It’s late July, and I’ve just been given the assignment to cover Paganfoil’s ‘Warbird’ tour. To tell you the truth, I really loathe this assignment. I never, ever, EVER cared for hard rock or heavy metal or whatever they’re calling it this dec

The Mish

13171317 views44 comments22 favs

So begins your new career in the car service business. In some ways you enjoy it, too. Sitting alone in the cab each day, totally your own boss; you get a surge of excitement inside thinking about the money you'll make in a way that requires so little work. Clearing two…

The Astounding Adventures of Cyril Bright

17771777 views33 comments11 fav

Chap. XI: A Place Beauteous of Which I Dare Not Speak And when I had released the spirit from his worldly prison, he did show to me a way that man does not travel, though travel it I did with him until we should chance to see such things as should never be polaroided (and…

Ditching the Universe for Katy

13141314 views88 comments22 favs

I am running for only one thing now. For Katy.

A Willing Forgiveness

927927 views00 comments00 favs

I head out the door into Blustery cold winds Walking to my start mark I begin… Expecting in moments To hear the regular symphony Of anatomies brilliant Symmetry… Then I realize In my haste I have been thoughtless It will exact a price… …

Keeping watch

10931093 views66 comments22 favs

The machines are alive but she is not. The pads keep her face from being irritated but my mind isn't so lucky."Let me GO!" she least that's what I hear. They are waiting for permission for her to go. Eager hesitation best describes the tense…

... and I liked it!

14031403 views22 comments11 fav

... red lipstick shiny in the bar's light, raven-colored hair spiky and toussled. Jen opened her mouth to say something, stickiness of her cherry Chapstick separating with her lips ... and the girl leaned in and started kissing her.

New World

17231723 views4141 comments99 favs


Suicidal god

10551055 views55 comments22 favs

My dog’s on suicide precautions. I had to take away all her eating utensils--even the chopsticks. So now she has to eat directly from the bowl. It doesn’t seem to slow her down.

Preacher Alphonse Jicklo

959959 views55 comments11 fav

Samson was also somewhat in hopes that his son Jason would become engaged in this minor capitalist enterprise and 'turned around' in his life.


18761876 views22 comments00 favs

Hanging was back and thriving - twice a week at half seven in the evening.

to day

15931593 views1717 comments55 favs

I turn my head. Time starts running.


11201120 views00 comments11 fav

He is poised erect before me. I take pleasure in soft skin that does not betray the strength of his cock, firm and yet vulnerable beneath my fingertips. With my hands, I coax him to his full length, girth. Tonight I ignore the heat of my Delta and bow my head in worship…

Petty Injuries

22062206 views2222 comments1111 favs

Fault and blame can be forgotten after three steep flights of stairs. Pregnant-lady-take-the-elevator kind of steep. I-said-elevator, holy-shit-she’s-falling kind of steep. A-faked-relief-when-the-child-is-born, but-born-special kind of steep.


14681468 views1010 comments11 fav

Annie remembers clearly the smell of that classroom, the look and taste of it. Thirty little cruel girls, as cruel as only girls can be, sitting in rows of five.

Beyond the Voice

15151515 views88 comments55 favs

We might as well be honest: we’re talking about the two of us here. No one, not even the cameraman, had any idea even after all these years. For more than a decade we’d been bringing the six o’clock news into a medium-almost-major market region.

...anything but love...

12861286 views77 comments11 fav

"Take a chance, Bill," she said, "Like Eddie across the hall did. Tess told me he marched right into his boss and demanded a raise. He pointed out how much they needed him and they gave him twenty-five dollars more a week.

Sticky Wants to Grab

15891589 views22 comments00 favs

I’ll bring the naproxen sodium so we won’t have any problem grabbing things.

The Garbage House

15121512 views11 comment00 favs

If you don't know what you're getting into maybe you shouldn't take the job. Driving in the rain with the windows open, holding your breath for minutes at a time, sticking your head out to gasp for air, you begin to understand the depravity to which people in poverty…


18621862 views55 comments11 fav

Their footsteps stopped suddenly, leaving them staring at one another across the bleak expanse of playground at south Los Angeles' Gompers Middle School. His uniform's white polo shirt felt too restrictive as he watched her budding solar plexus rise and f