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In an authentic Irish pub in Las Vegas

943943 views55 comments55 favs

In an authentic Irish pub in Las Vegas where over much crowd noise the three of us are discussing Yeats, Joyce and Lady Gregory. We’re in an Irish pub after all, plus the fact we’re literature profs attending a Vegas academic conference.

Puppet X, 1

780780 views66 comments44 favs

I know you, ladies and gentlemen We see the near future through you Your factual face as you sit indoors Youthless In your ordinary chair "Mice run through their vision Mice run through

The Planet Will Erase Us

10541054 views2323 comments1111 favs

We control/ nothing.

Waves of Memory

835835 views33 comments22 favs

"Sometimes things just don’t go as planned. It doesn’t mean anyone is to blame - It just is."


631631 views55 comments44 favs

We went east. It wasn't all that easy, but easier than staying where we were, unable to freely move or give birth to anything brand new. We went east insearch of the mysterious faraway beginnings of a mythical wild west. We went east becauseit…

My First Love Messages Me On Facebook

800800 views55 comments44 favs

He tells me that he thinks he reached out as he needed healing and I wonder if I should diagnose him on the spot, explain what years of therapy taught me about him. I don't. Instead I compliment a photograph of the pot plants he grows, organic,

Edward Ogle the Tenth

739739 views11 comment22 favs

shitting out the Mona Lisa.


803803 views88 comments66 favs

you stand ashore

Executing the Trade

696696 views66 comments55 favs

Prospero's in his cell and I'm in mine. He drowns his books, I'm drowning in mine. He exercises his power–I'm powerless to exercise.

In the Woods

918918 views1111 comments77 favs

...come come come come...

A Writer Abroad

809809 views99 comments99 favs

Here’s an obvious fact: I live in Germany, but don’t speak much German. Okay, I speak very little German. Truth be told, hardly any.

Guns in the House

11541154 views44 comments55 favs

Jack would have felt betrayed, and my parents alarmed, had they ever suspected me of playing with Jack's guns, but I found the temptation overwhelming.

'MY DICK IS SO HARD FOR JESUS!' by Christofascist Jones

16001600 views22 comments11 fav

"Now, I'm not no Holocaust Denier . . . I just think it was a little bump in the road! Like Reagan said about Watergate . . . 'Mistakes were made,' and all. Well, shoot . . .…


896896 views44 comments55 favs

Art books, paintings, antique chairs, marble tables, full length gold gilded mirrors, oriental rugs, tapestries, a Louis XVI painted French armoire, a wrought iron Deco coffee table, flat ware, silver flasks, mantel lamps, iron gates, a silk settee, theat

Supermarket Blues

668668 views11 comment11 fav

Man on aisle nine looking for the answer to cancer Will the partially clothed couple on aisle four please put the rest of their clothing back on If you are finished doing whatever it was you were doing? Man on aisle five trying to imagine Whil

O'Arlo's Journal: About Myself

11961196 views1313 comments88 favs

Every morning if I don't have to go potty....

Three in a Major Key

10021002 views2424 comments1212 favs

One can watch the grass green/ in response. One can watch the world green/ in response.

On Advertising

604604 views11 comment11 fav

As you can see, egotism forms at a young age for people who end up in this industry.

Starry Night

11631163 views2020 comments1010 favs

I invited Van Gogh over for some drinks and a chat. I'm talking about Vincent.

The Body in the Other Room

953953 views1717 comments1111 favs

I couldn’t parse the grammar of her body nor decode the secret softness of her neck.

Where Is Daddy?

990990 views66 comments55 favs

He checks the bedrooms first, then the hallway, followed by the living room and the bathrooms. When he can't find you he takes to calling out, daddy, I'm sure the neighbors hear.

All You Wanna do is to Sink (but you stink)

513513 views55 comments55 favs

into another bright vat of boiling over hot lies. It's sick, man, the way you'd rather dig for a supposed (royal) buried treasure than make a new beautiful thing start to happen, breakyour back, break your spirit, over and over, until there's nothing left to…

the weather past where roads end

884884 views55 comments55 favs

a soft wooden clatter, wind-battered reeds/bound to the banks of ditches rank,/ill-purposed waters slide into low swamps/whose waters into rivers seep and crawl.

How We Open Doors

795795 views44 comments33 favs

-- as if I had / only rung the rusted bell --

Jon Bon Joviettes: A Love Letter to the Bistro

909909 views00 comments00 favs

"Oh, sit on my face oh won't you? Your velvety wetness would provide a nice counterpoint to the upholstery of the sofa-matching easy chair, crummy but that's the charm of this hipster-ironic dive playing 80's crap so I have to cram your music in my…


933933 views1717 comments99 favs

...a session/ of hide and seek/ among the syllables.

The List

698698 views22 comments22 favs

Agnes folded the magazine in her lap. It was one of those women's magazines that had a picture of a supermodel on the cover. The girl was pencil thin and not that attractive, at least not as far as Agnes was concerned, and she was surrounded by boldface words encouraging…

"It's the dead of midnight, and Orion wheels round..."

556556 views22 comments11 fav

It's the dead of midnight, and Orion wheels round- With passing road-streams as its parallax, cars More distant from us, as the next one's windows Blocks the view of riders free from traffic lanes; I Am not your window. As you glide, or go to…

Buddha in the backyard

853853 views99 comments66 favs

He sits ...


839839 views55 comments55 favs

I’m afraid