I'd had a long, hard fall from the pinnacle of the profession. I made the mistake of accepting a mouse pad, coffee mug and a fleece pullover with the logo of Upchux, an anti-reflux drug, on the left breast where you'd get heartburn.
Such behavior will result in no disciplinary action only: 1) if all blinds are drawn; 2) all doors are locked; and 3) loud groaning is masked by appropriate use of the volume control on the classroom’s closed-circuit TV set.
Touching one of these special stones will bring out your own unique song.
"I see how little kids might find you creepy," she says between red velvet bites...
“What was that about?” Keiko asked as she gingerly separated the lily from the wrapping and the baby's breath and examined the flower. Keiko unbound the lily and noticed that the stem seemed strong. The flower no longer needed the support of the wire, and
My server wore cat's eye glasses, a Wonderbra that made her breasts like the embryos from Alien wanting to burst their way out of her Hooters t-shirt but couldn't.
Only the occasional kindness of a stranger,//
The curve of his back, a slope rushing past me,//
Is luminous, the coin pressed in my hand . . .////
And yes, I beg.////
I open my palm//
As Jesus did.//
I met a girl so sweet, So sweet that she could Break your heart No girl, no one should Be so sweet So sweet that she melts My depression Increase my anxiety No one should be so sweet More like a little girl Than her 25 years If…
I’ll take my Christmas carols neat-
The stone floor was cold and the sky above had a purple haze. The setting sun hid beyond the trees outside the crumbled walls. Vines reached over the well as if it grabbed it like hand.
I saw God sobbing in a wheelchair
His legs didn't work and He had no hair
I saw God sobbing in a wheelchair
Nobody else was there
Nobody stopped to stare
Nobody seemed to care
The Kid, The Executive, The Doctor, and The Actress.
Recently I think I became someone else.
When the alarm clock rings in the morning, it sounds sharper than usual; getting up, my feet don't seem to quite touch the floor; looking into my bathroom mirror, my face seems to be melting, sliding, my eyes dri
“The usual,” he says, casting implicit scorn on Boston’s B–or is it C-list?–scene. “There’s a TV weatherman who’s trying to impress a hot babe at the bar with the ten-day extended forecast.”
I saw blood. The walls of the bar were completely covered in red shag carpeting. Had I been thrown back in time to the Seventies? It felt as if I had entered Hell itself. No, this was not Hell. This was the Aryan-Brotherhood's version of the movie Shaft. I…
what happens to literature's characters when their readers traverse the veil?
On the table the image is by Chardin but the puzzle is by someone else and that is what he has dumped out of the box.
The explosions sound like gunshots. Antonio Gattorno, absorbed in his work, flinches. He curses as he smears the brush across the canvas. He’s been painting since mid-morning. It‘s a hot summer day. Tomorrow is the fourth of July.
When I got out I didn't buy a new suit of clothes, step into a bar, or bargain for an hour with a whore.
Human being: a fruit or vegetable with animal aspirations and a mineral destiny.
not to free ourselves//
from suffering//
but become the window//
through which it sees//
You know moments like these. You know how your mother ruins them.
They were everywhere walking right above us or so it seemed, back and forth, back and forth with their lousy, crunching heels making hollow chewed up noises that took all the sweet sounds left on earth and had them march along…
The gates going up
and down like
gigantic windshield wipers
to let the existent
boxcars pass.
We went across these real
bumpy railroad tracks into
a town so
small there
wasn’t enough room
for the car,
so we got out and went ahe
The officer’s eggs and bacon rested on the asphalt amid shattered ceramic and boot heels.
This is the story of my friend, Gil
Reince Priebus is the leader of the Ko-Dan Armada.
The struggling creature opened its beak and let out a shrill cry before both parents moved in and, using their webbed feet, forced its head back under the surface.
This was the anniversary of the chairs. He would celebrate tonight for the chairs, and the chairs would welcome him.