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The Thief

18401840 views5252 comments2424 favs

I said, kiss this.

~the scent of dead roses~

13101310 views11 comment11 fav

i killed a poetic boy yesterday. the old ladies in theshadows swore at him when he was walking home proud ashell with a new pocketknife. they told him we dienext week so laugh like you got limes for balls. hecalled them drippy old vultures in his native tongue.they didn't…

The Mad Ones

805805 views00 comments00 favs

On the parking lot of the bar, two in the afternoonYou notice the battered car, dented up body of a Ford escort,No hubcaps, plastic in two of windows,It yells a story to youA familiar storyHead into the bar2 O' clock in the afternoonIt's a nice, sunny, warm Saturday…

- excerpt from - Whitehouse 180

837837 views00 comments00 favs

Bloggers venomously characterized Mitt as a "bumper sticker Patriot", the kind of coward who wraps himself up in a flag, puts a bumper sticker on his car, sings the national anthem at the top of his lungs and is the first person to yell out "Freedome Isnt

Jam Sessions with Wannabe Rock Stars

905905 views55 comments33 favs

Hey Sledge! Yo. Did you know Socrates hated the idea of writing thoughts down? He said it weakened the memory…made us lazy. Say wha? That's why he never wrote a book. The only way we know about him is through his student Plato's writing. St

Breaking Dawn

15991599 views88 comments55 favs

This is where he died, she says to me, and points to the damp pavement. Her hair is wet, and slicked against her neck. The humidity is making everything engulf her. The sleep shorts I bought her last July are loose on her now, but between the rain and

IRON Meditations (thoughts while pressing a clean shirt for work)

11871187 views11 comment22 favs

An yet we are all inmates...

End of Chapter Questions for an Imaginary Textbook

16421642 views33 comments33 favs

Describe how like or unlike a vagina a peach pit is, using no anatomical words.

Any Given Recent Day

11351135 views11 comment11 fav

Ten-year-old Bobby Akins learned that a shotgun shell struck on its brass end with a hammer can indeed take out the left eye of an eight-year-old brother observing the proceedings close by.

You Don’t Know Jack.

11871187 views1515 comments88 favs

Susan said since her divorce three years ago there have been too many Jacks in her life. Seven, if she counted that older guy. She knew that now. Too many. It was the name and little else that drew her to men. She told me the name alone was like Pavlov's bell. It…

Strange Land

743743 views00 comments00 favs

I was still18 years old when the plane landed in South Korea. It was 10AM, Friday. Stepping off the jet way, it could have been any airport in America. But it wasn't. As soon as we got in the airport we were hustled to Customs. Filled out a bunch of forms. Asked…

Indentured Servitude

10601060 views33 comments22 favs

"I’m wearing a white sundress with little strings tied at the shoulders, sheer white panties, and a lace push up bra." It sounded good, sexy, likable. The kind of outfit a girl he’d fall in love with would wear- if he was prone to love, that is. "That sou


10931093 views33 comments22 favs

^ through a busted window in this desert…

A Time for Beer

611611 views11 comment00 favs

He lives a simple life, the docks, an occasional woman of questionable morals and brewskis.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 15

961961 views00 comments00 favs

There was a motley assortment of customers in the restaurant. Mostly casually dressed young men and women who looked like freelancers of some persuasion.

Boy Meets Girl

11151115 views00 comments00 favs

Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. It was an unexpected meeting, but one that was sure to bring a lot of change for both. They met at a work event. Some friends wanted to put together a company and they had both been invited to be part of the project. Boy smiled. Girl remained…

Sparks Beneath the Surface

11081108 views2323 comments1010 favs

If I should wake/ before I die,/ just shoot me through/ the one good eye.

Unlimited And Limited

946946 views88 comments00 favs

Despite kryptonite not actually existing it became possible to buy, for 300 dollars, pieces of kryptonite on eBay. Personal protection, the sales pitch said. The pieces of kryptonite looked suspiciously like green plastic.

Uncanny Valley, Goodbye

922922 views00 comments00 favs

When not enough is left to utterThe syllables it takes to say,Goodbye--Disassembled and developed,Laid upon the ground,Like the girded gridlockOn your smog befitted brow...Goodbye.And what if I said, hello?What if I said, good day?Would it change your sunken bodyAnd repair…


11211121 views66 comments00 favs

But now she was no longer the little girl.

Agra Road

851851 views1111 comments66 favs

Beyond a jade gate, a lotus pillar nods to / a braided fort.

Harry's Hair

3838 views22 comments00 favs

Harry's hair had been in the process of falling out for years. He had tried every over-the-counter remedy and prescription available with no success. Over the years, his receding hairline had become a widow's peak, then male…

White Legs

13351335 views1515 comments77 favs

...lotus roots carved with clunky holes like a mouse’s drawing of Swiss cheese.

My Name is Philippe

13321332 views00 comments00 favs

I ought to see, in Mr. Smith's dilated pupils, the projection of his last reverie.


20692069 views11 comment11 fav

"Geez," I thought, "not only is this daredevil felon fellow my EXACT height and build — his co-conspiring gal-pal must be, too!" I exhaled what felt like a gallon’s worth of air though my nose. "This is just getting too fucking weird ..."

chelsea wolfe

786786 views00 comments00 favs

exiled from hell where no torture could touch you to a cloud in heaven where no…

On a Count of the Stars

951951 views99 comments55 favs

The number is very large/ and perpetually changes// as old stars fade, explode,/ or collapse into something not stars

Commander of the Armies of the Four Winds

909909 views00 comments00 favs

"Commander of the Armies of the Four Winds" concerns a nightmare endured by Commander Daniel Bennett of the San Diego Police Department after he is assigned to recover the stolen Necromancer Artifact, which purports to invoke nefarious spirits imprisoned

Miss Zoldac's Fifth Grade Class Balloon Launch

10931093 views66 comments22 favs

INSTRUCTIONS: To all students, please address your index card: "To the Finder of this Balloon." Beneath that, write something that will encourage the finder to email you back. Then tape the index card to your balloon's string.Happy Ballooning! To the Finder…

Good For The Ducks

15931593 views11 comment00 favs

It's dawn. It's quiet on the pond in the Public Garden. The light is calm, the pollution is mild, and everything is still,except for the occasional cruising taxi. It's the beginning of spring-- tulips out, leaves…