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Just Another Sunny Day of Terror

111111 views77 comments33 favs


Error Message

840840 views00 comments00 favs

Would you take a job living in a computer? What if you had to?

Bukowski and Me

259259 views44 comments44 favs

I like to think of Bukowski and meknocking back beers in some downtown LA bar, Buk telling me some tale of ordinary madness (“Man, you shoulda seen the big old ass on her, I loved to hang onto it while we fucked.”) as I stare, nodding, at…

Morning Night (1)

763763 views00 comments00 favs

Sunday Night She wasn't hungry, hadn't eaten for days, wouldn't even touch the food I took time off my fuckin' schedule to bring her myself. I walked through puddles of dirt and dog shit, I did. By the time she opened the door after four knocks, I was drenched,…

Goody Two-Shoes

919919 views66 comments55 favs

She locked herself in the bathroom on our wedding night. That was my first clue that I had made a mistake.

Black Stag

4949 views00 comments00 favs

Around and down the curved slope of slippery embankment walked the young black male deer, lifting only one leg from each side, front-to-back then back-to-front, leaning to-and-aft, diagonally digging the heels of his alternate hooves into the quick caramel mud. …

Saint Christopher Phone Booth Blues

819819 views22 comments11 fav

I've got to stop it. This can't go on. I've got stop yelling at people. Dog people. What's up with dogs of a sudden? Why does everyone suddenly seem to have a dog? I like dogs. Don't get me wrong. It's unleashed dogs that make me go ballistic. One reason is because …

If You See God, Don't Tell Him

24692469 views1616 comments1515 favs

A wrinkled old woman sat at the table next to me. “Are you a writer?” she asked. “Yes, I am.” “Are you Jewish?” “No, I’m not,” I replied. “Where do you come from?” she asked in her broken English. “Chicago,” I said. “The Bohemian ghetto there, o


338338 views5353 comments2222 favs

Assholes are assholes who do asshole things.

Jasika by the Mountain

734734 views33 comments11 fav

There was the small wooden structure near the base of the mountain. It had weathered many storms and its walls talked about the scars of this. In the hills to the west various cries came out from feral animals that seemed to go linger that autumn. But it had been a…

The Flying Orvaginateusse

854854 views22 comments11 fav

The orvanginateusse scrambled from the grounds with such speed and grace that I could only admire it from a distance


118118 views1212 comments66 favs



796796 views33 comments00 favs

- Of or relating to dreams

Atonement Circle

5252 views00 comments00 favs

When Roger opened the closet door, several guns fell forward at his feet. Most of them were rifles, weapons his stepfather had collected over three wars. Wooden bolt-action carbines, with worn leather shoulder straps, of this caliber and of that caliber. Both…


762762 views00 comments00 favs

Sally knows the situation: if your name's on the list you can't come in. If they try to walk past her, swipe their card on the electronic barrier's scanner, instead of a short benevolent bleep and the gate sliding open, it will fail. The hapless individua

Has a letter arrived for me?

922922 views00 comments00 favs

“Has a letter arrived for me?” Billy sat on the third stair from the bottom, drumming his little hands on his Spider-Man pyjama bottoms. “Dad!”


10781078 views33 comments11 fav

What follows is one of those moments, though to some people, it would seem a fantasy, perhaps a "Wizard of Oz" era tale.


913913 views1313 comments33 favs

I'm available most weekends.

A Shower of Rain

965965 views66 comments44 favs

You have at least an intermittent belief.

(lost love, and longing)

491491 views22 comments11 fav

As has happened many times in my life, I heard his voice in my sleep and I saw him, though only briefly. Over the years I have seen this man I thought was him clearly and known when he was in danger – a car wreck at twenty (I was correct on everything b

She mentioned prayer in the Ø ZipperPoems

10141014 views00 comments00 favs

We transplant helix° splices and shoot back to meet our former selves, zip the scrolls, and save the world. Then you said spin so I twisted my jumper over and over in endless folds like lips, like vaginas, like seacreatures


736736 views22 comments00 favs

Jess threw her books on the bed then grabbed a notebook from a shelf and slammed it onto a writing table. It made a hard pop gunshot sound. Flinging open the book, a page tore. Her diaries were named Annabelle. It was with a blue felt tip pen that she wrote: …

War Stories

900900 views44 comments33 favs

I told about the time during the early part of WW II when I shook hands with a member of the Flying Tigers. He was home on leave, and he stopped by to see my dad, who had been his scout master.


890890 views66 comments33 favs

The Bearcat 101 was a police scanner popular with a certain type during in the 1970s. Daddy was that exact type. I found the Bearcat in his apartment after he passed. His illness was a common one, the process gradual, implacable. No red and blue…

Dangling Participles

830830 views00 comments00 favs

Flies as big as raisins sucked spit off his lip as he slept. Not sleep in the strictest sense of the word because guys like him don't sleep, they merely avoid life between rampages. And this guy, well, he's gonna wish he'd avoided life a bit longer because when he…

Uncertainty Principle

749749 views00 comments00 favs

Aleister Crowley walks in and all of a sudden the bar's filled with angels and demons and pagan things. Wood nymphs and stuff like that. Wittgenstein, to his credit, keeps cool. He just stands over there next to the dart machine, pointing at things and naming them. Like…

I am the Ship

740740 views00 comments00 favs

I'm the vessel that'll sniff out the wharf's of old,they call me bold for bounding seas,they whispers rumors of my unstable ease,what's a life without vanishing into the falling pink fold,Ululating tides spray brisk bounties of water on board,squabs with new wings…


883883 views22 comments11 fav

Gossamer wisps bloom in the barren air.


564564 views11 comment00 favs

My sister walked in the room while I read Ginsberg / reciting the lines to Jaweh & Allah Battle to myself /sweating in the heat contour of my ugly body on the bed / the room the stench of rottenhumanasscracksemen

The Bar at the Folies-Bergere: a Manet Painting

653653 views33 comments22 favs

The mystery is in the barmaid's impersonal stare. It's all there. Recognizable the bottles of Bass Ale And Crème de Menthe. Glazed oranges piled in a bowl. Two roses in a small clear glass of water. A wide gold bracelet on her arm, halfway