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I spend my free time writing epitaphs

720720 views11 comment00 favs

I invented a game called Church & State

Elegy For the Old Republic

11931193 views33 comments22 favs

You call the shit in this paper news? ‘Dog Accidentally Shoots Man With His Own Gun, Swedish Man Bursts Into Flames on Train Platform, The Truth About Elvis's Hidden Extraterrestrial Daughter.' Seriously? Enough about Elvis already.

Elise Imagines Herself Behind Flowers: 1938

11491149 views66 comments55 favs

In your mouth is the attic studio Where your father’s brushes lie wet with water

Unintentional Hermits- Double Exposure

957957 views00 comments00 favs

The mother continued to stand, marooned in her isolation and Isis' hostility in between table and bed and under the overhead which cast a blue tinge, she held the newspaper- The Daily Mail- which embarrassed Isis- aloft and at an angle, one leg position

A Place in the Sun

11471147 views1010 comments99 favs

What grabbed the mind when you heard about it was the way he did it.

Plastic Jesus in an Upright Tub

12691269 views1111 comments88 favs

Me and Dale chuck rocks at it.


11511151 views99 comments55 favs

The instant you remember gratitude with enough focus to spring free its power...

Beach Bird Bliss

858858 views44 comments11 fav

This day, oh, this day… shoved joy and gratitude in my face, then tossed in beauty and just a touch of grace. A Piping Plover set my sorrows by the side, nabbing morsels when it could, then racing from the tide. Junior Eagle perched…

Big Money in Poetry!

13211321 views77 comments55 favs

Perhaps you have heard the rumors of big money in poetry Maybe that’s why everybody is writing it these days Even Emily Dickinson must have heard these rumors Myself, I suspected as much 50 years ago And started early to accumulate my hoard of poe

The Telephone

572572 views00 comments00 favs

Stop talking the phone is asleep. / It is a resting wounded animal. / It is old and made of machines.


800800 views11 comment11 fav

As Susan drove the last stretch home, she couldn't help but press the accelerator a bit deeper than usual. Her car zipped passed the neighborhood houses, which were of mostly brick construction, with two car garages and freshly mulched islands of spring flowers.…

Brothers of the Sacred Circle: A Prayer to Ares

12261226 views33 comments11 fav

When our body falters, deny us rest. When our minds crack under the strain, forbid us sanity. When we are too tired to fight give us war.

What Einstein didn't say

15461546 views44 comments33 favs

First you must accept / the speed of light as constant. / If you can’t do that, stop reading.

Charlatan Art

13561356 views1313 comments1010 favs

I bought some charlatan art / and hung it on the wall

Dear Mei

953953 views11 comment11 fav

I planned and planned. I followed the veterinarians around and I took vials of panda tranquilizers when they were not looking, and it was often that they forgot to look. The earth kept shaking, they were hungry, and many did not know what had become of th

The Longing

475475 views00 comments00 favs

It’s the longing from another life inside that pulls me along by the fine hairs below my navel, exposed at the midriff, and by the short fine hair at my neck, also the dense bunch between my legs, as you might imagine. And it’s the longing of the love I

Roy and Ray

11711171 views55 comments22 favs

Roy Carver owned a big tire retreading outfit over on the Mississippi.

Better Boys, Early Girls

16971697 views2525 comments1414 favs

... tomatoes swelling and turning pink...

What Happens In A Bed

10381038 views1010 comments66 favs

Eight days before her 50th birthday they were married in their soft new pajamas, holding hands on his bed in the hospital. The pastor and witnesses wore protective hospital gowns and gloves; the patient was in isolation once again. A special dispensation from the head…


10291029 views88 comments77 favs

She doesn't regret that they hadn't spoken. What did they have to say to each other, anyway?

No. Please, No . . .

14861486 views11 comment00 favs



10011001 views88 comments66 favs

One by one the hundred matte black drones hummed awake. The buzz was loud on the tiny airfield but died out soon among the waving amber heads of Kansas wheat that surrounded the unsigned base.

A Haiku In Spirit But Not In Form On the Fine Art of Sumo

898898 views33 comments11 fav

Two titans move opposite one another

At This Particular Moment

14811481 views1111 comments88 favs

in time there is nothing more important for meto write than this line. It isn't defined in the way you'd like perhaps, but it doesn't matter because it will be true, and you will be true, and I will be the message you get. Some signal has…

Mental or Medical?

487487 views44 comments22 favs

“We wouldn't mock the recent Tornado victims, right? Why mock the mentally ill?” Jennifer Donnell, Fictionaut Member. The mentally ill are close to my heart, having helped the most severely impaired adults and…

Childbed (cenotaph song)

10311031 views1313 comments99 favs

Those who don’t die, desire, descend. No song aloft arises from my irk. The seeing chieftain, not of sea, nor sand, nor boat, I till nightfall stammer alive, dig boneless trenches against tiding dregs and lathe, hunt, wallow, plow the hours, call in awei

my apartment needs more culture

966966 views00 comments00 favs

the first night we visited/ i stepped on a splinter/ while walking to the car/ and half-limped back,/ hiding a wince.

A Start

747747 views22 comments00 favs

I don’t like telling stories. I’m far too honest and give far too many things away.

Attraction and the Forge of God

844844 views33 comments33 favs

Being burned with a branding iron really hurts. Everyone must have voted for the Forge because next thing I knew there was only God on TV

Milky Way of Impossibility

979979 views66 comments33 favs

Can we meet in the desert, I will stand with a cactus flower clenched between my teeth and balance en pointe. I will tame snakes and find your serpent tongue with my eyes closed. I will usher in the clouds, when it grows hot, and, should you becom