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Notes of a Questionable Writer

160160 views2424 comments1010 favs

Once upon a time I was definitely a writer. I told tales everywhere and even wrote them down. Every one was a fabrication woven around a morsel of truth. Many accused me of putting them in my tales and ruining their reputations.…

Fictionaut or Not? Write On.

11231123 views99 comments11 fav

Okay, I'm here; I'm participating. Enjoying the back & forth with other writers. Waiting for penises and fetuses to move down the "Most Recent" list, but working around them. Well, that's kind of unintentionally visual.This essay, like many other reads on here, is…

The Emancipated One

956956 views33 comments33 favs

The town was wet from storms and the church was full while the priest gave an exegesis. The world outside did not bother with words or cleverness busy as it was with the real wisdom of its own natural cycles. During the night before, many sheets of rain arrived…


10581058 views22 comments11 fav

Life to her had come to resemble one of those mazes you find in a puzzle book, inscrutable except by those with exceptional IQs. Mary would run her pencil down one path in search of the passage that might penetrate to the exit, then another, but the paths


14301430 views1111 comments55 favs

Marge came home with a Doors CD.


11881188 views1414 comments1010 favs

A woman posted a story on Fictionaut about discovering that her husband was a werewolf.

Ballpoint Sketches for Banana Peel Poems

12521252 views99 comments1010 favs

I wanna make banana peel poems-- slippery little booby traps

Freelance Your Way to Poverty

12731273 views55 comments33 favs

Buyers of freelance writing have a well-deserved reputation for responding slowly, thereby increasing your pleasure in much the same way that the Pointer Sisters longed for a slow hand.

Beasts of the Talent Show

10161016 views22 comments11 fav

Finally my daughter emerges from behind the silver curtain, riding piggy-back on a gigantic proboscis monkey. She's preoccupied by his nose, and wrings it like a wet dishrag with both hands. If it hurts he's not showing it.

The Last Appearance of God

801801 views00 comments00 favs

Talking about the event years later, all of the observers agreed to a surprising extent on God's details. God was not an old man with a beard, nor a halo of light, nor a burning bush. God was an absence, a disruption of vision. When you looked right at Go

In This Neo-Liberal Society, We Are All Julia Roberts

956956 views33 comments33 favs

When he was 24 he ran away with a girl, forgot about his little office job in the city, went with her to the mountains, just the two of them, to live out a life of romance that a chalk box like the metropolis can’t give you—


12501250 views44 comments44 favs

What if blood engorging your penis could be the result of emotions other than sex and violence? Wouldn't it be nice if your dick could be used to express the lengths and depths of other feelings?

Eating Dim Sum with Di

11531153 views55 comments44 favs

Lindsey and I are both talking loudly about things we would never talk about in real life, under the impression that this is all somehow instructional for Di. But I think it's really more about us. Di gives us an excuse to talk like two people unjustifiab

Throwing Pencils

17581758 views1414 comments1010 favs

I can never tell if he’s drunk or using some sort of substance or if perhaps his brain just doesn’t fire at the pace that we have come to accept as normal.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 42

831831 views00 comments00 favs

We had sex, but hadn’t established a strong relationship. We liked each other as more than friends, but I was worried that Claudia was acting as a honey trap and spying on me for Dan Arris.

Visions On The Beach

12111211 views1212 comments55 favs

I walked along the beach today, and there I saw them all; including the latest lost: little Tiven, Tommy, Michaela & my Paul. Grandma painted at her easel, set upon the dune. Uncle Eddie bent in half, laughing like a loon, Oliver growled…

Joe and the Spiderman

11061106 views44 comments44 favs

Once upon a time I sat in summer chairs beside cool vine walls. This was in a borough east of the major city, where families gathered in seasonal joy, by blooms fragrant, to worship the summer and its might. There is nothing diminutive about the world when one is…

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

10161016 views66 comments11 fav

Eva stepped out of the hut she and Javier shared and slogged through the mud toward the coop to fetch fresh eggs for Javier's breakfast. None existed. Javier became angry when he didn't get his eggs. Eva slowed her pace as she neared the door. She knew wh

Bring Me His Head

16671667 views2020 comments1616 favs

Just bring me his head, that cerebral kiln of hot, ruddy verbiage and cadence.


13911391 views1717 comments1010 favs

I write to make visible my small/ assertions against impermanence.

Marry Rich & Live Forever

879879 views22 comments11 fav

Hey Handsome Rich Kid / Do you want to go boink boink in your Benz?

A Map

19761976 views2222 comments1616 favs

It was war without beginning or end.

My Multiple Personality Disorders (DID)

156156 views2323 comments88 favs


The Adventures of Tequila Kitty: Chapter 3 - by Brian Lepire

13281328 views11 comment11 fav

I’d made it to the motel parking lot when I heard the footsteps. A sombrero may make me look good, but it does shit for my hearing, so the bastards were able to scoop me up real quick. The first one gave me a hard slap on the top of the head with an opene


19121912 views2323 comments1919 favs

“Mescaline occurs naturally in our bodies, you know,” I said.

Game Night

11011101 views00 comments00 favs

Randy stood in the alley behind Krasnowski Construction with a loaded gun shoved down the front of his pants. His friend Todd was inside, unloading the safe. And when Todd walked out the door, Randy was going to shoot him in the face.


12161216 views1414 comments88 favs

Six months later, she was teaching theology / to refugees from est.

Empty Spaces

13551355 views88 comments88 favs

Art lives.

Get More Protein From Your Music

849849 views00 comments11 fav

“Kids,” I say, commiserating with my partner Bink. “You can’t live with ‘em, but you can live without ‘em.”

too pissy for poetry

17001700 views99 comments99 favs

feeling obligated to write/ is like feeling/ obligated to fuck.