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11611161 views99 comments1111 favs

The brain taints everything it brings to us/ with its limited apparatus, its precepts,// all the things it thinks it knows.

In Search of Vince’s Quinces

10941094 views88 comments00 favs

Beautiful, he thinks, as he taps the ash of his cigarette over the balcony, but this is not good enough.

The road is nothing but a blind beggar banging a tin cup against the sun's piled up with snow front door

11301130 views66 comments66 favs

alright, alright but not so much of a friendly little cigar-chomping companion-like a friendly ghost! That sweeping hair of longed for sleeping only awaits you once you've drowned too …

Five Million Yen: Chapter 48

11441144 views44 comments11 fav

Ben was not a happy musician.

OCD Man: a love story

20592059 views2222 comments2222 favs

The mouth is peculiar and so are the shoes.

(From an Awakened Sleep)

16501650 views1010 comments1313 favs

pluck me from the charred grate

The Wall: A Love Story, Of Sorts

20862086 views4141 comments3333 favs

I need to get in and out, you say.


11001100 views11 comment11 fav

Grow.A word.A verb.Germanic.Feel it.Slow.Old.Young.Now I'll tell you how put it on a page:we'll start with the o.Take your pen just so,thin first,from the centerand thick on the up, thin at the topand thick on the down, thin at the low,finish sharply.The r is a…


11941194 views44 comments33 favs

The print is not ideal, it's true.

Why I Got an Unregistered Gun

579579 views00 comments00 favs

No matter how tough we make our gun laws, it’s the other goober states that let a dramatist with a lengthy record of prior absurdist plays buy an unregistered weapon at a gun show.

Reading Rilke Aloud in an Empty House

24292429 views2121 comments1616 favs

I arranged all my books before you came, / so that it appears I read some more than others.

Six Points of Light/ Dark Star

13961396 views1818 comments1717 favs

Johan was telling stories about the occupation. The Germans were stupid, he said.


11291129 views1010 comments77 favs

There were too many laws but not enough of the kinds she wanted. She wished for the right to go shopping. Then taste rather than disposable income or access to finance could distinguish people.


13131313 views1111 comments1212 favs

Regrets lined behind him like crossties on a railroad track.

3 Among the Possibilities

13801380 views2222 comments1717 favs

While you can,/ find the beautiful

A Little Lotion Talk

12951295 views77 comments44 favs

They were obviously having some secret beach affair.

I Haven't Slept Properly

11231123 views44 comments22 favs

The rain is filling up my shoes, I can’t see through my glasses, Rain all inside me.

Return to Porthfeddon

10701070 views33 comments22 favs

Once upon a time he'd thought her as cold a fish as her aristocratic husband

The Bird King's Eggs

11711171 views22 comments22 favs

1The Bird King's eggs are subatomic particles created serendipitously by a sneeze in a quantum physicist's dream.Occupying a space between existence and nothingness, reason and madness, broccoli and…

The King's Largesse

21412141 views99 comments77 favs

This little town lost its mill...

one and two

882882 views00 comments00 favs

tragically / once upon a time / two people / far away / ...


13261326 views66 comments33 favs

I am at a wedding with a new girlfriend. The bride is her old college roommate. I don't really know anyone else here. The wedding is being held at a huge estate, located on the edge of enormous cliffs that overlook the ocean. Despite the danger of this precarious…

Fly n' Jelly

961961 views22 comments11 fav

Listening for a chain saw with one ear and to Todd and the trooper with the other, I’m trying to hustle up and finish my business - sweating in my coat and sweatshirt - and I think this: not so silly now, is it, this invisible or being able to fly choice?

Short Fuse

14901490 views1111 comments1010 favs

he scans the headlines of the tabloids as he waits to pay. “Dog Accidentally Shoots Man With His Own Gun, Elvis's Hidden Extraterrestrial Daughter, Swedish Man Bursts Into Flames on Train Platform.”

Drink Up Darling

11371137 views00 comments00 favs

Darling Valentine’s pale legs shone in the dark, a beacon for the car driving without headlights along a tree-lined row of brownstones.

Bottle in a Vase

734734 views11 comment11 fav

I woke up and rolled over to look at my clock. Realizing I was not in my bed, I looked around the dark room for any clock. There on the ceiling, the time was displayed in red digital numbers. 5:30 am. I stayed at a friend's…

Don't move

12111211 views1010 comments77 favs

The tech turns off the music. The capsule blares. I am in Jurassic Park with Sam Neill. I am Timmy, descending the electrified fence, almost toast. I am Karen Silkwood, a deer in the headlights, then showering off plutonium. A garbage truck is compacting

The Diaphragm

13601360 views22 comments11 fav

They had a deal, she reminded him. If he didn’t want to wear a condom all the time, he’d have to help with her birth control.


10081008 views11 comment11 fav

a wingover a dark sealooking up from what you're doingwhat you're not doinglooking upseeing what I don't seeor the same thingalteredwhen I was eightI cut my foot on a sea shellblood is red sea waterput a shell to your earyou'll hear your own bloodhowling in the night…

My Back Hurts

10251025 views11 comment11 fav

There’s a room Full of white And it smells Like bleach and Iron