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12871287 views1919 comments99 favs

Liz didn’t steal his heart / she embezzled it

Love Makes the Boundaries Disappear

746746 views22 comments11 fav

She was asked: “What would it mean to be in a great earthquake to you?” She said: “It would mean that I might never see him again.” Then she panicked. She came to me and said: “Do you mind riding in the other car? I have to ride in the same car wi

Jack Ketch in Hell

883883 views22 comments11 fav

Lost in the booth of Mr Punch's dreams,Jack Ketch flinches at the imagesflickering across torn curtains.The chirpy projectionistsits in his nest,flinging pictures:A snake, rising from a discarded pair of clown's trousers.A monkey, balancing on a watermelon.A burning sofa.A…


11511151 views77 comments88 favs

Reprisal The bomb blew away hubris, shocked the arrogant bastards into humiliated silence. None of them had experienced hunger and they'd misjudged its effect. In the lobby of the palace, dirt, plaster, glass shifted, rumbled,…

The Harrisburg

943943 views22 comments22 favs

“Gliese Base Twelve, come in. Gliese Base Twelve, this is the Harrisburg. We have a level five emergency. Requesting immediate assistance.”


12961296 views1111 comments1010 favs

I should have known to wear boots on Teddy’s motorcycle, but I didn’t know that when the engine heated the exhaust pipe became hot as a griddle. Teddy didn’t warn me, and I thought there was something wrong with that, but I let it go the way I jumped on h

Dirty Movies

11391139 views1111 comments88 favs

He liked to take pictures of her, and she liked to pose. It made her horny, she said.

Dream Sonnet

11421142 views55 comments22 favs

Last night I dreamt of water rose too high.

Facing the Music

11741174 views22 comments22 favs

The spirit bottles line the top of the bar


12451245 views1111 comments66 favs

The days cut off by damp chill with every thought a different variety of protection.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 54

973973 views22 comments11 fav

Ben was cheered to see Monique in good spirits again.

Sink, Sunk

13041304 views44 comments22 favs

the moon's got it out for the far-sighted punkish usuper supping on the upswing of a downward slope


979979 views33 comments11 fav

I awake to find a heavy chain shackled around my ankle. I try to remove it but cannot. The length of the chain runs through my apartment, sometimes coiling around itself, but eventually leading out my front door.

Living on Non-Skid Row

829829 views33 comments22 favs

Here’s the local group of grumpy gray-haired men Chewing over politics as if it’s important As if their endless discussing of it, Waving their hands in the air, gesturing, Is going to change the world How do these guys stop from having heart a

Intro to Rock Poetry 101

726726 views00 comments00 favs

He was the Elton John Distinguished Professor of Lyrics, the last man over the drawbridge before they abolished tenure; he didn’t have to do any original thinking for the rest of his life.

Self Portrait with Google

12541254 views1919 comments1616 favs

Try it with and without/ middle name or middle initial.// Try different keywords.

twelve tines

963963 views22 comments22 favs

till the tiny death may we remain true, me and you, to our flesh and blood and sinew, the springs and silver in our tiny hearts with vicious teeth and a hard bone need to fuck

this day before tomorrow

12861286 views44 comments44 favs

Back arching, spine twisted, muscles tense and turning. I am putting off my work. Jane Eyre is in the back of my mind whispering about childhood patriarchy and I am still clinging to images from dreams before waking; my last lover's face scrunched and…

Killing Dennis Gauda II: Dennis Gauda Strikes Back

755755 views00 comments00 favs

“That's Governor Gauda to you, punk!” This is the line from my speech “Killing Dennis Gauda.” The speech lost the Tall Tales competition at the division level, but I was unfortunate to have a chance to do this speech for Dennis Gauda …

Off We Go Then

926926 views55 comments55 favs

Wish more than ever there was a more perfect way to mean everything I say. If I could I'd certainly walk all my words right up to your face now and give them over, hand to hand so to speak. That's the point at which I'd very much…

Ode To A Wave

17201720 views55 comments11 fav

She comes and goes,gingerly at times, or, caution tossed,a headlong rushof foam and froth.No matter, I am steadfast,keen to be immersed once morein her salty splendor.


882882 views33 comments11 fav

Crunching gravel beneath my feet, the sound of approaching death.

The Caselvetrano Olive

11031103 views88 comments44 favs

He spotted her in Sarasota Whole Foods surveying the artichokes


10331033 views66 comments55 favs

Shhh. I am here. Otillie Augustine, from Trieste, an Italian city to you, but when I lived it was part of Austria. Such things as who flies their flags over a city? Not so important after all, after all the losses and the victory speeches. These were not…

Hot Flashes

10231023 views88 comments77 favs

On high a centaur is pulling a yellow chicken on a sled.

Will There Be Cliff Notes?

899899 views22 comments22 favs

The new members were asked to stand up and say their names. One obnoxious, pushy woman from L.A. stood up and said, "Ama Torrent, and I'm an alcoholic." The roomful of people started murmuring. Suddenly a man in his late fifties shot out of his chai

Your house, after the electricity is gone

12541254 views1414 comments99 favs

Shred the roses he posted, fling the petals like slideshows of storms.

A Writer’s Ramble

11811181 views77 comments33 favs

In every writer's room there is a bogeyman born in the closet, growing with every blot on the virgin sheet, feeding on the pain of writing, of solitude, the failure, the rage, the confusion, the helplessness, the fear, the humiliation. The narrower the…

Ode to a Shopping Mall

761761 views11 comment11 fav

In 1609 Ben Jonson was hired to write a work in celebration of the opening of a new shopping mall.

Small Budget Poems

11821182 views1010 comments88 favs

Toxins make a body happy/ as if acceleration toward// an end of consciousness/ is its own reward.