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City Meat

931931 views44 comments44 favs

Of red snappers, flaccid on porcelain slabs...


11081108 views88 comments88 favs

I clearly see the squirrels of negativity all around me or at least I sense that they are there, filling in the blank spaces as I read down the page prior to arriving at the meaning of everything. The greenness of figs before they

30 East Towards Texarkana

10701070 views1111 comments1010 favs

44 miles out the gauntlet of Red River pines cast shadows pointing north.

The Fermi Panic

26732673 views33 comments33 favs

Schrödinger's Cat twitched and nodded as he picked up the discards, casting his mind back to 2014, when local confidence seemed at its peak . . .

Tarzan on Mars

11331133 views66 comments22 favs

Tarzan peers through a telescope. Earth, in its aphelion, is approximately 40 million miles away. A star. He lives alone. He is old. He worries about going blind. Mars is cold. But there are ways to keep warm. He reads poetry. He lets out bloodcurdling…

the girl who was my suicide

10021002 views1313 comments88 favs

last night a girl came to me in the shape of my suicide.

The Poetry of Wallace Stevens' Secretary

12881288 views66 comments44 favs

What in the name of God’s green earth does this say? “Chifferobe if you can of Aztec in coffee can”?

Apprehensions in the Garden of Gethsemane

937937 views1010 comments99 favs

The thumb, incarnate, knows/ the moment of the misplaced hammer blow;/ the tongue, incarnate, the cool invigoration/ of water drawn from the dark well.

Not Calculable

12421242 views1717 comments1616 favs

saw the world was a mess I did nothing about it, poured myself some apple juice

1740: My 7th Great-grandfather

10251025 views88 comments99 favs

a half-moon hung straight up and down

Silence of Joy

815815 views55 comments22 favs

like a reflection vanishes

A Strategy to Overcome Rejection

10711071 views55 comments55 favs

“If your work is good you will get published. Just keep at it."

Funny Jokes

65266526 views1818 comments1717 favs

Why was the broom late for work?


11411141 views1010 comments1111 favs

She left knives and hot pots with handles akimbo. Like a guardian angel, he turned them in. Like an ungrateful Eve, she turned them back out.

a pity

15471547 views88 comments66 favs

The one that I love - doesn't love me.

Father Dunne's School for Wayward Boys #4

11411141 views2121 comments1010 favs

I approached him slowly. His voice was soft and raspy. He said, "Kneel down my son, I've been expecting you."

Old Soul

765765 views55 comments55 favs

She’s an old soul who was scattered to the winds like a thousand butterflies and a moth She has no center and flits from event to event and can’t miss out on a thing, because crikey, what if she missed something important? And the m


13411341 views1212 comments1111 favs

Cellulite is legal to have, either way.

Quitting Smack

10051005 views66 comments33 favs

I figured he knew what he was doing–he was the crazy one, after all, not me–so we took turns snorting lines of equal volume.

One Black Wheel

10401040 views44 comments44 favs

"..squeezing her eyes and mouth tightly."

M. Nerveux Chronicles: Toad Suffers a Bad Business

10021002 views77 comments88 favs

Herr Toad smokin'

A Tale Of Three Titties

11591159 views66 comments77 favs

"Someone should have told her that less is more..."

The Sharps

11151115 views1212 comments99 favs

How could a leaf be an accident?

Be Careful What You Wish For

862862 views33 comments44 favs

I got my new dog today, a toy terrier, as advertised, from an online retailer, and printed him or her, I’m not sure which, because of an inherent glitch built into the system, on my new 3-D printer,


11131113 views99 comments1010 favs

When the dark shadows of his limp eyes told us life was slowly seeping away, stolen by his stroke, his wife signed the “DO NOT RESUSCITATE” order and, tearfully leaving the room, she turns, asking a final question, “Think a needy family could use his…

Things of Beauty

10041004 views33 comments33 favs

The cover features Lincoln as a woman. Lincoln as a woman is not a thing of beauty.

Antigone Détente

13681368 views1717 comments1414 favs

Tan my hide. Feed me to rabid / macaques.


10431043 views44 comments44 favs

I gave you two daughters. I gave you four grandchildren. I'm done.


914914 views33 comments33 favs

I know who done it. Them goddamn taters. I walked around the yard and started picking up pieces of the camaro, wondering if, from above, they’d laid the parts out into some kinda cult symbols or something.

My Drunk Friend

10901090 views77 comments66 favs

My drunk friend is built like a hastily packed trash bag; full of lumps and portending very dark things.