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Concubine from a Japanese Garden

256256 views11 comment11 fav

Conjuring white five-pointed stars. Irreproachable as Winter.Consonant with a new moon. Rising like an anchor.Not one to walk behind. No destinies touch your charities.None signal your transparencies. Shedding words like skin. Cantillating…

When the Songbirds Went Silent in Cheerytown

13801380 views1010 comments44 favs

What happens to a town when all of its songbirds go on strike?

Kitty Cat

11921192 views99 comments77 favs

Even word dancers need rest.

What You Choose to Take

11641164 views66 comments55 favs

You first hear about the wildfire on the old kitchen radio.

My Name is William Hurt and I Am a Movie Star

12911291 views22 comments22 favs

Not to sound too ridiculous, but Hurt was giving me the hurt, and it felt good.


16741674 views33 comments44 favs

We draw a treasure map in the sandwait for the waves to wash it awayI ask you not to leave me stranded hereIf I'm bound for hell, I don't want to be left behindThe sun breaks through the edge of infinityspills over the line, soaking the sky…

Thunder Snow

13291329 views1515 comments1212 favs

A farm girl raised on fresh eggs and weather forecasts...

Blind Revolutions

201201 views00 comments00 favs

String, the matriarchal skiesover iron pastures,cyanide and honey. So silent stay the locusts,what mourning there callsto we who shy from sleep? Summer snow here hesitates,for a second still,not for any age. And still is alwaysstill, as the rain is,but the darkness ever…

Away From the River

10151015 views88 comments77 favs

Tiny poem

Nan Sequiter

924924 views99 comments77 favs

there was no mess she couldn’t manage, / no chaos she couldn’t tame.

The Pigeon Savior

12261226 views77 comments66 favs

The window washer started saving pigeons whose feet were wrapped in fine black thread, the result, he informed me, of picking through trash bins. They are very intelligent, he went on to explain. (Right, trash bins, I thought to myself.) People tend to av

On Being From the Dirty South, While not Considering Myself a Redneck

18741874 views2121 comments1717 favs

How to not be a redneck? Basically, it is a matter of volume, ancestor worship, respect for the truth and a command of the English language.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 18

11921192 views77 comments44 favs

She was dressed to seduce one man: Francesco Martinelli.

Always / Never

914914 views11 comment11 fav

"... A set of vertebrae disintegrate and a woman falls face first into her dinner plate."

The Note

907907 views3131 comments1818 favs

... “All power is just behind your belly. Look. Knot of belt – just in front of navel – navel is eye of chi.” ...

Orbital Mechanics/ National Poetry Month 2014/ 30 poems

935935 views99 comments66 favs

Captain Nemo never died./ He cruises all the seven seas/ below the waves in Nautilus 2,

Warning! Please Read this Before Adopting a Pet

10771077 views44 comments22 favs

One evening I came home late from work to find my wife drinking white Zinfandel by the fireplace in the living room and reading Wallace Stevens poems out loud to the dog, curled at her feet.

Evolutionary Nonsense

261261 views33 comments22 favs

You can say words like "good",just not to me, I'm not in the mood. Ever sincethe fire extinguisher went kaput. Ever since yellowbecame red and orange became blue. Ever since thenews announcement that there is nothing more than carbon.Nectarous your…

All Men With Well Trimmed Beards

11051105 views22 comments22 favs

Or, do my own red flags counter balance his. My back and forth, my restlessness, my one foot out the door, my ‘once a leaver… always a leaver’, my pitter patter for a former flame... peppered with my transgressions, my mistakes. Or, worse, the way I have

The Heart

14541454 views77 comments77 favs

My wife and I were looking for a "fixer-upper." We were strange that way. We were leaving a rental which had cat tunnels built into the walls. One villa we toured had a heartbeat. In the basement, in place of a well pump, was a heart made of fibrous roots which had…

Two More Poems

12711271 views66 comments77 favs

1. Weeds of the World (Unite!) We invade the invaders and they invade us, these little Blooming weeds. They raise five flowers and let them blow Into the winds like sheets of stars. All of us Steer by their turning tide. All of us will eventually …

New Flavor

869869 views33 comments22 favs

Billy fell into a bottle, and we couldn't get him out.

Atoms of Sleep

284284 views33 comments22 favs

From the compass of the self the unifying leap,gravitate gently, atoms that sleep,to where mystery reclines and solution must rise,but only for a fraction a lifetime implies.No sphere sympathetic to station or throne.All peripatetic. No flesh. No bone.Nothing to…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 17

10821082 views33 comments22 favs

Friday night in Little Italy is a big night.


13651365 views2020 comments1111 favs

The stunned son knelt to understand then fell, his heart shredded by the hollow point.

All About the Guns

11291129 views55 comments44 favs

Been looking for guns. His guns have turned up missing. He’s been looking for the guns. Looking for guns. The au-pair must’ve snuck back in And took the guns. And the baby. The baby must be crawling off with Guns again.


10701070 views44 comments33 favs

You were a mine field


10671067 views55 comments33 favs

She worked the research desk. Like most ladies before computers and cell-phones she lead a quiet conservative life. She wore dresses, spent time with family and friends...Emma also had been stricken as a child


12221222 views1111 comments55 favs

I enjoyed the talking part though rambling on and on for lord knows why or how

Daily Bread

12891289 views1616 comments1212 favs

A little poem about prison