by Tim G. Young
Making a podcast on Garageband is a challenge
the editing got all screwed up
my 12 minutes turned into 18
and then the whole thing was deleted
I enjoyed the talking part though
rambling on and on for lord knows
why or how
maybe it's just the sound of my voice
maybe it's just the click of the keys
on the keyboard
same thing I guess
I got turned around and around again
I got smashed not from booze
but from something I couldn't even see
and it ran up and down inside of my head
like a garbage truck clanking, spitting
Which reminds me somehow
of a red forest
turned green with age
and rocks jutting out of the side
like cancerous moles
Look out here comes the knife to slice off
all the unnecessary bologna
soft and squishy
and if memory serves
not such a great aroma either
If my mother could only see me now
she would have something pithy
to say and I would appreciate it
I would probably even thank her
but she's gone
And, no, I'm not going into my
sadness for my dead mother
she already knows all about it
it's just I need to mention her
at times like these.

Mothers with pithy things to say are a godsend. *
Some very crisp images here.
"here comes the knife to slice off
all the unnecessary bologna
soft and squishy
and if memory serves
not such a great aroma either"
You know, Mathew and Tara, are two wonders of the universe.
"rocks jutting out of the side
like cancerous moles"
nice work*
Many thanks, Gary.
Beautifully done.
Means a lot, Darryl.
"If my mother could only see me now
she would have something pithy
to say and I would appreciate it
I would probably even thank her
but she's gone"
Right there. Right there "comes the knife to slice off
all the unnecessary bologna"
Much appreciated, Bill. My mother always encouraged me.
Vibrant images and an unexpected ending = a satisfying read. *
Many thanks to you, Charlotte.