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No. Please, No . . .

15091509 views11 comment00 favs


Moon Stone

15091509 views55 comments44 favs

It is late at night and you lean / over me to make sure your alarm is set.

The beautiful young girls from high school

15091509 views44 comments22 favs

Variation on a Variation of a Mode

15091509 views2727 comments1212 favs

Borges must be so proud somewhere


15091509 views88 comments66 favs

For me German was a school subject. For Hymen, who could pronounce German but not speak it, it was a poetic technique or element, shorthand for what ails the world.

10 Unofficial Jobs Jake Baker has Never Got Paid For

15091509 views99 comments66 favs

Not that their pa really needs the suitcase; he's been coming and going for so long it doesn't matter. The suitcase's just for show. A final goodbye.

Quiet (from Grand Street literary journal)

15091509 views22 comments22 favs

I know it’s nobody’s fault, and that one thing had nothing to do with the other, because it was this way for me since I was born; they just didn’t figure it out for a while that with one of my ears I could hardly hear, and with the other, I couldn

Why They Cried: Jisette

15091509 views44 comments00 favs

There was that long weekend she'd spent lazing around a suite at the Beverly Wilshire between the Golden Globes and the Oscars with the suddenly now married actor, and then there had been Cabo. This was before the current thing and before the thing before

Pheasant Hunt

15091509 views22 comments22 favs

“I can’t remember if it goes in or out,” was the reply.

The Book of Punishments

15091509 views33 comments11 fav

"Not a fan?" Beth asks, feeling a sliver of happiness move through her. He furrows his brow. "Then what brings you here?" "I'm here to pick up girls," Steve says simply. "Want to hit the buffet table? Want to run away to Mexico?"

Don't Forget the Sun

15091509 views1010 comments55 favs

That’s when the inconspicuous-until-now janitor saunters over, glances down at their starlist and mumbles, “Don’t forget the sun,” and the astronomers all slap their foreheads and smile.

In the Jukebox Light

15091509 views88 comments44 favs

At first we envied Tom and Betty’s dancing. Friday nights at The Big Club, Saturdays at Mickey’s, and none of us can remember a time we saw them in the arms of another partner.

Breaking Eggs

15081508 views77 comments44 favs

You want to read, you know where to click.

Waiting for "Barney" (Mordecai Richler's version)

15081508 views33 comments22 favs

But there’s a special place in my heart for Richler’s tour de force of a novel, his grand finale, Barney’s Version. It has everything — humour, a whiff of mystery, poignancy, a suggested reading list for a literary illiterate like yours truly, the Falstaf

Only losers reminisce about their show & tell days

15081508 views55 comments33 favs

Somehow I always had to sit behind him. I remember because he had a constellation of skin tags on his neck. I thought about drawing stars on him; I thought about creating a new galaxy I would rule. I should have been learning math instead. I still can’t

Fatuous Dialogue #1

15071507 views1818 comments1313 favs

—Was it true, what you wrote in that poem? —Pretty true. —What do you mean “pretty true”? Was it true or wasn’t it? —It was as close as you get to truth in poems.

The One Day Internship

15071507 views00 comments00 favs

Poppy de Witte was content to spend her summers in Cape Cod, where her family owned a small beach house considerably less stifling than their spacious apartment on Park Avenue.

Girl Trouble: A Novella in 3 Stories

15071507 views44 comments44 favs

She was the darling girl, the blond with the great ass, the small tits and the flashing green eyes who could quote poetry, who wanted to be a singer, who collected fireflies in glass jars, hoarded pieces of broken jewelry, and watched heat lighting dance

Drum Naked

15071507 views66 comments44 favs

Where truth is revealed To all, transparency In policy, including The REAL reasons We are at war.

A Body of Water Invites All Things

15071507 views88 comments33 favs

My resistance sublimates. There is a long instant of absolute relinquishment, in which I imagine droplets of water plinking into my lungs in a slow, musical fashion, like icicles melting in a perfect cave.

Ticket To Ride

15071507 views22 comments22 favs

And by God he made it to heaven! St. Peter waved him on in...

diplopic haiku

15061506 views66 comments44 favs

Copernicus spied/a new centrifugal spin:/Bosch saw what he meant.

Old Photo, 1948 or so

15061506 views99 comments66 favs

I’m maybe only four. Not smoking cigarettes found in street gutters yet. That will come the next year, when I’m five. Maybe when I’m six, and Andy’s five, my pal from across the street. That’s my tricycle parked behind this pack of kids that look to be ne

V-J Day

15061506 views44 comments22 favs

August 14, 1945.Vincent had kissed a lot of girls before then - and a lot of women after. But there had never been a kiss like that one. And because of that photo apparently the whole country, damned near the whole world, thought so too.He'd tried to get her…

Courtroom (Philip Guston)

15061506 views66 comments33 favs

They’ve thrown the painter in the trash upside down with his red pajamas and feet sticking up in the air, with his shoes on. The large red hand of judgement pointing at him, that gives us direction and law and shame, gives us a large red headache. Whi


15061506 views1515 comments77 favs

the boredom inherent in living in the suburbs


15061506 views1010 comments11 fav

Annie remembers clearly the smell of that classroom, the look and taste of it. Thirty little cruel girls, as cruel as only girls can be, sitting in rows of five.


15051505 views66 comments55 favs

I am in the bad habit of telling people they are the scum of the earth.


15051505 views66 comments44 favs

I find my mother’s pink Pyrex mixing bowl at the antique store on Fairview Avenue. It’s in the hands of a fat woman in a blue down parka, and she’s holding it upside down, squinting at the sticker on the bottom.

Ezra Stoller

15041504 views1818 comments1616 favs

captured by his lens and plates/ before humidity and hydrocarbons/ smudge the crisp clean lines