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The Clique

15291529 views00 comments00 favs

On the other side of the world the Moon spun on its way.

The Ouija Board Guide to True Facts about Cremation

15291529 views00 comments00 favs

Oh, and take off all your jewelry unless you want your relatives sifting you through a window screen looking for your diamond.

Harry, A Slow Learning Curve

15291529 views22 comments11 fav

He’d been wishing for months that he’d bought a retro clothing store. He would have called it HARRY’S HOARY HOSERRY. He would have met a better class of women.

In the Waiting Room

15281528 views1313 comments1111 favs

She sits and waitsOn a chair that is hardWith a neck that hurtsAnd an eyeball that stings.She sitsSo stiffOn a chair that is hardWith a neck that hurtsAnd an eyeball that stings.She sitsAnd the hand on her lapHas a joint that cracksWith a neck that hurtsAnd an eyeball that…

Wednesdays They Pay Us, But Now It's Thursday

15281528 views1616 comments1414 favs

fire rolls through the drive-thru

The Poem

15281528 views66 comments44 favs

Riding in a pick-up-truck, the radio wailing some 'love em and leave em" country song,

Dig That Girl!

15281528 views55 comments11 fav

Leave your dog and your dog-eared lovers at the door. I smile at the bouncer, pay my ticket, and wink at a slasher chick. She gets pumped on heavy metal gods and Kwaito

Summer Reading

15281528 views55 comments33 favs

The summer everyone read Faulkner, I read Hemingway. Out of spite.

Thick Rib of the Lamentation Animal

15281528 views55 comments66 favs

This violin of oneself, this rough strum of I, arc of wing over thick rib. This masturbatory chirping like the meat of God clenched in your teeth, an apostrophe giving aloneness possession over the inarticulate, a bridge between chords.

Dead Man Sleeping

15271527 views44 comments11 fav

Joyce Addleberg hated sleeping alone, so when her husband died in his sleep one night, it was only natural that she kept him around.

Bookends of a Life: I

15271527 views1717 comments77 favs

You have transformed me into an aimless, sleepless wraith...

In Dreams

15261526 views2121 comments1616 favs

I always wanted to head on up to New York City and be taught by a decent painter, but as time kept on trucking, it became clear that that was just a big dream that would not shake out and I'd never be a real artist because I was shy of the money I'd need to stay up there in…

Lizard Back

15261526 views55 comments66 favs

The lizard is like wearing wings on my back, makes me fly like a dragon in my dreams, which I have all day long, while looking at you, talking to you, right now, having dreams in some part of my head. I'd like to stick out my tongue and lick the part of m

New Questions of Travel

15261526 views2626 comments1818 favs

Watching water fall in the longest waterfall/ becomes immediately tedious

Cleverbot conversation RSC00206460

15261526 views11 comment11 fav

maybe if I bat my lashes just right, or look prim enough to fly, you just might touch me tonight, and the dream will pop and fizz and I will wake somewhere, your hands smoothing these lines of worry away.

Exchange Rates for Zynga

15261526 views55 comments33 favs

When farming started in September, I thought of gambling, of my childhood best friend’s marriage ruined due to gambling, and of farming as a trope for living in the Midwest.

I’m Sure They’ll Have an App for That

15261526 views77 comments44 favs

Already they’re taking away my books, supplanting them with Kindles and Nooks.


15261526 views2020 comments1313 favs

She offers the girl a seat, asks her to stay for a minute, but she can’t, she just came by to say hello, and don’t you like my new raincoat?

The Secret

15261526 views66 comments44 favs

The sudden sound of his engine starting breaks the silence of the hot, summer, Florida night. As he drives away in his black Chevy truck he glances in the rear view mirror at his girlfriend's house. He tries to forget about the girl he is leaving behind. His heart begins to…


15261526 views00 comments00 favs

It seems every time we get together, Seiko is there. She just started working in Keiko's department and now they're always together. I think Keiko feels responsible for Seiko. Like if Seiko's not getting any, it's bad manners for Keiko to do it.


15261526 views55 comments11 fav

One year, she got a kite.

Neediness, Incarnate

15251525 views33 comments11 fav

7 — IT'S HARD TO HAVE FRIENDS WHEN YOU'VE NEVER HAD ANY AND ARE STILL FUCKING WHINING ABOUT IT — Once he learned he didn't “bring anything to the table,” Worthless Veikass hit on the notion of [...]

Dear Envelope Said the Stamp

15251525 views1212 comments77 favs

I have no more use for the beautiful words you used to like so much for me tosend you alone. See my feathers donot so much hide me now as giveme away; I tend to feel farfrom home. Forgive me this. Theend jumped by me quicker than anorange flower cricket on its…


15241524 views33 comments44 favs

My tongue is clicking. I want to act out. I want an unprofessional bargain.

There's Love, and there's Marriage

15241524 views66 comments66 favs

He didn’t used to smell that way, like a rained-on boot, like the insides of a lived-on couch. ... He used to smell like he wore light, subcutaneous cologne.

Will #17

15241524 views88 comments44 favs

I want crazy at my funeral. I want clowns, a petting zoo, fireworks, craps tables, male and female strippers, and a three-person band composed of old men wearing striped vests, black pants, and straw hats: one plays a banjo, another on tuba, and…

Miracle Bra for my behind

15241524 views1010 comments11 fav

Do you want an ass mi Nina Bonita? I buy you jeans that work like a Miracle Bra for your behind.

Clouds to the Makers

15231523 views1313 comments1111 favs

You'll be gone. I'll be gone. I'd hate to think how it was all for nothing, that all we did was stumble into a pretty big hole of our own making. The best place for a broken heart after all is in your own sweet chest. No one else…

Etude, Prelude, Nocturne, Polonaise

15231523 views2323 comments1515 favs

proving little more/ than the player’s keyboard dexterity.

A House Made of Stars

15231523 views66 comments44 favs

My cousin had put them up last year, showed me when we stood on her bed as her fingers pointed, traced over the outlines, then turned out the lights, so that I could see them glow.