by CL Bledsoe
The pet store was across from Planned Parenthood. Rob and June wandered over because they didn't want to go home. They were allergic to dogs and cats, and June pointed out that hamsters bite. Beside the hamsters, there was a cage with a bunch of rats. The fronts of the rats were one color, and down past the shoulders was another, like a hood. Fancy rats, the sign called them. A little white one came up to the glass and looked at them.
"Look at that," Rob said. "How smart." He noticed June smiling for the first time in months. They wandered over to the cages but they were all flimsy wire things.
On the ride home they talked about the little white one. They stopped at Wal-Mart for some milk and found themselves in the pet department. Back home, June found a cage on eBay that was a little bigger than some of the ones in the store. It was all they could talk about so they ordered it.
When the cage came in, they went back to the pet store. June smiled the whole way there.
"We'd like to see the hooded rats," June said to a salesperson. "The little white one."
The salesperson opened the back of the rat cage. "There isn't one," she said.
"That one," Rob said, quickly. "The brown one."
The salesperson handed him the rat and it crawled up his arm and peed in his shirt pocket.
"It likes you," June said. She was smiling again.
"But shouldn't we get two? Didn't you say they get lonely? You pick one," he said. She got a little grey and white one. When they got them home, it jumped out of the box and hid behind the bookshelves.
Rob had to go work an evening shift at the second job he'd picked up because she wasn't working. He tried to call on his break but she didn't answer. He imagined her on the floor, sobbing, like she'd been the other day. The grey rat would have chewed through a plug-in or some wires and started a fire. She would be ashes, a blackened corpse, reeking of burnt meat when he got home. The apartment would have burned down, all of his things would be gone and he'd have to buy a suit for the funeral. He thought about going home early, but couldn't afford to lose the hours.
After work, the apartment was dark. She was in bed. The rats were in their cage, running around, playing. He stood in the livingroom, watching them for a little while.
He liked the way it added something to the darkness, or maybe took something away from it.
From the kitchen, he could smell chicken. There was a plate in the microwave. She hadn't made dinner for him when he worked late in weeks. Something dropped inside his stomach like a stone into water and he stood over the plate, microwave open, light spilling onto the floor; just staring, trying to take it in. There were sweet peas, his favorite, and mashed potatoes from a box. It was too much, he knew, to ever understand. All he could do was take it to the table, eat it, and be thankful.
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This was originally published online at Hobart.
As you know, CL, in my opinion, this is one of the best stories ever written.
I like the sweet humanity of this story
Thanks Susan. Wow, Jack. I appreciate that.
THAT is brilliant. What a great story. I like the bit about darkness especially.
Thanks Martha.
The salesperson handed him the rat and it crawled up his arm and peed in his shirt pocket. How else are you gonna say please take me home with you?
Exactly, Darryl.
Nice work, CL. Solid writing in this piece.
Thanks, Sam. I appreciate it.
Great cross-section of two lives. Like Susan said. Peace...
Thanks Linda.
Meg showed this to me some time ago...loved reading it again. I feel i know these people, the hopes, anxieties, search for comfort. THis line, so perfect: He liked the way it added something to the darkness, or maybe took something away from it.
Yes, that line about darkness that Doug brings up is just killer. I love the fragility of this story, of the characters as they dance around each other just trying to get through life. Nicely done.
A brilliant, quiet story, with all the right little details. The odors of the (imagined) burnt meat, and, later, the actual chicken. The casual slip of Rob's mind toward thoughts of catastrophe. This is exquisite.
LOVE this story.
Thanks everyone. I'm blown away by your kindness.
Wow. Just brilliant, CL. So much foreboding here, pulling you to this ending.
Very touching – wonderful story!
To echo others, that line about the darkness is just plain magic. The rats quietly living in the belly of the cage. Wow. Thanks for posting this.
It may not always be acceptable but it just takes a little something to fill the emptiness.
What a wonderful glimpse into the lives of June and Rob.
I love how this story doesn't scream desperation or want. It keeps it under some fine tuned control.