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Now Fox News is saying

514514 views22 comments11 fav

We were in love with the same disease.

This is What's Wrong with the World

513513 views55 comments22 favs

Everything's inflatable. Here we go. It's all plastic. Give it a rest, kid.You could say that I just want to enjoy nothing for now. But. Let's go ahead and buy into its precisely sealed with a rubber stamped kiss kind of survival rate statistic for…

there was a shameful attempt to steal fire and now the vultures always come for my livers and my God I Am sorry

513513 views11 comment11 fav

The Divine and merciful Understanding Calls out to me But let me not speak its name. You are an unworthy hearer And I am a secret-keeper, cunning With keen thoughts and prayers of swift Justice Single is our thought and act And when we pray we know not what it…

Pig Girl

512512 views6363 comments3939 favs

"In the camps we ate whatever garbage they gave us." This according to my mother. "We had no choice." But I had eaten pig with gusto at an anti-Semite's table. Somehow this had to be undone. Burial in soil was all I could imagine.

With Budgets Tight, Condos Dump Lawyers for Death Squads

512512 views00 comments00 favs

When informed that the hourly rate of Chloe Schultz, the lawyer who handles their collections would increase to $300 an hour, Mort Zucker said “I’m sorry--there’s no woman in Boston worth that kind of money with her clothes on.”

The Maximum Security Book Group

511511 views33 comments22 favs

"So what about this week's selection?" I ask cheerfully. "What did everybody think?" "I liked it!" says Liz. She always does--her tastes aren't very discriminating.

The Guidance Counselor

511511 views00 comments00 favs

He’d see them for fifteen minutes at a time, juniors and seniors, all day long. On their way out of the little town he’d come back to.

Among the Young Aesthetes

511511 views00 comments00 favs

I found him on the internet the other day, His air laconic, the beard now ashen grey.

Return to the Nudist Camp

511511 views88 comments55 favs

I know you probably don’t want to hear any more of this nudist stuff about my family and all, but this Reamer guy was a red-faced German boozehound if there ever was one. He married my brother’s ex-wife Beryl, after Harris left her to her cheap red jug wi

The Mutes

511511 views44 comments00 favs

She was deaf, but he was not; they both could sign.

Floating Just Floating

510510 views44 comments44 favs

He didn't know why he kept writing. There was no reason to write. People ceased reading. They played video games. They watched Netflix. They walked down crowded city streets staring at smartphones. He was sustained in some weird way by the momentum of writing. As if the…

Right Now You're Being So Sloshed{revisited}

509509 views22 comments22 favs

amongst the other gentlygathering flotsam up against my internal dictionary's borders. Doesn't matter much if the deed is life rushing itself through a tube that poured us out together like this, or just mutual need that…

Cherry of Menloves

509509 views11 comment11 fav

Miranda laughed. The cream of the retail industry laughed...

(lost love, and longing)

509509 views22 comments11 fav

As has happened many times in my life, I heard his voice in my sleep and I saw him, though only briefly. Over the years I have seen this man I thought was him clearly and known when he was in danger – a car wreck at twenty (I was correct on everything b

The Mid-Life Suburban Strip-Tease Crisis

509509 views44 comments00 favs

Once we’d mellowed from the wine, our little group of friends grew reflective. We started talking about our “bucket lists”–how we were going to spend the remainder of our years before we lapsed into senility.

The Pope of Rock 'n Roll

508508 views00 comments00 favs

Pope Leo XIII endorsed a cocaine-based drink and at the age of 90 sat in on “The Last Castrato, Complete Vatican Recordings.”


508508 views00 comments00 favs

Intimacy is safer in the dark.

The Great Pandemic Poem 2020

504504 views66 comments33 favs

First you had to have been there Because the air cleared up When the world stopped driving And the plants bloomed Bigger and brighter than we had ever Ever dreamed The sky was just a brilliant, pure Blue Like when God was born Now fo

Lips Like Oysters

504504 views1313 comments1010 favs

By the end of my Saturday night shift at the Oyster Bar I look like some kind of filthy nurse

Our Notorious Youth

502502 views22 comments11 fav

Our flesh was on fire like a flute with wind, or a little reed next to the dried river. I was like a voyeur whose heart was a sponge, brushing up against all that disturbed man. I was only and ever the flower of our notorious youth, aware of more than the

More Bands Than You Can Shake a Stick At

502502 views33 comments00 favs

Bands: Free Blankie My First Dustbuster Sledge Hammer Glove Compartment Hot Weather Lady Cattle Prod and the Punks The Cowpokes Poker Two Fingers In Occupy This Tidy Up Goal Keeper and The Kneecaps Leslie Sweet And The Kitchen

it was just like in a movie, they said

501501 views88 comments44 favs

Yeah, sort of

the night envelops me

501501 views55 comments33 favs

and light bleeds into the darkness

The Stalker

501501 views22 comments22 favs

I found Marty sitting out on a neighbor’s front porch across the street from his house, which was next door to mine. He was sort of crouched down, early one morning as I headed off to work at the paint factory down in West Berkeley. I wasn’t absolutely su

Meanwhile It Was Nuclear War

500500 views55 comments44 favs

“Whup!” he said, as a lorry pulled up in front. ¶ “Here’s your lorry.”

The Second Vulture Has Landed and It's Wearing Patagonia

499499 views11 comment11 fav

The first vulture became very aggressive and began eating carry-on luggage The second vulture has landed and it’s wearing Patagonia

Picking Strawberries

497497 views55 comments33 favs

Underneath the fence she picked strawberriesThey were nickle sizedand some were red, some were green and some with a littleof both/in between They came up from the ground in little patchesand sweetness could be smelled on the windAs the cloud cover came…

Night fear illusions

497497 views22 comments11 fav

Sometimes/in the middle of the night/awake under a panoply/as caustic as Doré/illustrating Dante

At the Cafe

496496 views22 comments11 fav

The light on his face from a lamp Felt hat with a black band Scrunched down The nose creating a strong shadow With dark, straight eyebrows under the hat Red and orange beard Leaning forward at the café table, watching A damp curl of ha

Blue/rings 7

496496 views00 comments00 favs

Blue Rings/Blurring