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questions, alas

750750 views11 comment11 fav

If in one instant of follie I plea to you What am I? would you then not ask yourselfwhat are We?Would you think maybe We are oneand I would ask to you my loveCan One, then, be transformed into Two? What is left of one after the sum?Can two be touched or…

Apollo (1/2 - sections 1 and 2)

750750 views22 comments11 fav

Apollo …

By the Way, I'm pg.

749749 views33 comments33 favs

Driving alone again across the U.S. I thought back on my first relationship. As I sd to my girlfriend, because I was always talking, Lynda, I sd, which was not her name, the darkness surrounds us, what can we do against it? Or


749749 views44 comments11 fav

As the torrent hit her, she felt her body slipping, sinking, and suddenly she didn’t know where the floor was in relation to her feet.

Here's my problem

749749 views00 comments00 favs

I was a reasonable two year old. I truly believe this to be the case. My memories are somewhat vague I will confess. My perception may be tainted by time and my spongy, misshapen Id, but everything I know matches with everything I have been told and it leads me to this…I…

My Brief Career as Sloganeer for HAP

749749 views55 comments33 favs

I needed a job. They needed a writer without humanistic moral qualms to create slogans for the Human Annihilation Project

Poppy Birds

749749 views11 comment11 fav

Addictive plants... attractive dancing...


749749 views00 comments00 favs

To be fair, I have to say I learned things from Lisa, certain things about sex and how to use my body effectively, to use what I had to the best effect, though it probably would have been true to say that about any girl who might have been the first girl

The Train

749749 views11 comment00 favs

On the train, with a bag full of books, All by the same person. That's what writing is. With each shudder bump my Head lags behind, and my eyes follow While the wandering shaky straight line Moves…

D. H. Lawrence of Suburbia

749749 views55 comments33 favs

He drives an Infiniti.

Woody met Louise

749749 views77 comments77 favs

Times were tough. They met out on the right-of-way on Highway 61 heading south, each trying to hitch a ride to New Orleans where they might find work. Albert walked up to her lugging a saxophone in a scuffed up case. Mamie had old cloth suitcase. After handshake bona fides…

Stop Short

748748 views00 comments00 favs

SoCo, Burnette's, Grey Goose, Bacardi. The good stuff. We drank Bill’s stuff because his parents were lawyers and loved to drink too. We just drank when everyone was asleep. Sometimes we’d invite our friends, or girls—but mostly it was just us. You could

Drunken Terrorists Act

748748 views99 comments44 favs

They asked each other at Court-suggested AA meetings: What can Texas do but throw us in jails already packed with low-life scum?


748748 views22 comments22 favs

His name was Gino. I’ll leave out the last name, not that I think it matters anymore. He came into my dad’s gas station on the near North side of Chicago to have work done on his fancy car. I was still a teenager. I accidentally opened the glove compartme

Who Was This Guy

748748 views55 comments55 favs

Luke and Diane sat at a round white table looking around the room. There were clusters of people forming an archipelago of cordial exchange and small talk. All but a few were strangers, friends and family of his sister-in-law Mary, now a widow, though the word sounded…

dancing in the theater of the soul

748748 views22 comments11 fav

It’s the audacious testicle dancing in its theater, isn’t it? Carrying the legendary names. The bad blood, the jealousy the heart retains, living again under its skin, rarely enlivened by one of its own. There was enough angel in you that we would g

Where Do You Get Your Poetic Inspiration?

747747 views00 comments00 favs

The only magazine Auden subscribed to was Scientific American, a publication I had previously scorned as the trade journal of pre-med students and Nobel Prize winners.


747747 views88 comments66 favs

The damp suspended/ in the air/ in a faint fog/ discourages coagulation.

I heard you were a drinker

747747 views44 comments00 favs

Once we got to my house, Lynda had everything drinkable in the house open and in everybody's hands before I knew it. She tossed down a bottle of my father's beer, then started on a bottle of whiskey that was open. She took a straight mouthful and offe

Soft Serve

747747 views22 comments22 favs

Smooth slope-topped plateaus Turn liquid as latex, With ridgelines of pearls That separate and run At the rigidly textured Patterned wafercone. Edible scepter, Its liquefying cap Is strictly temporary And mostly…

Why Is This Woman Smiling?

747747 views22 comments11 fav

I was at the doctor’s office They had a poster of the Mona Lisa and the caption underneath it read: “Why is this woman smiling?” Well, it wasn’t because she was over 50 and had yearly mammograms It was because she was 20 something

Ghost Dance

747747 views11 comment11 fav

Outside the lattice of snow suspended in the air comes with traces of the glitter that was in her hair.

Night Raid

747747 views22 comments00 favs

The president snapped awake at three AM. He realized he was a serial killer. Highly trained and equipped killers on his orders were summarily murdering thousands of raggedly dressed people in the name of Democracy.


747747 views00 comments11 fav

Cars like sardines / Fell asleep keggling

An Intelligent Woman's Guide to the Super Bowl

747747 views00 comments00 favs

You don’t want to get a reputation for being aloof by not joining in the fun at a Super Bowl party. What you need is verbal “gamesmanship,” a conversational technique that can be used to fend off the bores who make up the majority of communal football-wa

A Matter Of Convenience

747747 views00 comments00 favs

Every retailer within my five mile containment zone is consumed with my convenience. It is incredibly comforting, this suburban fixation with access, proximity, speed, and ubiquity. If Marx were hanging out in American subdivisions today, he would likely

In the Sand

746746 views00 comments00 favs

A man stood on the beach, looking out over the ocean. He watched his son practicing turns in his sailboat, and pushed his feet Under the warm sand. Above him someone flew a silent helicopter. "That's my son," the man was screaming even though there was no…

The Last Appearance of God

746746 views00 comments00 favs

Talking about the event years later, all of the observers agreed to a surprising extent on God's details. God was not an old man with a beard, nor a halo of light, nor a burning bush. God was an absence, a disruption of vision. When you looked right at Go

God Works Out of A Home Office

746746 views55 comments55 favs

with binoculars neighbor reads screen text:

rib envy

746746 views00 comments00 favs

Flowers I didn’t like God or else nature must have had some brief happiness over. But it’s just forgetfulness for an old goddess like me, goddess of the moon, of hunting, of chastity once, since now I have changed. My opened flowery bosom went on to bec