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Rush Hour

889889 views11 comment00 favs

All I need is a place to getaway from the rush hour worldThe crazy crazy rush hour worldA place to hide from the rush hour worldMy nerves are shot from the rush hour worldIn need a place to dream from the rush hour worldMy nerves can't take voices of the rush hour worldCars…

President Liz

889889 views77 comments66 favs

I fancy myself a spy. Unofficial official of the H. O. A. Super secret free agent agent of the Glenwood Homeowner's Association. Even the board is unaware of the work I do in their name, without the faintest utterance of their name. Only the highest of the high, the…

Flavor of Law

888888 views88 comments11 fav

It’s funny how white people are so reluctant to reveal their ignorance of hip-hop culture. “There are a number of robust on-line tools that can assign randomly-generated rap nicknames to members of the federal judiciary,” I told him.

Love of a Lifetime

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Love is easy when all is going well, but it is one of life’s profound, humbling lessons that few people love you enough to wipe your butt.

Junior League Therapy

888888 views55 comments44 favs

She laughed as she stuck up the word flaccid, it kept falling down

Falling from Grace

888888 views44 comments22 favs

Royce fell from Grace and landed in the fountain surrounding her pedestal. It wasn't the first time Royce had climbed the statue. It was the first time he'd been sober.

Downbound A

888888 views22 comments22 favs

Fall came early that year. The edge in the air wasn't just the cold, raw wind cutting down the street — the unity and collective embrace briefly shared after September 11th had faded. The weight from…


888888 views33 comments00 favs

this orient tide come occident: this roll of wreck and reckoned eyes that fathomless are found or made to find her keep within the tight shut shell in soundings deeper than the plumblined soul these western waves gone east: these…

Pictures of Mona

888888 views44 comments22 favs

Jersey's ex-girlfriend calls him on a Saturday in the fall and asks if he'll help her find her cat. She says it ran off on her while she was taking it for a walk in the park. He thinks for a second about asking her why she was taking a cat for a walk in the first…

The Woman Who Loved Water

888888 views1010 comments66 favs

I hear the woman upstairs running water. But that's incorrect. I should say the woman upstairs is running from water. She loves water. And water loves her. She loves cooking and doing dishes but especially running water. She runs water all day doing dishes, doing laundry…

Shenanigans 3 - Appreciation

888888 views33 comments00 favs

... if he planned to install them in their bedroom she would find them more than a little distracting.

black crescent curved under

888888 views33 comments11 fav

I hope my blonde down still beats in your heart, and the black crescent curved under, you will remember, and I would move toward your window where my own heart lay in a dish, with the thick valley lifting. Remember, I crossed and uncrossed my legs f

The Casual Writer Reconsiders His Dick

888888 views33 comments00 favs

The casual writer uses the work "dick" often. Other words for this appendage he finds pretentious, emasculating, or too much trouble to look up. A dick has simple motives. It is an agent of birth and death, a divining rod for the dark wet.

Geek Squad

888888 views66 comments66 favs

Big hair shoulder pads hell no.

Attraction and the Forge of God

888888 views33 comments33 favs

Being burned with a branding iron really hurts. Everyone must have voted for the Forge because next thing I knew there was only God on TV

The Flower

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In dimmed purple light, that day When the rain fell, Dissolved the textures of her face,

Even in the Same Room

888888 views66 comments44 favs

as you are, there's a big floating arm that separates both of us from each other. Widening, like a river, it touches us together often, but still keeps us drifting apart. The banks of your new life have different weeds and flowers…

A Dream History of Outer Space

888888 views66 comments66 favs

Look. There's just you and me, that's all that's left. All the rest of them had already given up a long, long time ago. They dropped their precious, colorful dreams like rusted railroad lanterns, like abandoned pumpkins, and littered the Twitching…

Snap, Crackle & Pop!

888888 views00 comments00 favs



888888 views22 comments11 fav

Tonight’s concert was called Desert.

The Amazing Adventures of Macro-Microbe

888888 views22 comments11 fav

Macro-Microbe parked his car and proceeded on foot, which was a misnomer because he had no feet. Typical for Manhattan, no one gave him a second glance except for a homeless woman who tried to sell him hand-sanitizer. Macro-Microbe locomoted himself insid

Swaying on This Articulation Until We Slow

887887 views33 comments33 favs

In Nebraska, I looked up from the flatness, to her face, then down to the page and saw this: Real people have joy.

The Exiled Realm

887887 views00 comments00 favs

destinies bring me to a damned desert

Be Careful What You Wish For

887887 views33 comments44 favs

I got my new dog today, a toy terrier, as advertised, from an online retailer, and printed him or her, I’m not sure which, because of an inherent glitch built into the system, on my new 3-D printer,

Shenanigans 1 : Lack of observation

887887 views22 comments00 favs

Keep it quick (and they usually did) and it was simple. Quick as the walk between their houses, from number 27 to number 33 (odd numbers only), and simple as the alibi.

Self-Mutilation on Rise Among Motivational Speakers

887887 views22 comments11 fav

Doreen takes Butchie’s hand, steadies it in the can opener, counts “One-two-three”–and slams the chrome handle down.

A Record Setting Year

887887 views33 comments22 favs

it felt fucking awesome at that moment, in that way only little things can feel huge and life affirming


887887 views77 comments44 favs

I like burning lavender on glowing charcoal and dancing hard, thinking about long futures and deep moments. I want to cry and then scream and I don't feel like cleaning up. If I can keep a rhythm going long enough,I think I can build…


887887 views00 comments00 favs

I think I have experienced this before: This fractal sigh upon the star-scarped floor, That makes this concrete mock of valley heath- Below the traffic lanterns at the door, Of frigid other flowers lovers ‘queath None but their eyes to.…


887887 views22 comments00 favs

Nothing came of the dust.