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Man On The Run

922922 views00 comments00 favs

Don't slow down, he said, time grows shorter every minute. So you pretended to stay young or cheated on your marriage or forgot to watch your children growing up, and still never found someone who could understand you.


922922 views88 comments77 favs

The musician’s wife had a roving eye. He didn't care. He liked being married to a wild and crazy woman.

The Blue Jay

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His mother hated blue jays, hated them with a passion she usually reserved for no-count trash who drank beer on their front steps and worked on their cars in the street.


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But in the dust bunny there was an equally relentless and sneaky foe. A brilliant General that silently marshaled its troops under tables and chairs, in obscure, shadowy corners, and along the unsuspecting flat surface of things.

lime shed

922922 views66 comments22 favs

purely fun, humane, scientific, old time religious experimentation

The Car

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A Night Ride With the Mobile Humor Police

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The intergenerational composition of many vacation rentals can lead to strife, as jokes that win laughs among the elderly fall flat on teen ears, and the satirical humor of adolescents is perceived by senior citizens as “flip”.

My Coyote

922922 views2020 comments1212 favs

I say her- it might be him-/ but from a distance I supply the details I prefer.

House Next Door

922922 views88 comments88 favs

It all began with me. I was first and for many years, the only.

Forgotten pictures

921921 views1212 comments66 favs

She thought she would be happy nowA new beginningA new lifeit wasn't to behe tore up all her nicememories

Yeah, He's Stoned

921921 views33 comments33 favs

He’s so stoned he’s in the zen zone, Which is just beyond the end zone.


921921 views33 comments11 fav

In one section of the map C climbs a staircase.

The Sound of Paper

921921 views33 comments00 favs

From the earth it erupts Growing longer, stronger, as the sun rises and sets Days and nights pass, bringing the wind, the rain, the moon, the stars A place of shelter it becomes


921921 views11 comment11 fav

You can tell Noah hates his job and stares off into space not thinking of birds or land anymore or the stars just that wide wide water that won’t go away and why in the vast flooded damned world he was the one w


921921 views00 comments00 favs

Adam, now Eve-less, stood before his most exquisite Bonsai, wallowing in the miseries of youth.Seth Gall has had work published in China, Canada, and the U.S. His work has appeared in Word Riot, SmokeLong Quarterly, and Nanoism. He is S.H. Gall in decomP…

Hello? It’s Me!

921921 views22 comments22 favs

But I surely did recognize Rayburn Moon; Rayburn and I dated for about five minutes back then

Kwaazy Wabbit

921921 views44 comments33 favs

destroy the day rip up the track jump in the water eat nothing but bugs

Politicouscous II

921921 views1111 comments55 favs

In which era was it not a scary world?/ Last century, the perils were both red and yellow/ after Jerry was undone. Now, they’re brown/ and cross, without respect, the Rio Grande

Once I get through this

921921 views33 comments33 favs

Once I get through this I'm going to start: daily yoga stretches; walking the dog all the way to the waterfall every morning; tossing out, unread, Saturday's ads so I don't think about going into Walmart to buy Stack-A-Shelves (assembly required). Hey, even…

Will There Be Cliff Notes?

921921 views22 comments22 favs

The new members were asked to stand up and say their names. One obnoxious, pushy woman from L.A. stood up and said, "Ama Torrent, and I'm an alcoholic." The roomful of people started murmuring. Suddenly a man in his late fifties shot out of his chai

Masquerade III

921921 views00 comments00 favs

. . . he's of mixed race. Along with European blood, he's got Mexican Indian and African blood. Here's the irony. He don't look nothing like a white European man but he thinks like one.

21st Century Living

921921 views55 comments55 favs

there should be a word for it.

Song: Three Good Hubcaps, music by Tom Casesa

921921 views22 comments22 favs

The Band Name Is The Concert

920920 views00 comments00 favs

We now bring to the stage ....


920920 views00 comments00 favs

gods aren’t going to help you son

The Solipsist Suffers

920920 views88 comments88 favs

I can confirm nothing/ but impressions of the world// that appear beyond my/ body’s reach.

Pretend Friend

920920 views55 comments11 fav

no rule says an imaginary friend has to be a good one

The Right Kind of Magic

920920 views55 comments66 favs

1. During the outpouring of our newly discovered grief oh how we danced, electrical, into oblivion, maybe once, twice. It was toall to be expected, but not everything you feel is always real. After all the dust may settle, but it…

Gomalco, Inc.

920920 views00 comments00 favs

“You've got to be kidding me. A robot?”, said Marge as she rotated in the chair at her desk. She removed the leaf of paper from the typewriter and set in down on the desk. She looked up at Parkins who was leaning against the wall nursing a cold cup of…

Five Million Yen: Chapter 64

920920 views22 comments11 fav

Mulvihill suspected, but could not prove, that the connection to all three murders and the three men was a painting