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950950 views33 comments33 favs

He chose her for the way she could, Eyes closed, nose to the air, Find her way North. North was where the wind stopped And held them in its grip, safe. Broken. He chose her for the way, fur against Her collar, she could coax seal…

Mom forgot her phone!

950950 views22 comments11 fav


Self-Medication to Lovecraftian Horror

950950 views33 comments11 fav

There is something preposterous / about existing in a universe so vast: / Such a big playground for such tiny children, /

There’s Just This

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Coupling—why did I say that? Who says that? I mean the clacking together of bones, the willful splitting of fine and tender skin.

Buddies to the End

950950 views66 comments55 favs

“Tell me how sad they are.”


950950 views66 comments77 favs

Lights of human occupation burn/ in patterns like the growth/ of a bacillus, lethal and prodigious,

Best blurb (pitch) -- and thanks, Sally and Prickly

950950 views1414 comments11 fav

The author's note explains...

Twilight, Nov. 07, 05:50am

950950 views66 comments44 favs

Light spreads its way across the sky like a drop of inkon dry cotton sheets:starts at one point and expandsas wind shufflesover bodies, seashoist your sailsand I'll throw this oneoverthe night can have itnowhear the waveshow they seem satisfiedwith their…

I'm Still Here

950950 views22 comments00 favs

During the night and in the fog of halfsleep Ben shifted and felt the weight of Miranda gone from him, the bed empty. In the quiet of the house he thought he heard a footstep and the soft shutting of a door, and as his eyes searched the dark he…

gravelortian part 14

950950 views33 comments22 favs

He was an old cat

Sing for Me

950950 views1010 comments33 favs

I am beginning to worry. There is something that they are not telling me. I am afraid that something bad is going to happen.

The Bison's Alimony

950950 views66 comments11 fav

The bison know a lot about Longfellow

Thanksgiving Carnage

950950 views33 comments33 favs

The game is set, thirty pound gobbler at the center; brined, browned, and buttered to perfection. The players take their places around the table: Reagan’s_Disciple and BraBurner38 sit at the head seats, eyeballing each other over a fizzing bottle of dom

The Threat of Distance

950950 views33 comments33 favs

The lone young man walking in the distance,/receding silently,

the long white cloud above my body

949949 views22 comments11 fav

Butter me up, moon lover. Remember, I was once your warm and hot goddess of flowers, washed to shore with the others you may have forgotten. Now the issue of the earth gets nearer, and we can see each other once again, if only in our dreams. Just be

Five Million Yen: Chapter 12

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It is not rough like most grappa, but smooth like good whisky. It removes all edges, freezes the tongue and erases the memory.


949949 views33 comments22 favs

They call me Curiosity and I am curious. I am also a robot. Please. Don't judge me. Robots are not all stupidly obedient, bubble headed twits with whirring gears, lithium batteries, and nanocrystalline electrodes. I have a temperature. I have self-monitoring…

Arcana Magi Pure Vol.7 - c.4

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Mayumi flicked her hand, making her circle deflect the spell. She picked up speed and her hand grabbed Emi.

Three Short Slips About Plants

949949 views44 comments33 favs

That twig looks pretty dead to me, He will never ever be a man.

Closest Living Relative

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Uncles. Cousins. Enos. No matter how loosely a net is woven, eventually the strands come together again.

The Stuffy Poet

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Getting up and reading his poem The stuffy poet sitting back down On the leather couch, which creaks under his weight After adjusting his narrow tie from the 1980’s The stuffy poet clearing his throat, twice, During an enemy’s reading The s


949949 views22 comments11 fav

Apocalyptica 1. the portent holds you while you try for solace in the bath anticipating the opened mouth the one that cannot close after and there is a knotting inside of joints and threads poised so delicately in the waiting …

Palinode for a Love That Failed

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Palinode: A poem written to retract something said in a prior poem.

The Fat Girl

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She never leaves her desk, but food appears like magic.

Out of Vegas

949949 views44 comments33 favs

Whatever it is, the night vibe feeds off that disadvantage, nibbles at the desperation of those who come here.

What We Talk About When We Talk About Photosynthesis

949949 views55 comments22 favs

Minimalist/realist short-story writer Raymond Carver was fired from his job as an editor of science textbooks because of his inappropriate writing style.

Shenanigans 4: mutual and selective congratulation

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" ... that’s a seriously good result for an opening night."

The Weight of a Gun

949949 views44 comments33 favs

The first time I ever held a gun, I was three years old...

Nothing to Worry About

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The boss has a serious problem--he's too nice for his own good.


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I drink the funeral in a dream. I give satisfaction in voice overs.