by TJ Skarbo
I head out the door into
Blustery cold winds
Walking to my start mark
I begin…
Expecting in moments
To hear the regular symphony
Of anatomies brilliant
Then I realize
In my haste
I have been thoughtless
It will exact a price…
In my quickened frenzy
To acknowledge the call
Of the ocean and the
Break in the rain…
I have forgotten to
Wake you gently
With gentle caressing
Now you have risen
In confusion
And shriek at the
Sudden betrayal…
Pain ignites your visage
And radiates up
Slowing my pace
The gait becomes awkward…
Not at all what we have
Become accustomed
The grace has fled
The work begun…
I am amazed at what
My folly has created
This monster that robs
My breath…
How could it infuse
Such poison; fatigue
When we have known
Such strength…
I round the corner
Thankful for the
Sight of the homebound
At the light I bend
And rub you
The light is then in
Our favor
And we begin
Only this time
Something is different
You have let go of your
And coaxed the fire
From my thighs
I focus all my attention
On you and the litter ahead…
Eminem greets us
On our flight down the hill
And it is like I am skiing
The black asphalt…
My soles leave the black
Gold untouched
Never have we experienced
Such bliss…
It seems the symphony
Has decided
That the show
Must go on…
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