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No Lions or Tigers, Thank Goodness

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I scrambled back a bit and found my feet after untangling them from my trekking poles. Really should have dropped those when this all started. The bear lunged at me with his teeth and I just barely dodged to the left to avoid getting something bitten of


978978 views22 comments11 fav

The artist with fork and trowel. The paint; soil, seed, seedling or plug.

another ode

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the strength in you i envy/ leaves me naked, sweating in the dust/ while you possess what ethic i pretend to have/ in the face of those who expect from me/ so much more.

Easy Rider

978978 views66 comments55 favs

She stood there with her back to me and her dress around her ankles.

One Thousand Incarnations and One Thousand Deaths - Part II

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The door flew open, hitting the wall, and the woman seated in the corner across from her pressed herself against the bench. Loretta saw that down through her petticoats came a trickle of yellow liquid, which pooled on the floor.

rag water echo

978978 views22 comments11 fav

It was in the good and strange middle spring and the rain kept announcing itself on the doorsteps and the railings of the town. As it bounced off of infrastructure and the top of eighteen wheeled trucks, rather than die little deaths, the drops found their way into the…

Last Stop To Dream

978978 views44 comments11 fav

This time is different. The dream doesn’t continue with endless walking.

Year End Closeout: Buy One, Get Seven Free.

978978 views88 comments66 favs

It’s not that cold but the cold that is/ penetrates layered cloth and soft skin/ to chill the blood in its capillaries


978978 views55 comments44 favs

There I saw a man Lowering his head Close to the plate And just wolfing down His cake And that was all he ate It was like Solace He was enjoying it So much

Philip Guston, Painting, Smoking, Eating

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As far as I can tell, all he eats is wedges of cake from the plate on top of his blanket as he lies there in bed, smoking cigarettes and staring up at the painting of a pile of shoes. Or else this is a real pile of shoes building up beside the

The Reward of Work is Harder Work

978978 views1010 comments88 favs

If you stop, you starve// and they just offer what you do/ to others, starved already,/ and schooled, as you, in servitude.

Intimate Dialogues - "Ledge"

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It was a mildly windy day of the working week in the financial district of the city—the bright morning sun was out—when a security guard was called to the fifteenth floor to deal with a disruption. “This way.” Someone pointed to a desk. At the desk

Crossing Over

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Joan's biospy showed the cancer had come back. Instead of preparing herself for chemo, she booked us plane tickets to the Galapagos. “Death can wait another ten days,” she said.

My Resolutions for YOU In 2014

978978 views33 comments22 favs

Every year I make New Year's resolutions and every year I break them. So this year, I'm trying something different -- resolutions for other people. Hey world -- here are the changes I'd like to see YOU make in 2014(1) Cell phone owners: No more blathering on your cell in…


978978 views55 comments33 favs

Well, now it has fallen away some but I felt better about it when it was raging

Jonestown on a Global Scale

978978 views88 comments55 favs

Picture it-/ air not clogged with the shit// that makes Beijing the dark joke/ of the developed world.


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The night before, his dad had stumbled in drunk and beat his mother. John had covered his ears with his pillow to block out their screams.

Arcana Magi Zero Arc 3 - c.4

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Alysia stretched her left hand out at Kurai, and the electricity connected with her fingertips like beacon.


978978 views99 comments44 favs

My dad / always had a fondness for Raleigh’s kind of loss

When John Fell(Second Revised Version)

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"I still believe in love."--John Lennon It was war of the ancient order come to the farthest shore at last. No one leaves this world without an arrow through his heart. Why should I lie to you now? We all fight the truth in…

Native to Afghanistan

978978 views44 comments33 favs

Your father's remembrance and memorial would be inappropriate for me to attend. never mind the truth the searing…


977977 views11 comment00 favs

Before they ever spoke, Linda and Meg had sat next to each other in the cramped lecture hall for three weeks, their thighs touching, while Dr. Laurens showed slides of ancient Japanese art. Meg's eyes never left the screen, but Linda glanced at her as often as she…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 48

977977 views66 comments33 favs

If you shoot at them now, it'll be attempted murder or, worse, premeditated murder.

An Open Letter To Lance Armstrong

977977 views00 comments00 favs

When I get my legs pumping, I’ll pop a spoke if I'm not careful. Massive fucking energy! And all that fat I was talking about? I don’t even really have that much of it, any of it really. My body fat is like one percent, which the doctors tell me isn’t

Lady in the Cave

977977 views33 comments22 favs

Life strikes another blow and away I go: back to the cave to sleep, read, write, dream, soothed by rocking chair therapy, spend hours on hours looking at photo memories, lighting incense and candles, crying, howling out the injustices smothering me. …

In Real Life

977977 views22 comments00 favs

I’m starting to feel more interested in my savings account.


977977 views44 comments44 favs

You go out on a night with no moon, when all the stars are flush in the sky, when all of everything, even you, is just a shadow moving softly, and I swear, you can hear it, if you listen hard enough. The music. It’s like it’s coming from under the ground.

Old Haunts

977977 views11 comment22 favs

“Why do you write filth?” they howl

Our Last Tea Party

977977 views00 comments00 favs

It’s the Tea, stupid. Drink up.

Up Front

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He almost died, but hasn’t been this much alive ever.