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No Exit

996996 views88 comments66 favs

The bar was packed. Fascinated, Tom watched the shenanigans going on around him.

my apartment needs more culture

996996 views00 comments00 favs

the first night we visited/ i stepped on a splinter/ while walking to the car/ and half-limped back,/ hiding a wince.


996996 views22 comments11 fav

I remembered because the man took us to see the horses. I didn't see something that set off a series of memories. I only saw the stables and the moon sitting pensively below the firmament. I looked at these and there was spaciousness between the moon and the stables and…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Coda

996996 views44 comments22 favs

—Man, what a tearjerker way to end an interview, said Ben.

Trot fast, my dapple gray!

996996 views22 comments11 fav

It was night. It was Massachusetts. It was an interview in a snowstorm that Detective Vivian Diaz wished would go away.

Violet Hour

996996 views55 comments22 favs

“My name is Violet,” I add. I am trying to stop lying. Going without cigarettes has been easier.

tiny thoughts

996996 views2525 comments1212 favs

what if I die?

Mickey and Harriet

996996 views00 comments00 favs

  Ellie's got two parrots. She owns the house down the block to the left where the golf club owner fixes her grounds and garage because he can't stop working on his vacation. You'd think he…


996996 views44 comments44 favs

It began the night my parents took my brother and I to see The Vikings at the drive-in and the trailer for The Girl Can't Help It came on the screen, introduced by the completely acceptable Tom Ewell, which the folks could swallow, he was one of them, but as soon as…

Deifying Gravity

995995 views22 comments22 favs

This gravity thing, I reckon, is enamored with me. It loves me so much that it has fettered me with itself.


995995 views00 comments11 fav

I told him that the beehive he had for a brain was overpopulated and that he couldn’t seem to go for one minute without desperately thinking that I was going to leave him when I’m sure I gave him no evidence to that effect at all

Dreams Bright White Smash

995995 views00 comments00 favs

She was there then gone then there again. We were naked and wet and touching, she let me touch her, but she didn't want to be there. But she was, despite herself. It was my dream. You can go if you want. …

The 0th Parallel

995995 views22 comments00 favs

These are the days you wish would never end.

Into the Mirror

995995 views22 comments00 favs

Her eyes still fixed on him as if to whisper her concerns of fidelity.

Double Vision

995995 views33 comments22 favs

To conceive of them separated was unthinkable to every wet-eyed soul at the burial.

The Funeral

995995 views11 comment11 fav

There aren’t requirements, only expectations. I’m writing this, because, at the time it happened it seemed strange to me. People might think I’m writing because now, it makes sense, right? It doesn’t, I’ll tell you that much. I’ll also tell you what i

50 Minute Fight

995995 views11 comment00 favs

Snap! Dylan’s arms flung forward as the rod bent toward the ocean. “Holy God! What did I snag?

Lake Erie on a Monday Night

995995 views11 comment00 favs

As if I should have expected better of it.

like rain

995995 views44 comments44 favs

This is your mystery, your story Full of beauty and all-encompassing loveA brushstroke washes the canvas cleanYou start over with a new directionDreaming of me as you paint your wordsWriting just like Keats, Shelley and BrontëAbout sorrow, rain and the wheels of passion

The Writing Class

995995 views88 comments77 favs

I ask if anyone has a poem or a story they would like to read. Everybody's hand shoots up.

Stump the Nuns!

995995 views00 comments00 favs

“It's a combination of ‘Survivor' and ‘College Bowl' says Sister Mary Agnesita, the show's host. “We take four very strict nuns and match them up with boys who were cut-ups in their grade school classes."

Unconfirmed Revelation Vouchsafed by Paris

995995 views22 comments00 favs

Poets die every day but are seldom in position to put the experience to literary merit.

The Treehouse

995995 views11 comment11 fav

I noticed Sean changed after his grounding. We no longer played night soldiers around the block, no longer biked to the creek to catch crayfish he'd crush with his boots. Sean stopped hunting lizards, stopped charging smaller kids toll to pass…


995995 views55 comments11 fav

For those of you who come quickly as darts in black atmosphere, a bittersweet half. I'd like to be forgiven, for these thoughts which racket my insides, a tennis ball of occupancy. This yielding of song: a sip: sorting my business through the shield. No way of bartering the…

Lost Among the Consonants

995995 views44 comments33 favs

I'm writing our initials in black sharpie on the tunnel wall. There's already people who have come before me, hundreds of pairs of Qs and As and hearts in the middle, through a small hole in the brick I can hear the French accents, spinning through, a reminder that I am…

This Old Man

995995 views22 comments00 favs

“Have I told you this one before?” I can’t think of one he hasn’t told me, but saying so won’t stop him. I fire up the FreeCell game, put the phone on speaker, and pour a tumbler of chardonnay.

The Phosphorescent French Fry

994994 views00 comments00 favs

She's speaking again, this time in whispers. Her head is shrinking in on itself. If there is a way to save her I'm not aware of it.

Shovels and Honeysuckles

994994 views22 comments11 fav

When she would leave my pillows still smelled like her. I would just inhale her for hours afterwards, sex and honeysuckles.

Swords of Rome

994994 views00 comments00 favs

Rome and Carthage wage war as Hannibal crosses the Alps and invades Italy. With him, he brings an army of barbarian hordes hellbent on reducing Rome to ash. For one young Roman soldier, Gaius, he is trapped between his loyalties to the republic, and to hi

heart-shaped stones

994994 views1515 comments99 favs

heart-shaped stones love, devotion no way