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Commotion with Coffee

10341034 views33 comments33 favs

The retired, widowed receptionist slapped one hand to the base of her throat with a gasp . . .

The Shrink

10341034 views1010 comments55 favs

Did they do it in pairs or all at the same time?

Abra Cadaver

10341034 views1616 comments1313 favs

The body is an endless safari filled with rhino sightings and encounters with antelope.


10341034 views22 comments11 fav

Shut up.You shut up.That's disgusting.You should talk.Fuck off.Fuck me.whore.Yes.More.Shut up.

A Martyr

10341034 views1111 comments33 favs

I've written of this and I've written of that, Have scriven as you have it either that or this: But if you strive against the wind when you decide to piss, They say, you'll find up firing against your hat- Like some old Brother who was broiled when…

Friday Out

10341034 views11 comment33 favs

Seeing her in black / with his arm around her / from the other side / of a glass door. / He gave her a beer. / She might’ve been thirsty, / uncomfortable.

Grandfather Clock

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On a cold November afternoon I stood in the foyer of Sampson and Sons funeral home and paced silently back and forth across the purple carpet. They have that deep pile and rich color of carpeting that you only really see in a small town…

Sailor's Visa

10341034 views33 comments00 favs

He's got a rager for Casablanca, the old Bogart and Bergman classic. I can't snap him out of it.

Father's Day

10341034 views1010 comments77 favs

“What do you want for Father's Day?” she asks. “Sex,” he says, his mouth curling at the corners, “and a bottle of Shiraz.” …

Three in a Major Key

10341034 views2424 comments1212 favs

One can watch the grass green/ in response. One can watch the world green/ in response.

On the Way To

10341034 views22 comments22 favs

Robbie’s wrists itched hard, the cord was sunk in so tight his hands were bordering now on blue, now purple. Too late to matter.

In the Pink Distance

10341034 views66 comments44 favs

in the pink distance / a boy in a corduroy shirt / sits before an upended electrical spindle / and drinks a vodka gimlet

We Must Save Ourselves

10341034 views22 comments22 favs

We Must Save Ourselves I'm looking for my savior on subways, Is he this man pushing half himself On a skate board, from car to car, Singing I have no Legs, I have no Legs, I'm looking for my savior in coffee shops Of…

What You Get

10341034 views22 comments11 fav

In moving crowds I plan to break you.

Bubble Rap Blues

10341034 views55 comments00 favs

"The Chinese don't have no Mardy Grah, bitch."

"you: the size of"

10341034 views44 comments44 favs

The face is made of cracks that move with and from what it witnesses. When I let a thought out, your face cracks too, kind of dramatically. I didn't mean to share it, you press about it though. I think of everyone else who has cracked or cracked someone else and it doesn't…

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 35

10341034 views44 comments22 favs

I visited his loft last week. There were many exciting new pictures. Francesco was your main money earner before, now he will be again.

Good Belongs to You

10341034 views22 comments11 fav

I hope you enjoyed the celebration last night. Good things always come to you. I thought your family would never go home. I didn't get to sleep this morning until 2:59, although I had set my alarm to 6:10. I didn't want you to miss your plane. At daybreak,…

A Not-For-Kids Dream That All Boys Have

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The room turns red and I start screaming and ejaculating. The whole class is watching as Mr.Smith slams down my copy of the test with his right hand and swiftly tears off my penis with his left.

Decision Mountain

10341034 views77 comments66 favs

For decades the land the village sat on had switched its allegiance between two countries.

The Tale Of Lys

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Even the old medicine woman seemed to grin with a perverted sort of understanding when she opened the door to find Lys waiting outside. She was comfortable nowhere and ready to flee at any moment.

Untitled (from Postcards from a Railway Station)

10341034 views44 comments22 favs

As the silence starts gashing I decide it's the moment to take all my thoughts for a walk; To a sound like a million lightbulbs shutting their fuses I resume my view, Across the sun-strobe streets with blind nightlamps; the safflower sun is lopped on its stalk …

Going the Way of the Dodo

10341034 views66 comments22 favs

her expressive sigh releasing. Sated. The last of our kind, evolving flightless we remain on the ground, culling through corpulent consumption.

Food, Marcia, Food!

10341034 views44 comments44 favs

Marcia Get a load of This I got two pictures Of food Of food Marcia You're gonna Love it Look at this I got one Of just the salt and Pepper shaker God You're gonna Love this

Imagining the Reading as Effacement

10341034 views88 comments66 favs

What the spaces say// can be heard in the short/ and longer silences

Knott Travel

10331033 views22 comments00 favs

The next post card was of gondolas in Venice. “Have never not enjoyed ourselves less,” wrote Sylvia. “Sylvia can be hard to please,” said Angelynn. “Those boats could use a coat of paint,” I said.

It's May. Enjoy Yourself!

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May is National Masturbation Month. How do I know? My pal Senior Sex Expert Joan Price is not only vigorously celebrating, but doing everything she can to spread the word.“I'm on it!” I assured her when she told me. “Thanks.”…

Nora and Paul at the Coffeeshop

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The woman tapped a dark plastic stirrer on the tabletop in front of her to emphasize something she was saying.

M. Nerveux Chronicles: Toad Suffers a Bad Business

10331033 views77 comments88 favs

Herr Toad smokin'

Delusions Well-Hid from Myself

10331033 views33 comments33 favs

Today, I am almost entirely self-coincidental, though I still feel a lag lurking somewhere.