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Arcana Magi Memorial Vol.5 - c.2

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Azure was overwhelmed by white everywhere. Her eyes lost focus when she looked at the colors of Miri’s outfit, even her clothes.

Above the River's Edge

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On the plains there are no cliffs, no vast mountain ranges to persuade us that we were somewhere above the world. Yearning to escape the pull of the Earth was the big dream of a plains boy…


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The tiles begin inching toward him as soon as he moves. You've seen filings on glass. He's the magnet on the underside.

On Women

11091109 views44 comments11 fav

She was prepared

Afternoon Chores

11091109 views66 comments22 favs

She is trying to quit—nasty habit this smoking. Still, this is the only time she lets herself smoke these days: Laundry day.


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the carnival ride hurtles the spinning man over canyons of light and barkers & streams of cotton candy girls

The next hour

11091109 views66 comments44 favs

I allow myself one hour every two weeks. Devoting 335 of my 336 hours to her and the kids is beyond dutiful.


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Locked at the highest rung Unable to budge at all

Absinthe Drinking in a Bar in Paris

11091109 views22 comments00 favs

Half past six; already, through the gloom Saltwater flourish sifts from wharfs that ply Their play like girls that haunt the midnight's womb, As far it seems as walks of Barbary. Within the bar, French waitresses and sots Play dice with time awhile and rub…

Bigfoot Walks into a Bar

11091109 views33 comments22 favs

Some claimed seeing him that first time in the grocery store staring in at the pints of Haagen-Dazs, his breath fogging the glass as his head rested against the heavy freezer doors, stinking in his Sasquatch suit. The second time he was…


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At first we thought we could get by using honey so we all stormed the SuperMart and cleaned the shelves out of Suzie Bee Honey. First the jars and then the squeeze bottles, but it wasn't the same. Then Mary Sue yelled out “How about brown sugar?”…

Someplace Else

11091109 views33 comments11 fav

Flish flash, flish flash, flicker of triangle lights. As he deparks, I say, “See that girl?” She crosses at the stop sign with blond hair flip, flash of white teeth: rips cookie from wrapper, drops wrapper on ground. “I bought her a…

Valhalla After Dark

11091109 views22 comments00 favs

In traffic I cry bloody murder, but my bloodlust subsides once I'm in Valhalla. Chip Whitehead wants to see me on the 22nd floor before I start my shift. Charlie and the other suits have been looking at me funny since I sent Chip a memo suggesting the recession…

Chancing the Moonglow

11081108 views77 comments77 favs

It's become sort of a habit now when Elsie's husband is away on business two or three times a month that we take the afternoon off and drive nine miles across the river to Marginalia, Arkansas and the Moonglow Motel with its red, neon vacancy sign and although to some, two…

A Babe in the Mirror and Another in the Woods

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“Would you look at that one!” my father said. “Who did she know?” my mother asked. “Who did she blow?” my father said loudly, and burst out laughing. I laughed too, although I didn't know why. My mother shot him one

two little water molecules

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away into a gale then sleet he gurgled with eddie the pike till he yearned and twirled the oracle of spider gloss till he slipped alone into the sky to find her in a violet rain they splat together back to back on the rail in the rumbling tumbl

Ferdinand Gets Married

11081108 views88 comments33 favs

You have the right to be happy

After Eliot

11081108 views55 comments22 favs

Her breath was on me

Haiku for Jogging

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Haiku for Jogging

The Amber Sea

11081108 views22 comments00 favs

There is no life here, only a bleak slab of frozen desert and a sorrowful wind that calls for me to venture out.

The Judge's Wife Part 9

11081108 views88 comments44 favs

Suddenly something clicked.

Pit Stop

11081108 views1212 comments44 favs

I was more annoyed at the scream, the icy air around us and our eventual destination–his parents, the club, small talk, all that drunken insignia.

On Desire

11081108 views22 comments22 favs

For two days his parents had been fighting, and they would tell him to tell the other one something every morning that was supposed to be some sort of slight at their personal failings, which had been inflamed by their twenty years of marriage.

Professor Einstein's Living Proof (an excerpt)

11081108 views22 comments22 favs

Light “I can escape the feeling of complicity in it only by speaking out.” The professor arrives on time, sockless. The former a sign of his polite upbringing. The latter, his lack of pretense and high …

Let's Walk This Dog

11081108 views22 comments11 fav

if you don't quiver with anticipation you'll barely manage to explode

Broken Vase

11081108 views66 comments11 fav

Once was when we were in Vegas on layover from L.A., I told her I thought we should go to the Elvis Chapel and get remarried.


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Lottie was a slim, fine looking woman. But Dale thought her breast implants were the worst case of overkill he had ever seen.

Frida wonders if there’s a better way

11081108 views1313 comments66 favs

She’s changed leaves to emeralds. Worn a shawl of inked birds’ wings.

Love Tracer

11081108 views77 comments44 favs

(2:56 a.m.): "Hi it's Charlie it's Pat at 4:00 in the morning my time. I just wanna tell you that I wouldn't mind getting him in bed with you the rest of my life."

Falling Towards Oblivion Avenue

11081108 views1414 comments77 favs

At some point, you care/ just enough to wake each morning,