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Double or Nothing

11551155 views33 comments44 favs

Wednesdays were humiliating. Third graders had to bring in twenty-five cents for class dues. If you forgot, the teacher would write your name on the board and it would stay there until you settled your debt. My family could afford the weekly quarter; the problem was…

John & Jackie

11551155 views00 comments00 favs

By the time I learned how much I loved my family, I was 3 years and eight-hundred miles away from them

One of Them

11551155 views33 comments00 favs

Who the hell wasn’t aware by now? What about prostate cancer awareness? One out of six men got prostate cancer, but you didn’t hear them whining. They weren’t waving blue ribbons in your face.

Sagacious Abridgment

11551155 views99 comments22 favs

A cloudy autumn morning greeted Sean as he stepped from the trolley at Grand Central Station. On his way to the tracks he purchased a copy of The New York Times dated October 24, 1934.

Any Given Recent Day

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Ten-year-old Bobby Akins learned that a shotgun shell struck on its brass end with a hammer can indeed take out the left eye of an eight-year-old brother observing the proceedings close by.

I Can't Complain

11551155 views77 comments77 favs

To tell the truth, I can’t complain. Look, lots of people have it tough. I don’t have it tough...

In Your Dreams

11551155 views1212 comments1010 favs

What did it mean? What would a psychologist say? Oh, who cares. In my opinion, we ask why, what, when, where, and how too often.

When The Conversation Ends

11551155 views22 comments11 fav

It was a strange mood, unfamiliar, not one of her usual “I'm busy wrestling with my personal demons” type of moods. She'd been steeped in it all day and I, like a shipwrecked victim reaching out for any piece of flotsam…

Dream Girl

11551155 views88 comments66 favs

There was something wrong with this picture. Was he the man she had slept with last night?

The Interview

11551155 views44 comments33 favs

What follows is an interview George Bush gave to Barbara Walters in 2006. He came off like something out of a swamp. Dick Cheney made them deep-six the tapes and we never saw it on prime time. I got the transcript, however,…

There is a woman

11551155 views88 comments33 favs

There is


11551155 views77 comments33 favs

I sat in the dark, mashing damp sand like clumps of brown sugar into my palm while the heavy Gulf air blew my hair into ropes. Sometimes I worried that I was unable to need people, but, as much as the thought upset me, I couldn't make myself truly want t

Party at my Place

11551155 views77 comments22 favs

My vagina invites you to a party Whenever your time frees up Or now, Now would be better


11551155 views33 comments11 fav

It's always dark. You catch me by the wrist just as the ferris wheel starts up again and pull my shoulder out of its socket towards you. I resist, feigning hatred and pain, but I don't feel anything except your hand on my arm hot and scalding lighting my skin, a…


11551155 views55 comments11 fav

He was choking on the fumes.

How It Went Bad With Horsepen

11551155 views1313 comments1010 favs

You should never have believed your daddy when he said a man with half a dog was better off than a man with no dog at all.

The Man who was followed by butterflies

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They hovered and darted but, after a while, they seemed to be always around him. Lapping at him like the mellow waves that stroked the muddy bank.

Two poems

11541154 views33 comments22 favs

I cut myself. Often. The bloodslice like thin lips parted/in prayer. life’s color drained to ashen/as the old world spins, pirouettes/like a circus dog on the back/of a galloping horse.


11541154 views1919 comments99 favs

One moustache hair at moustache level on a filmy bathroom mirror. A red velvet spread on a big round bed. Dear Ma: We saw a bearded lady.


11541154 views44 comments22 favs

i saw a sign and it read A PERSON THAT IS MEAN TO THE WAITER IS A MEAN PERSON i thought of you with your high cheekbones, the sense of entitlement unparalleled, the superiority complex that hid much you had a gig and it had probably…

The Purple Prose of Cario

11541154 views33 comments33 favs

I contemplate the words that did not make it; the lost ones. The words deprived of their moment in the sun. These words. These words that are not part of the story.

True Vocation

11541154 views11 comment11 fav

After lunch it's vocal coaching: shrieking, screaming, crying Oh-my-God!-Oh-my-God!-Oh-my-God!, panting and face fanning. Next it's ‘situational training', where we pretend to be audience members on real talk shows and practice everything we've learned th

Past Imperfect, Future Imperfect

11541154 views1919 comments88 favs

A proper study of human history should lead the student to an inescapable desire to commit suicide

Low On the Hog

11541154 views66 comments22 favs

Living lower on the hog than anticipated lower on the hog than previously expected lower on the hog than desired Living on the underside of the hog belly pretty much bouncing on the ground beneath the aforementioned hog belly Living clos

Begonia {part ten}

11541154 views00 comments00 favs

You may be wondering, as is only natural, about the designated husband of our dear Princess.

At the Cafe

11541154 views77 comments77 favs

The light on his face from a lamp, felt hat with a black band scrunched down, the light on his face as though thrown there, the nose creating a strong shadow, with dark, straight eyebrows under the hat, red and orange beard. Leaning forwar

Mount Baldy

11541154 views33 comments22 favs

The most beautiful possible thing is to deprive all places of their meanings.

The Alarm

11541154 views00 comments00 favs

Harris Tobiasharristob@gmail.comThe Alarm A terrible clanging in the middle of the night roused me from my bed. I put on some clothes and hurried into the street there to mingle with my bleary eyed neighbors. At first we thought it was a fire but there was…

Snatch 7 (come 11)

11541154 views88 comments66 favs

...the scream and the face...

Father Dunne's School for Wayward Boys #1

11531153 views1717 comments99 favs

A young girl wavering between celibacy and punk mother-lust despair came to visit us each night