by Jerry Ratch
I ain't your kissing cousin
That's pretty plain to see
Baby, keep your pretty lips
Far away from me
I ain't your kissing cousin
That's pretty plain to see
You're really very pretty
Come kiss me and we'll see
We don't live in a barnyard
Or in the Ozark hills
I need to set you straight
Quit giving me the chills
I'm not your pig in a wallow
Sucking down some swill
Don't start kissing everything
But kiss me if you will
Cause I ain't your kissing cousin
That's pretty plain to see
Baby, keep your pretty lips
Far away from me
O lord my pretty mama
It's best if you leave now
We need to leave the barnyard
I'm like a kissing cow
Keep them lips away from me
And I do mean far
So, so far away from me
Till I get to the bar
I'm climbing in my car now
I'm ready to say bye
Forget this barnyard wallow
I'm kissing in the sky
Cause I ain't your kissing cousin
That's pretty plain to see
Baby, keep your pretty lips
Far away from me
Though I ain't your kissing cousin
That's pretty plain to see
You're really very pretty
Come kiss away with me
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song - copyright (c) 2016 by Jerry Ratch. registered with ASCAP. music available by Austin Hurst and Elliot Aronson.
Oooooweee! *
"I'm not your pig in a wallow
Sucking down some swill
Don't start kissing everything
But kiss me if you will"
A Surrealist country song.
I got the bass line. *
I want to see the video.
If you send me your regular email, I can send the video. It's a working version of about half of it.