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Arcana Magi Pure Vol.2 - c.2

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The sound built up, louder and louder causing birds and insects to fly into the air. Then it stopped.

Love in the Time of Ebola

11611161 views99 comments99 favs

Me: In my orange hazmat, the one that makes my eyes look intensely blue.Him: His flexi-human-hamster ball. Fun, but a bit informal for a first date, I think.We're outside because doorways are not easy for him. After some impromptu rounds of bumper balls on the square, he…

Assiduity Ten

11611161 views1010 comments66 favs

I'm using a 16mm motion picture camera with sound on film, equipped with a magazine holding six hundred feet, giving me approximately fifteen minutes of continuous shooting. Uzma has changed her cloths again. She's dressed for working in the garden, wearing a white…

Everything You've Got

11611161 views66 comments55 favs

I reach into my pocket for my keys and discover the cough drops Iput there a week ago have melted. Now my fingers are sticky. And I don’t have my keys.

black friday

11611161 views33 comments11 fav

She is laughing, watching me spit out a mouthful of seaweed. It's a soft kind of laugh: small gasps between small sounds of her eyes closed, curling with the corners of her mouth. Her left eye curls a little less, closes a little more than it did when she laughed a year…

yearning for you

11611161 views44 comments33 favs

beauty and love at first sight and this seemingly endless desire washes and cleans my soul and makes me feel weak

The People We Like

11611161 views44 comments22 favs

How hard it is to pretend to be someone else. Alone, together, in the silence... I thought about how you must really like me to act quite like that. I wanted to hold your hand and read the unsent love letters.

The Edge of the World

11611161 views22 comments11 fav

I am far from home, wherever that is.

Charles the Bold Signs His Name

11611161 views44 comments22 favs

Charles the Bold is holding a pen.

Peanut Time

11611161 views66 comments22 favs

A peanut, who knoweth

Word Burglar

11611161 views55 comments33 favs

Oh my god - A plagiarizing pony - I know someone must have said that before


11611161 views1010 comments11 fav

Her preferred post-coital activity is to pant, to suck in air with urgent greed.

Thursday at the Office

11611161 views11 comment22 favs

David looked at the plaque sitting on top of his computer monitor and wondered if he’d even touched it since he’d placed it there. He picked it up and brushed off six years’ worth of dust into the wastebasket on top of the mustard-stained sandwich wrappe

Waitress Hopping

11611161 views33 comments33 favs

Or, today, when early summer sweated the long pants off every woman under the age of thirty. Did I notice the way you looked at them for one, two, three seconds; then didn't, partial to short-shorts. It was sly how you kept them in your line of sight, alm

Seven Forever

11611161 views77 comments77 favs

It was my fault.

Amends '82: Part Two

11611161 views00 comments00 favs

Bobby took one out and looked at the date. "July 1965. Does that mean anything to you, Ma? Carla, T.J.?" Bobby handed the paper to my mother. "Why don't you spread it out on the counter to see if you can find something that he might have wanted…

The Animal Cracker Incident (Part 1)

11611161 views00 comments00 favs

Do I feel good about any of that? Not really. But I seem to find myself asking over and over again, why should I care? That's something that's never happened before. But I'd be lying if I didn't say I kind of liked it.

A Story About You

11611161 views44 comments22 favs

“I wrote a story about you today.”


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She seems to be demanding someone donate to her a beard. No one has gone any further with this, and the electricity of her song about beards, listing, growing more undulant, crescendos.

Hardware Store Tour

11611161 views1515 comments1010 favs

The Plaza had a chess-board floor, green wood booths, and the lights stayed up. I might be combining a memory of Fitzie's in Binghamton. The Plaza felt like a preppy soda fountain with beer.


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“Again,” Danny said, and I hit him with everything I had until I was out of breath and it was his turn to hit me. We did this three, four, five days in a row, took the weekend to admire our bruises and heal a little, and then on Monday we were back up th

Girl Friends

11611161 views00 comments00 favs

Two women grab a table near a window in a coffee shop. Outside, the sky is the color of dulled aluminum. It is early spring and pollen assaults the air with a tint of sulfur.


11601160 views44 comments22 favs

He could smell the vestiges of alcohol on his folks. They’d let him stay up till midnight to mark the new year, and his mother had sneaked him a taste of her whisky. He remembered now what she’d last said before sending him off to bed, how strange it soun

Tales from the fictionaut Fave Side

11601160 views55 comments33 favs

Into the bowl I put Tales from the Crypt, The Far Side and an episode of Numbers. Wisked for a moment, then let the dough rise.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 31

11601160 views55 comments44 favs

I was always bi-polar. I didn’t realize it was a mental illness until my divorce lawyer had the court order a psychiatric analysis.

Five Million Yen: Chapter 58

11601160 views44 comments22 favs

Anatoly Gringovitch was listening to the dress rehearsal of Hausenstockmann’s Constellations at Auditorium Rainier III in Monte Carlo.

The Garden Heaters Of Kilburn

11601160 views22 comments00 favs

when women’s hair shrinks into tight curly balls and sits on top of their heads like scrunches of wool, blowing in the wind, hanging from the mouths of recently shot deer.

My dark job history

11601160 views55 comments33 favs

Sometime in the late 60s when I was thirteen I had this paper route for the San Mateo Times.

The Creator of the Nipple

11601160 views66 comments22 favs

Speaking of stiff nipples, I heard you once wanted to become a painter, because of your fondness for nipples. Feeling like Gauguin and his little Polynesian women/girls, are we? So, you're going to try to out-paint God, are you, Mr. Sistine Chapel of the

The Temptress

11601160 views00 comments00 favs

My mystery woman smiles a hidden smile through her mask, and attempts to seduce me with her eyes. She says not a word, but brings up her hand and beckons me with the classic one finger curl that says, “Come hither.” Her eyes make promises, and she turns: