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A Game of Dodge Ball

11931193 views22 comments22 favs

Mo Dean woke up sober. And tired. Tired of life, of soiled pants, rash, vomit, and whiskey sweat. Tired of holes in his pockets and blisters on his feet, of hanging signs asking for dimes and getting only pennies. And most of all, tired of the police.

One Thousand Incarnations and One Thousand Deaths - Part I

11931193 views44 comments11 fav

She heard mortar fire, whose percussive power rose above the tapping typewriter keys. A perspiration of terror broke on Loretta’s brow, under her arms. Then suddenly, the whistling of shells.

West Side of the Tracks

11931193 views99 comments22 favs

The bus heads west on Route 36, toward the next stop – Howell, New Jersey. After driving ten minutes, and after crossing the tracks, the bus gets a flat.

Final Phases of a Secret Love

11931193 views55 comments55 favs

I keep my love for you in me, / like the egg of a worm,

A Leaf For Instance is Only a Green Enough Calling Card(A Valentine)for Someone if You Care to Mail It

11931193 views99 comments44 favs

Because you alone must know how to make a smile shine at me and be like the sun, I can only feel its warm and coolish colors becoming that perfectly deepened yellow then on to the red if you please that makes a shy kind of blue out of day. That…

Today the Smell of Worms and Wet Pennies

11931193 views00 comments00 favs

Martin Heidegger wore hearing protection out on the tarmac at JFK. The runways were broad and he danced and leapt with the freedom of a Cats performer while he guided planes to the terminal.

When it Gets Dark

11931193 views33 comments11 fav

The world—the natural world—was terrible and beautiful in wartime. The leaves shuddered off trees. The pockmarked fields. The fallen brick chimneys. The way the birds heaved together in enormous flocks like rescue missions and then just as…

from Presence

11931193 views55 comments44 favs

facts are facets are / things in the act // the truth speaks softly // as time saying amber / to the enduring sap // words come and go / like leaves like men // we the tree remain ...

Book of Forgetting

11931193 views99 comments55 favs

To make your own, obtain a book with blank pages. Collect materials; postcards, photographs, magazines. Make rules to determine what you do with them. Write things down. Make other rules to determine whether you write in the book or on pieces of paper


11931193 views11 comment11 fav

King's splendid stronghold Pressing down the earth below Broken by the grass

yet mo bands

11931193 views1010 comments99 favs

Doofus National Puppet Radio Total Bogascity Sex Cowards Mein Kampfire Boner Hyperventilate Sewer Video Rats Psychic Umbrella Fire Your Psychic! Tender Brisket Megatrouser Puzzlement University Housecoats Fuchsia Big Ass Dawn

The Dark

11931193 views66 comments44 favs

Outlined against the thinly layered darkness of the room, there is a silhouette of a small boy with his feet pulled up to the chin, failing to hold its own against the thousand stares from the deep violating the stillness of his room, their long familiarity with the…

Two More Poems

11931193 views66 comments77 favs

1. Weeds of the World (Unite!) We invade the invaders and they invade us, these little Blooming weeds. They raise five flowers and let them blow Into the winds like sheets of stars. All of us Steer by their turning tide. All of us will eventually …


11931193 views22 comments22 favs

Her wrinkles came into focus, the sort of old woman's face photographed for coffee tables and art galleries and corporate boardrooms, for prize juries and grant selection committees, and Luc searched his formidable memory for an exact match. Over the long, tedious…


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She was now sitting in her bathtub. The warmth of the water made her pale, rich vanilla skin flushed with the fullness of circulation as her pores continued to allow the passage of her toxins from her system.

Snatch XII

11931193 views1616 comments1111 favs

No. No. No.

Six Down

11931193 views22 comments22 favs

“You own your own burial plot, but you don't own your home,” he'd said, and I couldn't help but agree.


11931193 views44 comments22 favs

They leaned against the hood of his pickup, which sat heavy on its wheels, the back of it filled with the things that he’d held out of the yard sale three days earlier. “When’re you leaving?” she asked. “Early. Get on down the road. Shut ’er down ea


11931193 views33 comments11 fav

I am calling to tell you what’s going to happen tomorrow.

If I Felt

11921192 views1111 comments55 favs

If I felt like reading a book then I would read a book

Looney Tunes

11921192 views66 comments44 favs

I put my arms around her and whisper to her while she plays the piano. She wiggles and tells me to stop it.

The Day Nixon Died

11921192 views1111 comments88 favs

"I remember thinking, 'Good.'

Year End Closeout

11921192 views1818 comments1010 favs

At some point, indifference// will swallow the small gasps./ The appalling will become the norm.


11921192 views77 comments77 favs

I can barely pick out the numbers on the houses

Make Out Party

11921192 views66 comments66 favs

He begins talking about string theory. He reels me back in, from the dinosaurs to the infinite, human evolution and alternate dimensions, until it makes so little sense that everything makes sense.

Liebe Grüße

11921192 views22 comments00 favs

Left, I see parkland and cyclists and sun. Right: picnic blankets, naked men and lunchtime assignations.


11921192 views1313 comments1212 favs

Today I'm feeling fertilized by an egg—

Text Adventure

11921192 views55 comments33 favs

Twenty-two tornadoes tore through Toronto, spiraling steel and stone to the streets where she stood, texting her best friend.

Caprice Classic

11921192 views22 comments00 favs

A cloud of light, white smoke floated out of the driver’s side window. Nate and Zach sat on the front bench seat, talked, and puffed away. “Breath in and say Mom is coming,” said Zach.

Roy and Ray

11921192 views55 comments22 favs

Roy Carver owned a big tire retreading outfit over on the Mississippi.